Veena Malik: 'Nude pose' Pakistani model asks "why is sexuality such a big problem?" ayaz bilawala , fhm india , indian fhm , kabeer sharma , malik mohammad aslam , mohammad asif , veena malik , veena malik nude
Veena Malik (Pic: Getty Images)
Veena Malik (Pic: Getty Images)
Veena Malik, the Pakistani model and actress at the centre of a storm about allegations that she posed nude for a men's magazine, has strongly defended the images and questioned why acknowledging sexuality is such an issue.
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Speaking to the BBC World Have Your Say programme earlier today, she said: "If you look at the industry which I am working right now, there are various examples of such shoots - it's not that I am the first one who has done it.
"Why is sexuality such a big problem? Are we actually grown up? Are we still living in the jungles?"
Click here for 'Veena Malik: 12 things you need to know about Pakistani model caught up in FHM India 'nude pose' storm'
Click here for 'Veena Malik: Watch behind the scenes video of Pakistani model's sexy photo shoot'
Ms Malik's lawyer, Ayaz Bilawala, has denied the nude cover photo was authentic and that she was wearing underwear throughout the entire shoot.
He has demanded all copies of the magazine be removed from news-stands and is suing for £1.3 million in damages.
Veena Malik bares it all for FHM (Pic: / FHM India December 2011 Issue)
Other reports suggest that the internationally-franchised magazine is seeking damages of 250 million rupees against the controversial star.
Regarding the images concerned, Malik claimed she was not paid for the shoot – although she did clarify defiantly that it was "topless" but not nude.
"If you look at my shoot, I do admit that I have done a topless shoot," she said.
"But it was not that topless - a proportion of the body was covered with my hands.
"I liked the idea of a bold shoot, but I did not do a nude shoot - that's why I am standing here today, because I have to prove it."
She added: "I won't allow anybody to remove my bikini or my shalwar (loose trousers) or my dupatta (scarf).
"If I want to do it, I will do it myself. And if I do it, I will own it."
A man reads a copy the December issue of FHM India (Pic: AP)
A man peruses a copy of the controversial December issue of FHM India (Pic: AP)
Maintaining that "there's a difference between wearing a bikini and not wearing anything", Malik also replied to suggestions that she had been "so excited" about the shoot.
"That was not the first shoot which I have done in my life that I was so excited or something" she contended.
"That is part of my job."
A man displays a copy the December issue of FHM India, where Veena Malik was the cover story (Pic: AP)
A man displays a copy the December issue of FHM India, where Veena Malik was the cover story (Pic: AP)
And asked about reports that she has been disowned by her father, Malik insisted that she would win her family over.
"My father is angry. I did not speak to him.
"They are my family and I love them.... Once I have won this case I will go back to my family and convince them."
Veena Malik (Pic: YouTube)
Veena Malik (Pic: Getty Images)
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Howe Nude| Cheri Howell Nude| Margaret Howell Nude| Stacy Howell Nude| Erin Howie Nude| Louise Howitt Nude| Nicki Howorth Nude| Maysie Hoy Nude| Carol Hoyt Nude| Petra Hrebícková Nude| Zuzana Hrubes Nude| Markéta Hrubesová Nude| Anna Hruby Nude| Olja Hrustic Nude| Chun Hsiang Nude| Jade Hsu Nude| Vivian Hsu Nude| Ching Hu Nude| Kelly Hu Nude| Ling Hu Nude| Ashleigh Hubbard Nude| Sophie Huber Nude| Amy Huberman Nude| Katyna Huberman Nude| Season Hubley Nude| Nicole Huc Nude| Priscilla Huckleberry Nude| Holly Huddleston Nude| Kelly Huddleston Nude| Kate Hudson Nude| Mary Hudson Nude| Stephanie Hudson Nude| Laura Hudspeth Nude| Niki Huey Nude| Karina Huff Nude| Felicity Huffman Nude| Kim Huffman Nude| Ann Margaret Hughes Nude| Carmelita Hughes Nude| Julie Hughes Nude| Kristina Hughes Nude| Megan Hughes Nude| Sharon Hughes Nude| Wendy Hughes Nude| Yolanda Hughes-Heying Nude| Marceline Hugot Nude| Hui-Dan Hui Nude| Jin Hui-Kyung Nude| Leticia Huijara Nude| Sarah Huling Nude| Alisa Ann Hull Nude| Ann Hull Nude| Dianne Hull Nude| Anouck Hulsbergen Nude| Mazerinné Hulskamp Nude| Mary-Margaret Humes Nude| Ali Humiston Nude| Hollie L. Hummel Nude| Lisbeth Hummel Nude| Julia Hummer Nude| Renée Humphrey Nude| Symone Humphris Nude| Christine Hung Nude| Yvonne Yung Hung Nude| Angela Hunkeler Nude| Tally Hunkins Nude| Angela Nicole Hunt Nude| Helen Hunt Nude| Leslie Hunt Nude| Marsha A. Hunt Nude| Arline Hunter Nude| Brooke Hunter Nude| Chloe Hunter Nude| Debra Hunter Nude| Heather Hunter Nude| Holly Hunter Nude| Kaki Hunter Nude| Kiara Hunter Nude| Zoe Hunter Lee Nude| Neith Hunter Nude| Nikki Hunter Nude| Rachel Hunter Nude| Robyn Hunter Nude| Hillary Hunting Nude| Annie Huntley Nude| Leslie Huntly Nude| Isabelle Huppert Nude| Michelle Hurd Nude| Elizabeth Hurley Nude| Kelly S. Hurley Nude| Veronica Hurnick Nude| Faith Hurt Nude| Mary Beth Hurt Nude| Paloma Hurtado Nude| Alana Husband Nude| Olivia Hussey Nude| Becah Husted Nude| Anjelica Huston Nude| Eleanor Hutchins Nude| Kelly Hutchinson Nude| Tracy Hutchinson Nude| Anna Hutchison Nude| Michelle Hutchison Nude| Tracy Hutson Nude| Lauren Hutton Nude| Linda Hutton Nude| Lisa Huynh Nude| Theresa Hübchen Nude| Kimberly Hyde Nude| Robyn Hyden Nude| Kim Hye-Su Nude| Sandra Hüller Nude| Jessica Hynes Nude| Emily Hynnek Nude| Nadja Hüpscher Nude| Joyce Hyser Nude| Therese Hämer Nude| Andrea Händler Nude| Donata Höffer Nude| Mavie Hörbiger Nude| Judith Delphine Hörsch Nude| Roxana Iancu Nude| Valarie Ianniello Nude| Samara Ibanez Nude| Mirta Ibarra Nude| Maria Ibey Nude| Miwako Ichikawa Nude| Sana Ichimiya Nude| Chrissy Iddon Nude| Gerri Idol Nude| Estefania Iglesias Nude| Izza Ignacio Nude| Leona Igoe Nude| Naoko Iijima Nude| Momo Iizawa Nude| Reiko Ike Nude| Chizuru Ikewaki Nude| Laura Ilica Nude| Tanya Ilieva Nude| Isabelle Illiers Nude| Illona Nude| Elis Imboden Nude| Deirdre Imershein Nude| Celia Imrie Nude| Kathy Imrie Nude| Miyu Inaba Nude| Francesca Inaudi Nude| Jennifer Inch Nude| Sonia Infante Nude| Randi Ingerman Nude| Amy Ingersoll Nude| Marissa Ingrasci Nude| Frankie Ingrassia Nude| Liana Iniesta Nude| Wiebke Inn Nude| Elizabeth Innes Nude| Annie Shizuka Inoh Nude| Harumi Inoue Nude| Naoko Inoue Nude| Renee Intlekofer Nude| Eva Ionesco Nude| Angelica Ippolito Nude| Jill Ireland Nude| Kylie Ireland Nude| Heidi Iro Nude| Sabine Ironheart Nude| Irina Irvine Nude| Susan Irvine Nude| Amy Irving Nude| Penny Irving Nude| January Isaac Nude| Isabella Nude| Katharine Isabelle Nude| Merima Isakovic Nude| Tammy Isbell Nude| Kuniko Ishii Nude| Sayoko Ishii Nude| Moe Ishikawa Nude| Emiko Ishizuka Nude| Raven Isis Nude| Claudia Islas Nude| Giselle Itié Nude| Ayumi Ito Nude| Kiyomi Ito Nude| Kiyomi Ito Nude| Michie Ito Nude| Mariko Itsuki Nude| Itziar Ituño Nude| Nina Ivanisin Nude| Nives Ivankovic Nude| Analía Ivars Nude| Dana Ivgy Nude| Saori Iwama Nude| Wera Iwanischin Nude| Kalau Iwaoka Nude| Larissa Iwlewa Nude| María Izquierdo Nude| Cay Izumi Nude| Jessie J Nude| Spicy J Nude| Zayda J Nude| Angela Jackson Nude| Anna Jackson Nude| Gina Jackson Nude| Glenda Jackson Nude| Janet Jackson Nude| Sheri Jackson Nude| Sherry Jackson Nude| Tiana Jackson Nude| Victoria Jackson Nude| Amelia Jackson-Gray Nude| Irène Jacob Nude| Jennifer Jacob Nude| Katerina Jacob Nude| Doreen Jacobi Nude| Elki Jacobs Nude| Emma Jacobs Nude| Gillian Jacobs Nude| Melissa Jacobs Nude| Samantha Jacobs Nude| Jill Jacobson Nude| Pauline Jacquard Nude| Jennie Jacques Nude| Stephanie Jacquinot Nude| Scilla Jacu Nude| Jade Nude| Kendra Jade Nude| Ha Jae-young Nude| Elizabeth A. Jaeger Nude| Shirley Jaffe Nude| Melissa Jaffer Nude| Sakina Jaffrey Nude| Susanne Jagd Nude| Angelika Jager Nude| Bianca Jagger Nude| Alexa Jago Nude| Natalie Jain Nude| Brenda James Nude| Carole James Nude| Danielle James Nude| Eleanor James Nude| Elizabeth James Nude| Heather James Nude| Hope James Nude| Lynnili James Nude| Madeleine James Nude| Pell James Nude| Pepita Full James Nude| Stephanie James Nude| Tailor James Nude| Tanya James Nude| Vanessa James Nude| Jeannie Michelle Jameson Nude| Jenna Jameson Nude| Jodie Jameson Nude| Mylene Jampanoi Nude| Krystyna Janda Nude| Dominika Jandlová Nude| Eli Jane Nude| Jesse Jane Nude| Jin-Young Jang Nude| Mi-ru Jang Nude| Janie Nude| Silvia Janisch Nude| Carrie Janisse Nude| Isa Jank Nude| Lisa Marie Janke Nude| Jadwiga Jankowska-Ciesla Nude| Allison Janney Nude| Véronique Jannot Nude| Famke Janssen Nude| Gina Janssen Nude| Marlene Janssen Nude| Mai Jansson Nude| Isabella Jantz Nude| Samantha Janus Nude| Agnès Jaoui Nude| Camille Japy Nude| Brandy Jaques Nude| Indre Jaraite Nude| Petra Jared Nude| Blanka Jarosova Nude| Margot Jarrousse Nude| Katie Jarvis Nude| Jasae Nude| Basia Jasinski Nude| Chona Jason Nude| Jassie Nude| Patricia Javier Nude| Saïda Jawad Nude| Andrea Jaxxx Nude| Kelly Jaye Nude| Jessica Jaymes Nude| Christiane Jean Nude| Erica Jean Nude| Liberty Jean Nude| Jeanne Nude| Anaïs Jeanneret Nude| Sonja Jeannine Nude| Michelle Jeanpierre Nude| Joanna Jedrejek Nude| Sylvia Jefferies Nude| Juliette Jeffers Nude| Elke Jeinsen Nude| Claudia-Sofie Jelinek Nude| Eva Jenícková Nude| Kate Jenkin Nude| Rebecca Jenkins Nude| Sam Jenkins Nude| Jenna Nude| Jenne Nude| Corinne Jenner Nude| Lucinda Jenney Nude| Jennifer Nude| Claudia Jennings Nude| Julia Jennings Nude| Patrice Jennings Nude| Rita Jenrette Nude| Salome Jens Nude| Anne-Marie Jensen Nude| Beate Jensen Nude| Jane Jensen Nude| Jelena Jensen Nude| Kandice Jensen Nude| Maren Jensen Nude| Randee Lynne Jensen Nude| Jenteal Nude| Julia Jentsch Nude| Do-yeon Jeon Nude| Mi-seon Jeon Nude| Luz María Jerez Nude| Vanessa Jeri Nude| Butch Jerinic Nude| Nora Jesse Nude| Jessel Nude| Jessica Nude| Sarah Jessie Nude| Caroline Jett Nude| Jewel Nude| Roxy Jezel Nude| Su-won Ji Nude| Wu Ji-eun Nude| Kim Ji-hyun Nude| Yang Jialing Nude| Angie Jibaja Nude| Joyce Jillson Nude| Gladys Jimenez Nude| Joyce Jimenez Nude| Lucía Jiménez Nude| Michiko Jimenez Nude| Anna Jimskaia Nude| Jae-yeong Jin Nude| Mickey Jines Nude| Marie Jinno Nude| Zuzana Jiran Nude| Asami Jô Nude| Eun-ji Jo Nude| Hye-yeong Jo Nude| Maria Jo Nude| Odette Joannidis Nude| Marlène Jobert Nude| Valerie Jodorowsky Nude| JoeLean Nude| Linda Johanesen Nude| Heidi Johanningmeier Nude| Scarlett Johansson Nude| Azizi Johari Nude| Maxine John Nude| Tylyn John Nude| Tracy Camilla Johns Nude| Coco Johnsen Nude| Abbie Deanne Johnson Nude| Adrienne-Joi Johnson Nude| Amy Jo Johnson Nude| Anne-Marie Johnson Nude| Beverly Johnson Nude| Brooke Johnson Nude| Carmel Johnson Nude| Caroline Key Johnson Nude| Diane Johnson Nude| Katy Marie Johnson Nude| Kimberly Johnson Nude| Laura Johnson Nude| Linda Johnson Nude| Marcia Johnson Nude| Melody Johnson Nude| Michelle Johnson Nude| Penny Johnson Nude| Rebecca Johnson Nude| Sandy Johnson Nude| Sara Johnson Nude| Starina Johnson Nude| Sunny Johnson Nude| Terri Johnson Nude| Victoria Lynn Johnson Nude| Alena Johnston Nude| Ali Johnston Nude| Jo Johnston Nude| Kennedy Johnston Nude| Kerry Johnston Nude| Marisa Johnston Nude| Melissa Johnston Nude| Michelle Johnston Nude| Taryn Johnston Nude| Nahanni Johnstone Nude| Marilyn Joi Nude| Amylia Joiner Nude| Jojo Nude| Justine Joli Nude| Amélie Jolie Nude| Angelina Jolie Nude| Ginger Jolie Nude| Jenaveve Jolie Nude| Lisa Joliffe-Andoh Nude| Isabelle Joly Nude| Andrea Jonasson Nude| Ashley Jones Nude| Carrie Jones Nude| Casey Jones Nude| Charlene Jones Nude| Diana Jones Nude| Diane Jones Nude| Dot Jones Nude| Felicity Jones Nude| Gemma Jones Nude| Georgia Jones Nude| Gillian Jones Nude| Grace Jones Nude| Heather Jay Jones Nude| Jake-Ann Jones Nude| Janet Jones Nude| January Jones Nude| Jocelyn Jones Nude| Josephine Jacqueline Jones Nude| Julia Jones Nude| Kasey L. Jones Nude| Katie Jones Nude| Ladonna Jones Nude| Mandana Jones Nude| Marilyn Jones Nude| Melissa Jones Nude| Michelle Jones Nude| Norma Jean Jones Nude| Priscilla Jones Nude| Ronica Jones Nude| Shawnee Free Jones Nude| Shelly Jones Nude| Sue Jones Nude| Tamala Jones Nude| Sue Jones-Davies Nude| Misa Jôno Nude| Adél Jordán Nude| Chris Jordan Nude| Emily Jordan Nude| Erika Jordan Nude| Jessica Jordan Nude| Katie Jordan Nude| Laura Jordan Nude| Marsha Jordan Nude| Raquel Jordan Nude| Rhoda Jordan Nude| Riley Jordan Nude| Shay Jordan Nude| Sydney Jordan Nude| Vera Jordanova Nude| Kandeyce Jorden Nude| Marie Claude Joseph Nude| Eryn Joslyn Nude| Elena Joukova-Douglas Nude| Gina Jourard Nude| Catherine Jourdan Nude| Dominique Journet Nude| Anne Jousset Nude| Annie Jouzier Nude| Abigail Jovan Nude| Arly Jover Nude| Milla Jovovich Nude| Davina Joy Nude| Helene Joy Nude| Barbara Joyce Nude| Lana Joyce Nude| Lisa Joyce Nude| Michelle Joyner Nude| Alice Jubert Nude| Ashley Judd Nude| Julie Judd Nude| Janet Julian Nude| Yolande Julian Nude| Sandra Julien Nude| Julissa Nude| Miranda July Nude| Joanna Jung Nude| Ki-Min Jung Nude| Vanessa Jung Nude| Iris Junik Nude| María Jurado Nude| Raika Juri Nude| Melita Jurisic Nude| Katherine Justice Nude| Melissa Justin Nude| Terri Juston Nude| Sylwia Juszczak Nude| Franziska Jünger Nude| Carmen Jäckel Nude| Julia Jäger Nude| Yvette Jørgensen Nude| Sabine Kaack Nude| Olga Kabo Nude| Klaudia Kaca Nude| Nadia Kaci Nude| Jane Kaczmarek Nude| Katarzyna Kaczmarek Nude| Jana Kaderabkova Nude| Charlotte Kady Nude| Elena Kagan Nude| Yukie Kagawa Nude| Megumi Kagurazaka Nude| Harumi Kai Nude| Kina Kai Nude| Teanara Kai Nude| Vanessa Kai Nude| Elizabeth Kaitan Nude| Meiko Kaji Nude| Bianca Kajlich Nude| Anna Kalaitzidou Nude| Alaina Kalanj Nude| Kalassu Nude| Toni Kalem Nude| Paula Kalenberg Nude| Kristi-Lee Kalendra Nude| Pascale Kalensky Nude| Alina Kaley Nude| Anna Kalina Nude| Mindy Kaling Nude| Maria Kalinina Nude| Sarah Kalla Nude| Victoria Kallay Nude| Marina Kalogirou Nude| Lenka Kalousová Nude| Alexandra Kalweit Nude| Pia Kamakahi Nude| Joni Kamen Nude| Susana Kamini Nude| Dorota Kaminska Nude| Anna Kaminskaia Nude| Dana Kaminski Nude| Salome Kammer Nude| Alexandra Kamp Nude| Akiko Kana Nude| Melina Kanakaredes Nude| Anna Kanakis Nude| Vasiliki Kanakis-Roussi Nude| Amiko Kanaya Nude| Misaki Kanda Nude| Brenda Kane Nude| Carol Kane Nude| Jackie Kane Nude| Kathleen Kane Nude| Kimberly Kane Nude| Nikki Kane Nude| Shannon Kane Nude| Sharon Kane Nude| Hye-jeong Kang Nude| Kyeong-heon Kang Nude| Aleksandra Kaniak Nude| Asami Kanno Nude| Mizuki Kanno Nude| Yui Kano Nude| Joanna Kanska Nude| Ivana Kansy Nude| Eri Kanuma Nude| Sakurako Kaoru Nude| Dimple Kapadia Nude| Mary Kapper Nude| Heidi Kappler Nude| Valérie Kaprisky Nude| Mitzi Kapture Nude| Amara Karan Nude| Mirjana Karanovic Nude| Setsuko Karasuma Nude| May Karasun Nude| Kim Kardashian Nude| Kourtney Kardashian Nude| Anna Karin Nude| Anna Karina Nude| Sonja Karina Nude| Viktoria Karina Nude| Olga Karlatos Nude| Melize Karlge Nude| Åsa Karlin Nude| Hanna María Karlsdóttir Nude| Maia Cathrine Stien Karlsen Nude| Lena Karlsson Nude| Janice Karman Nude| Jessica Karr Nude| Marcia Karr Nude| Katy Karrenbauer Nude| Sabine Karsenti Nude| Nathalie Karsenty Nude| Claudia Karvan Nude| Ursula Karven Nude| Reiko Kasahara Nude| Anne Kasprik Nude| Ewa Kasprzyk Nude| Lux Kassidy Nude| Katja Kassin Nude| Aline Kassman Nude| Franca Kastein Nude| Daphna Kastner Nude| Nikola Kastner Nude| Sasa Kastoura Nude| Kasumi Nude| Kyo Kasumi Nude| Reiko Kataoka Nude| Yumiko Katayama Nude| Anna Katerina Nude| Kimberley Kates Nude| Camelia Kath Nude| Stana Katic Nude| Lena Katina Nude| Rosanne Katon Nude| Haruko Katou Nude| Katsuni Nude| Mayako Katsuragi Nude| Elizabeth Katz Nude| Stephanie Katz Nude| Kitty Katzu Nude| Diana Kauffman Nude| Christine Kaufmann Nude| Deborah Kaufmann Nude| Gracia-Maria Kaus Nude| Maria Kavardjikova Nude| Yu Kawai Nude| Maiko Kawakami Nude| Aiko Kawamura Nude| Chisato Kawamura Nude| Shiori Kawamura Nude| Emi Kawana Nude| Megu Kawashima Nude| Megumi Kawashima Nude| Naomi Kawashima Nude| Anita Kay Nude| Cheryl Kay Nude| Karin Kay Nude| Marysia Kay Nude| Sibylla Kay Nude| Vanessa Kay Nude| Berivan Kaya Nude| Natsuko Kayama Nude| Bevin Kaye Nude| Caren Kaye Nude| Celia Kaye Nude| Suzy Kaye Nude| Wendy Kaye Nude| Clarissa Kaye-Mason Nude| Kaylynn Nude| Yuki Kazamatsuri Nude| Alexandra Kazan Nude| Lainie Kazan Nude| Zoe Kazan Nude| Natividad Ríos Kearsley Nude| Camille Keaton Nude| Diane Keaton Nude| Ele Keats Nude| Liya Kebede Nude| Trudi Jo Marie Keck Nude| Maureen Kedes Nude| Anne Keel Nude| Ryan Keely Nude| Diane Keen Nude| Monica Keena Nude| Camille Keenan Nude| Hayley Keenan Nude| Barbara Keene Nude| Catherine Keener Nude| Elizabeth Keener Nude| Anne Kehler Nude| Desiree Kehoe Nude| Janet Tracy Keijser Nude| Claire Keim Nude| Keisha Nude| Sibel Kekilli Nude| Cassie Keller Nude| Christine Keller Nude| Clara Keller Nude| Diane Keller Nude| Lisa Keller Nude| Marthe Keller Nude| Melissa Keller Nude| Sally Kellerman Nude| Kimberly Kelley Nude| Marjie Kelley Nude| Sheila Kelley Nude| Stephanie Kellner Nude| Denise Kellogg Nude| Christine Kelly Nude| Diane Kelly Nude| Elizabeth Kelly Nude| Erin Kelly Nude| Heather Kelly Nude| Hilary Kelly Nude| Jill Kelly Nude| Joy Kelly Nude| Lisa Robin Kelly Nude| Moira Kelly Nude| Paula Kelly Nude| Robyn Kelly Nude| Shannon Kelly Nude| Sharon Kelly Nude| Slaine Kelly Nude| Tracey Kelly Nude| Tracy Kelly Nude| Barbara Kelsch Nude| Kelsey Nude| Rachael Kemery Nude| Severina Kamugisha Kemirimbe Nude| Elizabeth Kemp Nude| Glenda Kemp Nude| Joni Kempner Nude| Friederike Kempter Nude| Alex Kendall Nude| Katherine Kendall Nude| Florina Kendrick Nude| Kira Kener Nude| Cheryl Kennard Nude| Jacqueline Kennedy Nude| Jayne Kennedy Nude| Jessica Parker Kennedy Nude| Sheila Kennedy Nude| Keala Kennelly Nude| Kerri Kenney Nude| Patsy Kensit Nude| Briony Kent Nude| Sharon Kent Nude| Carol Kentish Nude| Linda Kenton Nude| Leila Kenzle Nude| Vica Kerekes Nude| Kitty Kéri Nude| Roxanne Kernohan Nude| Joanna Kerns Nude| Kim Kerns Nude| Zora Kerova Nude| Deborah Kerr Nude| Simone Kerrick Nude| Linda Kerridge Nude| Kinky Kerry Nude| Kathy Kersh Nude| Sonja Kerskes Nude| Maureen Kerwin Nude| Jillian Kesner Nude| Simone Kessell Nude| Rashina Kessler Nude| Sara Kestelman Nude| VJ Kewl Nude| Janet Key Nude| Edita Khainová Nude| Chulpan Khamatova Nude| A.J. Khan Nude| Ayeshan Khan Nude| Silvana Bader Khan Nude| Arsinée Khanjian Nude| Reem Kherici Nude| Inna Khokhlushkina Nude| Selena Khoo Nude| Larisa Khusnolina Nude| Khym Nude| Sandrine Kiberlain Nude| Janet Kidder Nude| Margot Kidder Nude| Nicole Kidman Nude| Katie Kiefel Nude| Sue Kiel Nude| Susan Lynn Kiger Nude| Rya Kihlstedt Nude| Elsa Kikoïne Nude| Rinko Kikuchi Nude| Jewel Kilcher Nude| Smadar Kilchinsky Nude| Ariel Kiley Nude| Diedre Kilgore Nude| Melanie Kilgour Nude| Astrid Kilian Nude| Tara Killian Nude| Laure Killing Nude| Anna Kim Nude| Ji-eun Kim Nude| Julienne Hanzelka Kim Nude| Ki-yeon Kim Nude| Laura Kim Nude| Lauren Mary Kim Nude| Lil' Kim Nude| Linda Kim Nude| Michelle Minjung Kim Nude| Min-Sun Kim Nude| Natalie Kim Nude| Ok-vin Kim Nude| Tae Yeon Kim Nude| Yoon-jin Kim Nude| Kay Kimberley Nude| Kimberlyn Nude| Kinako Nude| Ginnie Kindall Nude| Chantel King Nude| Cynthia R. King Nude| Elisa King Nude| Jaime King Nude| Joanne King Nude| Karen King Nude| Kelly King Nude| Lisa King Nude| London King Nude| Mabel King Nude| Rowena King Nude| Tiffany Rene King Nude| Francesca Kingdon Nude| Corinne Kingsbury Nude| Danitza Kingsley Nude| Gretchen Kingsley Nude| Alex Kingston Nude| Shay Kingston Nude| Juliana Kinkaid Nude| Kathleen Kinmont Nude| Melanie Kinnaman Nude| Melinda Kinnaman Nude| Lana Kinnear Nude| Nastassja Kinski Nude| Sonja Kinski Nude| Yuri Kinugawa Nude| Tonya Kinzinger Nude| Cheryle Kipe Nude| Jessica Kiper Nude| Sonja Kirchberger Nude| Corinna Kirchhoff Nude| Kendra Kirchner Nude| Kristin Kirgan Nude| Nazan Kirilmis Nude| Miu Kirishima Nude| Carole Kirkham Nude| Sally Kirkland Nude| Kathryn Kirkpatrick Nude| Sage Kirkpatrick Nude| Mia Kirshner Nude| Kay Kirtland Nude| Dervla Kirwan Nude| Kanako Kishi Nude| Aleksandra Kisio Nude| Candace Kita Nude| Tawny Kitaen Nude| Takako Kitagawa Nude| Rie Kitahara Nude| Mai Kitajima Nude| Kodi Kitchen Nude| Agnes Kittelsen Nude| Miho Kiuchi Nude| Kiva Nude| Ashleigh Kizer Nude| Saeko Kizuki Nude| Diana Kjaer Nude| Johanna Klante Nude| Alisha Klass Nude| Kristina Klebe Nude| Kayla Kleevage Nude| Alicia Klein Nude| Barbara Anne Klein Nude| Catherine Klein Nude| Crystal Klein Nude| Manon Klein Nude| Petra Kleinert Nude| Annedore Kleist Nude| Val Kline Nude| Anja Kling Nude| Ina Paule Klink Nude| Hanne Klintoe Nude| Tania Kloek Nude| Marta Klubowicz Nude| Heidi Klum Nude| Pamela Knaack Nude| Anja Knauer Nude| Anne Knecht Nude| Hildegard Knef Nude| Cierra Knight Nude| Jessica Knight Nude| Kim Knight Nude| Shirley Knight Nude| Stephanie Knight Nude| Summer Knight Nude| Tuesday Knight Nude| Keira Knightley Nude| Sahara Knite Nude| Kristen Knittle Nude| Pauline Knof Nude| Sascha Knopf Nude| Veri Knotty Nude| Beyoncé Knowles Nude| Elizabeth Knowles Nude| Vibeke Knudsen Nude| Kerry Knuppe Nude| Helen Ko Nude| So-young Ko Nude| Hitomi Kobayashi Nude| Marta Kober Nude| Courtney Kocak Nude| Patricia Koch Nude| Romi Koch Nude| Sabrina Koch Nude| Valerie Koch Nude| Rebekah Kochan Nude| Noémie Kocher Nude| Oja Kodar Nude| Yuki Kodate Nude| Barbora Kodetova Nude| Hande Kodja Nude| Uta Koepke Nude| Alice Kohiakovska Nude| Ramata Koite Nude| Hijiri Kojima Nude| Nao Kojima Nude| Yuka Kojima Nude| Aya Kokumai Nude| Violetta Kolakowska Nude| Ophélia Kolb Nude| Claudia Koll Nude| Dena Kollar Nude| Chiharu Komatsu Nude| Nicole Komendat Nude| Elzbieta Komorowska Nude| Liliana Komorowska Nude| Yuri Komuro Nude| Konatsu Nude| Karen Kondazian Nude| Rie Kondoh Nude| Rayisa Kondracki Nude| Hyo-jin Kong Nude| Magda Konopka Nude| Karin Konoval Nude| Regina Koo Nude| Maria Kooistra Nude| Ricky Koole Nude| Debbie Kopacz Nude| Vladimira Kopal Nude| Kim Kopf Nude| Ulla Koppel Nude| Tinsel Korey Nude| Alix Koromzay Nude| Klaudia Koronel Nude| Alla Korot Nude| Tracy Korsten Nude| Minori Kosaki Nude| Kira Koschella Nude| Sylva Koscina Nude| Jessica Kosmalla Nude| Yelena Kostina Nude| María Kosty Nude| Tatyana Kot Nude| Ines Kotman Nude| kotono Nude| Kouka Nude| Katherine Kousi Nude| Barbara Kowa Nude| Kristin Kowalski Nude| Akiko Koyama Nude| Rumiko Koyanagi Nude| Silvia Koys Nude| Harley Jane Kozak Nude| Heidi Kozak Nude| Linda Kozlowski Nude| Hitomi Kozue Nude| Maria Kraakman Nude| Marion Kracht Nude| Alicia Kraemer Nude| Evelyne Kraft Nude| Susanne Krage Nude| Iva Krajnc Nude| Jane Krakowski Nude| Ann-Kathrin Kramer Nude| Stepfanie Kramer Nude| Teersa Kramer Nude| Sonya Kraus Nude| Louisa Krause Nude| Tina Krause Nude| Karina Kraushaar Nude| Amanda Kravat Nude| Zoe Kravitz Nude| Karina Krawczyk Nude| Nicolette Krebitz Nude| Melia Kreiling Nude| Ana Maria Kreisler Nude| Nicole Krejci Nude| Viju Krem Nude| Marie Kremer Nude| Wendy Kremer Nude| Eliska Krenková Nude| Cleo Kretschmer Nude| Nadia Kretschmer Nude| Deja Kreutzberg Nude| Daniela Krhutova Nude| Gretchen Krich Nude| Kathy Kriegel Nude| Ulrike Kriener Nude| Alice Krige Nude| Lenka Kripac Nude| Katherine Kriss Nude| Kriselda Kristel Nude| Sylvia Kristel Nude| Ilene Kristen Nude| Marta Kristen Nude| Mona Kristensen Nude| Tiffany Kristensen Nude| Ginger Kroll Nude| Nina Kronjäger Nude| Candace Kroslak Nude| Maren Kroymann Nude| Diane Kruger Nude| Julia Kruis Nude| Agnieszka Krukówna Nude| Paola Krum Nude| Violet Krumbein Nude| Ulrike Krumbiegel Nude| Joanna Krupa Nude| Racquel Krupsaw Nude| Anja Kruse Nude| Käthe Kruse Nude| Michelle Krusiec Nude| Christiane Krüger Nude| Eva Kryll Nude| Krystal Nude| Kate Krystowiak Nude| Bernadetta Krzeminska Nude| Renate Krößner Nude| Denise Kubis Nude| Lubica Kucerova Nude| Monika Kuczowska Nude| Fumie Kudo Nude| Youki Kudoh Nude| Shouko Kudou Nude| Lisa Kudrow Nude| Tomono Kuga Nude| Irene Kugler Nude| Annika Kuhl Nude| Nikolina Kujaca Nude| Nutsa Kukhianidze Nude| Joanna Kulig Nude| Mila Kunis Nude| Anna Voy Kunith Nude| Izzy Kunkle Nude| Makiko Kuno Nude| Doris Kunstmann Nude| Cecilia Kunz Nude| Nicolin Kunz Nude| Nina Kunzendorf Nude| Bettina Kupfer Nude| Patty Kuprys Nude| Tomomi Kuribayashi Nude| Emi Kuroda Nude| Fukumi Kuroda Nude| Hitomi Kuroki Nude| Asuka Kurosawa Nude| Bettina Kurth Nude| Katie Kurtz Nude| Olga Kurylenko Nude| Aniela Kurylo Nude| Matleena Kuusniemi Nude| Agniya Kuznetsova Nude| Ji-min Kwak Nude| Emily Kwan Nude| Nancy Kwan Nude| Myoung-Eun Kweon Nude| Maria Kwiatkowsky Nude| Nina Kwok Nude| Judy Jean Kwon Nude| Kathrin Kühnel Nude| Steffi Kühnert Nude| Allison Kyler Nude| Machiko Kyô Nude| Monika Kälin Nude| Juliane Köhler Nude| Cornelia Köndgen Nude| Karin König Nude| Diana Körner Nude| Lara-Joy Körner Nude| Gundula Köster Nude| Stella L Nude| Andrea L'Arronge Nude| Cary La Salle Nude| Nancy La Scala Nude| Jimena La Torre Nude| Gigi La Touche Nude| Angela La Vorgna Nude| Paula LaBaredas Nude| Emmanuelle Laborit Nude| Dominique Labourier Nude| Casey LaBow Nude| Lindsey Labrum Nude| Carmen Lacatus Nude| Chantilly Lace Nude| Cheri Lacey Nude| Deborah Lacey Nude| Anabelle Lachatte Nude| Irina Lackmann Nude| Laëtitia Lacroix Nude| Laura Lacz Nude| Jordan Ladd Nude| Jennifer Ladell Nude| Foxy Lae Nude| Katell Laennec Nude| Gabriele Lafari Nude| Catherine Lafferière Nude| Dominique Laffin Nude| Jennifer Lafleur Nude| Stephanee LaFleur Nude| Bernadette Lafont Nude| Pauline Lafont Nude| Marie Laforêt Nude| Alicia Lagano Nude| Stéphanie Lagarde Nude| Marika Lagercrantz Nude| Clara Lago Nude| Valérie Lagrange Nude| Brigitte Lahaie Nude| Emma Lahana Nude| Florentine Lahme Nude| Miriam Lahnstein Nude| Ka Lai Nude| Me Me Lai Nude| Lui Lai-Si Nude| Florence Laigle Nude| Leah Lail Nude| Andrea Lain Nude| Chasey Lain Nude| Valentina Lainati Nude| Charlie Laine Nude| Sarah Laine Nude| Sonni Laine Nude| Toneda Laiwan Nude| Arcadia Lake Nude| Christi Lake Nude| Ricki Lake Nude| Alix Lakehurst Nude| Elaine Lakeman Nude| Femke Lakerveld Nude| Leanne Lakey Nude| Padma Lakshmi Nude| Nicole LaLiberte Nude| Amy Ciupak Lalonde Nude| Laloni Nude| Grace Lam Nude| Carmelina Lamanna Nude| Tania Lamanna Nude| Hedy Lamarr Nude| Debra Lamb Nude| Elizabeth Lambert Nude| Stacie Lambert Nude| Jean Lamee Nude| Maria Lamor Nude| Lexi Lamour Nude| Phoebe Lamour Nude| Jutta Lampe Nude| Bettina Lamprecht Nude| Alexandra Lamy Nude| Sabine Lamy Nude| Alison Mei Lan Nude| Katherine LaNasa Nude| Kathleen Lancaster Nude| Sarah Lancaster Nude| Karen Lancaume Nude| Hellen Landau Nude| Suzzan Landau Nude| Adele Landauer Nude| Amy Landecker Nude| Judy Landers Nude| Stephanie Anne Landers Nude| Nina Landey Nude| Gudrun Landgrebe Nude| Angela Landis Nude| Laurene Landon Nude| Pegg Landon Nude| Ali Landry Nude| Nancy Trotter Landry Nude| Tamara Landry Nude| Kerstin Landsmann Nude| Akira Lane Nude| Augusta Lane Nude| Cory Lane Nude| Devinn Lane Nude| Diane Lane Nude| Janet Lane Nude| Sirpa Lane Nude| Sunny Lane Nude| Sunny Lane Nude| Tiffany Lane Nude| Victoria Lane Nude| Kai Lanette Nude| Helen Lang Nude| k.d. lang Nude| Katherine Lang Nude| Katherine Kelly Lang Nude| Veronica Lang Nude| Kate Langbroek Nude| Jennifer Langdon Nude| Allison Lange Nude| Claudie Lange Nude| Jessica Lange Nude| Sindy Lange Nude| Mimi Langeland Nude| Sarah Langenfeld Nude| Heather Langenkamp Nude| Renate Langer Nude| Camille Langfield Nude| Andrea Langi Nude| Lisa Langlois Nude| Margaret Langrick Nude| Caroline Langrishe Nude| Brooke Langton Nude| Luana Lani Nude| Margie Lanier Nude| Kim Lankford Nude| Jenya Lano Nude| Virginie Lanoué Nude| Elisabeth Lanz Nude| Erin Lanza Nude| Suzanne Lanza Nude| Tanja Lanäus Nude| Clare Lapinskie Nude| Jane Lapotaire Nude| Crystal LaPrie Nude| Alexandra Maria Lara Nude| Joanne Lara Nude| Elizabeth Laredo Nude| Shay Laren Nude| Bonnie Large Nude| Jordana Largy Nude| Iazua Larios Nude| Ruby Larocca Nude| Maria Eugenia Larrain Nude| Marta Larralde Nude| Catalina Larranaga Nude| Maureen Larrazabal Nude| Vanessa Larré Nude| Estelle Larrivaz Nude| Malin Larrson Nude| Annabelle Larsen Nude| Gunilla Larsson Nude| Ariane Lartéguy Nude| Ali Larter Nude| Adrienne Larussa Nude| Berta Lasala Nude| Natalie Laspina Nude| Shulamith Lasri Nude| Dagmar Lassander Nude| Sarah Lassez Nude| Pilar M. Lastra Nude| Corinna Laszlo Nude| Helen Latham Nude| Sanaa Lathan Nude| Alyce LaTourelle Nude| Kindra Laub Nude| Chelin Lauer Nude| Shannah Laumeister Nude| Bonnie Laurant Nude| Carole Laure Nude| Rachel Laure Nude| Dillan Lauren Nude| Honey Lauren Nude| Ashley Laurence Nude| Caroline Laurence Nude| Agnès Laurent Nude| Jacqueline Laurent Nude| Mélanie Laurent Nude| Shelly Laurenti Nude| Giada De Laurentiis Nude| Eve Laurie Nude| Lucie Laurier Nude| Marie Laurin Nude| Kathrin Lautner Nude| Lena Lauzemis Nude| Anja Juliette Laval Nude| Dominique Lavanant Nude| Shayla LaVeaux Nude| Aurélie Laverret Nude| Maureen LaVette Nude| Ameara Lavey Nude| Avril Lavigne Nude| Zophia Lavik Nude| Josée Laviolette Nude| Sandra Lavoie Nude| Katrina Law Nude| Lucy Lawless Nude| Stephanie Lawlor Nude| Andrea Lawrence Nude| Bonnie-Jaye Lawrence Nude| Eve Lawrence Nude| Hanna Mangan Lawrence Nude| Jennifer Lawrence Nude| Juli Lawrence Nude| Katy Lawrence Nude| Mittie Lawrence Nude| Sharon Lawrence Nude| Suzanne Remey Lawrence Nude| Danielle Laws Nude| Anzu Lawson Nude| Cheryl Lawson Nude| Cristina Lawson Nude| Esse Lawson Nude| Maya Lawson Nude| Shannon Lawson Nude| Tonya Lawson Nude| Sarah Lawton Nude| Linda Lay Nude| Michelle Lay Nude| Lissa Layng Nude| Norma Lazareno Nude| Ileana Lazariuc Nude| Viktor Lazlo Nude| Catherine Lazo Nude| Mimi Lazo Nude| Gabrielle Lazure Nude| Sandrine Le Berre Nude| Isild Le Besco Nude| Maïwenn Le Besco Nude| Gaela Le Devehat Nude| Francesca Lé Nude| Yvette Le Grand Nude| Maud Le Guenedal Nude| Anne Le Guernec Nude| Hiep Thi Le Nude| Kathryn Le Nude| Dorothy Le May Nude| Isabelle Le Nouvel Nude| Lieneke le Roux Nude| Madeleine Le Roux Nude| Jacqueline Le Saunier Nude| Nikita Lea Nude| Penelope Lea Nude| Cloris Leachman Nude| Cindy Leadbetter Nude| Leslie Leah Nude| Jennifer Leak Nude| Karla Leal Nude| Mayra Leal Nude| Amanda Lear Nude| Maria Lease Nude| Leasha Nude| Crystal LeBard Nude| Estephania LeBaron Nude| Becky LeBeau Nude| Marie Lebée Nude| Alyssa LeBlanc Nude| Sadie Leblanc Nude| Valérie Leboutte Nude| Julie Lebreton Nude| Kelly LeBrock Nude| Françoise Lebrun Nude| Jessica Leccia Nude| Geno Lechner Nude| Melissa Lechner Nude| Shakara Ledard Nude| Natasha Ledesma Nude| Brandy Ledford Nude| Suzanne Ledon Nude| Virginie Ledoyen Nude| Adriane Lee Nude| Amber Lee Nude| Aysia Lee Nude| Chai Lee Nude| Cynthia S. Lee Nude| Devon Lee Nude| Elaine Lee Nude| Eun-Joo Lee Nude| Hanna Lee Nude| Jae-un Lee Nude| Jennifer Lee Nude| Jessica Lee Nude| Jessie Lee Nude| Ji-hyeon Lee Nude| Joie Lee Nude| Josie Lee Nude| Julie Lee Nude| Kaaren Lee Nude| Lee Kyu-Young Nude| Loletta Lee Nude| Lorelei Lee Nude| Margaret Lee Nude| Mi-suk Lee Nude| Miko Lee Nude| Pat Lee Nude| Robbie Lee Nude| Sarah Lee Nude| Seung-chae Lee Nude| Shayna Lee Nude| Sheryl Lee Nude| So-yeon Lee Nude| Sook-Yin Lee Nude| Sua Lee Nude| Sung Hi Lee Nude| Toni Lee Nude| Wai Gwan Lee Nude| Yuet Sin Lee Nude| Leeloo Nude| Christa Leem Nude| Erica Leerhsen Nude| Lorna Lees Nude| Edda Leesch Nude| Mary LeGault Nude| Phoebe Legere Nude| Gaëlle Legrand Nude| Michelle LeGrande Nude| Jennifer Lehman Nude| Julia Lehman Nude| Kristin Lehman Nude| Dascha Lehmann Nude| Gerti Lehner Nude| Lilia Lehner Nude| Kaylani Lei Nude| Alma Leiberg Nude| Nina Leichtling Nude| Hudson Leick Nude| Sylvia Leifheit Nude| Adrienne Leigh Nude| Aimée Leigh Nude| Barbara Leigh Nude| Barbi Leigh Nude| Carrie Leigh Nude| Chyler Leigh Nude| Gillian Leigh Nude| Jennifer Leigh Nude| Jennifer Jason Leigh Nude| Jordana Leigh Nude| Kelly Leigh Nude| Mandy Leigh Nude| Monica Leigh Nude| Myla Leigh Nude| Shannan Leigh Nude| Shanyn Leigh Nude| Stacy Leigh Nude| Valli Leigh Nude| Victoria Leigh Nude| Barbara Leigh-Hunt Nude| Stephanie Leighs Nude| Anne Leighton Nude| Roberta Leighton Nude| Andrea Leithe Nude| Anya Lem Nude| Angela Lemaltre Nude| Kim Lemanton Nude| Elléonore Lemattre Nude| Anick Lemay Nude| Tanya Lemelle Nude| Agnès Lemercier Nude| Valérie Lemercier Nude| Julia Lemmertz Nude| Kasi Lemmons Nude| Aubrie Lemon Nude| Geneviève Lemon Nude| Ute Lemper Nude| Lena Nude| Shauna Lenee Nude| Sin Lenee Nude| Emilie Lenglez Nude| Rita Lengyel Nude| Heidi Lenhart Nude| Lane Lenhart Nude| Bárbara Lennie Nude| Natalie Lennox Nude| Rula Lenska Nude| Caro Lenssen Nude| Licinia Lentini Nude| Susan Lentini Nude| Saija Lentonen Nude| Kay Lenz Nude| Nicole Marie Lenz Nude| Brooke Lenzi Nude| Giovanna Lenzi Nude| Melissa Leo Nude| Andrea Leon Nude| Eva León Nude| Faith Leon Nude| Giudita Leon Nude| Loles León Nude| Montserrat De León Nude| Tara Leon Nude| Valerie Leon Nude| Carly Leonard Nude| Lydia Leonard Nude| Reina Leone Nude| Sunny Leone Nude| Page Leong Nude| Sandra Leonhard Nude| Miranda Leonhardt Nude| Dominica Leoni Nude| Téa Leoni Nude| Stephanie Leonidas Nude| Monique Lepage Nude| Christina Lepanto Nude| Shannon Lepard Nude| Françoise Lépine Nude| Gabriella Lepori Nude| Emma Leportier Nude| Catherine Leprince Nude| Yvette Lera Nude| Mélanie Leray Nude| Laurence Lerel Nude| Barbara Lerici Nude| April Lerman Nude| Adélaïde Leroux Nude| Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu Nude| Carla Sofia Lescius Nude| Nicole Leshelle Nude| Lorelei Leslie Nude| Helen Lesnick Nude| Mimi Lesseos Nude| Kathy Lester Nude| Crystal Lett Nude| Ankle Leung Nude| Jade Leung Nude| Sabrina Leurquin Nude| Ivy Levan Nude| Sheila Levell Nude| Annabel Leventon Nude| Mireille Leveque Nude| Zehra Leverman Nude| Margarita Levieva Nude| Christie Levin Nude| Anna Levine Nude| Jenny Levine Nude| Dee Dee Levitt Nude| Uta Levka Nude| Katrina Levon Nude| Carol Levy Nude| Judith Lou Lévy Nude| Joycelyne Lew Nude| Candice Lewald Nude| Terri Lewandowski Nude| Kim Lewid Nude| Blanca Lewin Nude| Angel Lewis Nude| Charlotte Lewis Nude| Chauntal Lewis Nude| Cyndi Lewis Nude| Denice D. Lewis Nude| Fiona Lewis Nude| Gwen Lewis Nude| Holly Lewis Nude| Jamie Lewis Nude| Jazsmin Lewis Nude| Jenna Lewis Nude| Joy Lewis Nude| Juliette Lewis Nude| Lisa Lewis Nude| Maren Lewis Nude| Yara Lex Nude| Lexi Nude| Lucia Lexington Nude| Marion Ley Nude| Sara Lezana Nude| Gong Li Nude| Hai-shu Li Nude| Katherine Li Nude| Lily Li Nude| Anne Libert Nude| Isabel Libossart Nude| Jacklyn Lick Nude| Kimberly Liebe Nude| Johanna Liebeneiner Nude| Oona-Devi Liebich Nude| Jessica Liedberg Nude| Yolanda Lievana Nude| Natalie Light Nude| Shawn Light Nude| Marilyn Lightstone Nude| Paola Liguori Nude| Rebecka Liljeberg Nude| Marie Liljedahl Nude| Monica Liljistrand Nude| Robin Lilly Nude| Gina Lim Nude| Vedette Lim Nude| Tiffany Limos Nude| Jandi Lin Nude| Jenny Lin Nude| Lisa Lin Nude| Rebeca Linares Nude| Heather Lind Nude| Jenna Lind Nude| Sarah Lind Nude| Traci Lind Nude| Marina Lindahl Nude| Christina Lindberg Nude| Liv Lindeland Nude| Janine Lindemulder Nude| Debbie Linden Nude| Jennie Linden Nude| Christa Linder Nude| Hansi Linder Nude| Sonja Lindgren Nude| Irene Lindholm Nude| Riki Lindhome Nude| Julia Lindig Nude| Natacha Lindinger Nude| Gisele Lindley Nude| Madeleine Lindley Nude| Amy Lindsay Nude| Delia Lindsay Nude| Blake Lindsley Nude| Mary Lindstrom Nude| Rosemarie Lindt Nude| Angela Lindvall Nude| Helga Liné Nude| Mary Line Nude| Bai Ling Nude| Keung Ka Ling Nude| Pauline Lee Bo Ling Nude| Su Ling Nude| Beth Linhart Nude| Kerstin Linnartz Nude| Jeanette Linne Nude| Laura Linney Nude| Lio Nude| Thérèse Liotard Nude| Dora Lipovcan Nude| Michelle Lipper Nude| Roswitha Lippert Nude| Katrin Lippisch Nude| Algina Lipskis Nude| LisaRaye Nude| Mel Lisboa Nude| Bianca Lishansky Nude| Anne Lishman Nude| Natalie Lisinska Nude| Angelica Lisk Nude| Antonia Liskova Nude| Perri Lister Nude| Zoe Lister-Jones Nude| Heather Litteer Nude| Angela Little Nude| Brandy Little Nude| Carol Little Nude| Michele Little Nude| Sacheen Littlefeather Nude| Alice Liu Nude| Carolyn Liu Nude| Lucy Liu Nude| Terry Liu Nude| Dobrina Liubomirova Nude| Lori Lively Nude| Carolina Lizarazo Nude| Kari Lizer Nude| Pig Lizzy Nude| Ida Ljungqvist Nude| Patricia Llaca Nude| Jenny Llada Nude| Arroyn Lloyd Nude| Emily Lloyd Nude| Sabrina Lloyd Nude| Sue Lloyd Nude| Teresa Lloyd Nude| Siboney Lo Nude| Y Sa Lo Nude| Nélida Lobato Nude| Mariana Lobo Nude| Amy Locane Nude| Vinja Locatelli Nude| Anita Lochner Nude| Emma Lock Nude| Francine Locke Nude| Sondra Locke Nude| Anne Lockhart Nude| Loryn Locklin Nude| Melanie Lockwood Nude| Tiziana Lodato Nude| Rifka Lodeizen Nude| Barbara Loden Nude| Cintia Lodetti Nude| Valentina Lodovini Nude| Jennifer Loeb Nude| Tennyson Loeh Nude| Sylvie Loeillet Nude| Rochelle Loewen Nude| Fiona Loewi Nude| Veronica Logan Nude| Amanda Logue Nude| Lindsay Lohan Nude| Alison Lohman Nude| Katie Lohmann Nude| Marleen Lohse Nude| Florence Loiret Caille Nude| Alberta Lojpur Nude| Kristanna Loken Nude| Erin Lokitz Nude| Lolana Nude| Iliana Lolitch Nude| Gina Lollobrigida Nude| Yuliya Lomakina Nude| France Lomay Nude| Karina Lombard Nude| Montserrat Lombard Nude| Leigh Lombardi Nude| Céline Lomez Nude| Beba Loncar Nude| Caroline Loncq Nude| Guilaine Londez Nude| Alexandra London Nude| Lauren London Nude| Lisa London Nude| Susaye London Nude| Rennay London-Simes Nude| Lieva Lone Nude| Christine Long Nude| Nia Long Nude| Shelley Long Nude| Jane Longenecker Nude| Sue Longhurst Nude| Victoria Longley Nude| Malisa Longo Nude| Anya Longwell Nude| Nam Look Nude| Anna Loos Nude| Monica Lopera Nude| Tanya Lopert Nude| Xuxa Lopes Nude| Aida Lopez Nude| Andrea López Nude| Belén López Nude| Charo López Nude| Pilar López de Ayala Nude| Eco Lopez Nude| Eliana López Nude| Gabrielle Lopez Nude| Isabel López Nude| Jennifer Lopez Nude| Joana Lopez Nude| Lana Lopez Nude| Luscious Lopez Nude| Maria Isabel Lopez Nude| Mercy Lopez Nude| Mónica López Nude| Olivia Lopez Nude| Patricia López Nude| Seidy Lopez Nude| Kamala Lopez-Dawson Nude| Tere López-Tarín Nude| Rebecca Lord Nude| Traci Lords Nude| Alicia Lorén Nude| Sophia Loren Nude| Fedra Lorente Nude| Mara Lorenzio Nude| Yari Lorenzo Nude| Selena Lori Nude| Lisa Loring Nude| Bethany Lorraine Nude| Suzi Lorraine Nude| Diana Lorys Nude| Nina Loshchinina Nude| Andrea Losleben Nude| Susanne Lothar Nude| Jennifer Lothrop Nude| Antonia Lotito Nude| Jennifer Loto Nude| Bethany Lott Nude| Lori Loughlin Nude| Maggie Louie Nude| Apolline Louis Nude| Julia Louis-Dreyfus Nude| Helli Louise Nude| Jeannine Louise Nude| Marie Louise Nude| Tina Louise Nude| Mariana Loureiro Nude| Jessica Lous Nude| Kate Loustau Nude| Aliana Love Nude| Brandi Love Nude| Brianna Love Nude| Courtney Love Nude| Lucretia Love Nude| Nikki Love Nude| Patti Love Nude| Rebecca Love Nude| Suzanna Love Nude| Taylor Love Nude| Catherine Loveday Nude| Deirdre Lovejoy Nude| Linda Lovelace Nude| Jacqueline Lovell Nude| Elizabeth Low Nude| Andrea Lowe Nude| Crystal Lowe Nude| Melissa Lowe Nude| Sophie Lowe Nude| Susan Lowe Nude| Andrea Lowell Nude| Carey Lowell Nude| Carolyn Lowery Nude| Jennifer Lowry Nude| Lynn Lowry Nude| Bénédicte Loyen Nude| Shawna Loyer Nude| Mariana Loyola Nude| Irma Lozano Nude| Karyme Lozano Nude| Lu Lu Nude| Raphaëlle Lubansu Nude| Charlotte Lucas Nude| Cindy Lucas Nude| Holly Lucas Nude| Isabel Lucas Nude| Susan Lucci Nude| Deborah Luce Nude| Lucia Nude| Nela Lucic Nude| Elisa Lucinda Nude| Shannon Lucio Nude| Zoe Lucker Nude| Camilla Luddington Nude| Jennifer Ludlow Nude| Stephanie Lugo Nude| Angélica Luján Nude| Iva Lukic Nude| Melissa Lukon Nude| Joanna Lumley Nude| Katherine Luna Nude| Ulla Luna Nude| Audrey Lunati Nude| Lydia Lunch Nude| Deanna Lund Nude| Sarah B. Lund Nude| Saranne Lund Nude| Synnøve Macody Lund Nude| Zoë Lund Nude| Anja Lundkvist Nude| Lisbet Lundquist Nude| Jamie Luner Nude| Emma Lung Nude| Cherie Lunghi Nude| Elsa Lunghini Nude| Daniela Lunkewitz Nude| Christina Luoma Nude| Patti LuPone Nude| Isabel Luque Nude| Shawn Lusader Nude| Sheila Lussier Nude| Bobbi Sue Luther Nude| Sarah Luther Nude| Maria Lutra Nude| Evy Lutzky Nude| Thuy An Luu Nude| Marie Luv Nude| Nichole Luv Nude| Carmen Luvana Nude| Deedee Luxe Nude| Kate Luyben Nude| Eva Lyberten Nude| Andrea Lüdke Nude| Christine Lydon Nude| Mia Lyhne Nude| Jane Lyle Nude| Tiina Lymi Nude| Heather Lyn Nude| Jenie Lyn Nude| Kelly Lynch Nude| Pauline Lynch Nude| Susan Lynch Nude| Amy Lyndon Nude| Lisa Lynds Nude| Susanne Lüning Nude| Amber Lynn Nude| Audra Lynn Nude| Brea Lynn Nude| Cheri Lynn Nude| Donna Lynn Nude| Gianna Lynn Nude| Gina Lynn Nude| Jamie Lynn Nude| Janet Lynn Nude| Jennie Lynn Nude| Jessee Lynn Nude| Kimber Lynn Nude| Lana Lynn Nude| Meredith Scott Lynn Nude| Theresa Lynn Nude| Toni Lynn Nude| Beverly Lynne Nude| Erica Lynne Nude| Melanie Lynskey Nude| Lisa Lyon Nude| Lynn Lyon Nude| Wendy Lyon Nude| Cheryl Lyone Nude| Natasha Lyonne Nude| Deirdre V. Lyons Nude| Elena Lyons Nude| Jennifer Lyons Nude| Katie Lyons Nude| Laura Lyons Nude| Susan Lyons Nude| Kate Lyra Nude| Ágata Lys Nude| Lilja Löffler Nude| Lisa Lörient Nude| Elina Löwensohn Nude| Cia Löwgren Nude| Monika M. Nude| Kathrin Maalouf Nude| Samira Maas Nude| Sammi Maben Nude| Kate Maberly Nude| Sunny Mabrey Nude| Katherine Macanufo Nude| Macaria Nude| Jaye Macaulay Nude| Delphine MacCarty Nude| Mandee Macchia Nude| Catriona MacColl Nude| Heather Jane MacDonald Nude| Jennifer MacDonald Nude| Kelly MacDonald Nude| Shauna Macdonald Nude| Wendy MacDonald Nude| Andie MacDowell Nude| Rita Macedo Nude| Ali MacGraw Nude| Maria Machado Nude| Sabrina Machado Nude| Marla Machart Nude| Nicoletta Machiavelli Nude| Shion Machida Nude| Marguerite MacIntyre Nude| June Mack Nude| Kerry Mack Nude| Briana Mackay Nude| Lisa MacKay Nude| Mackenzie Nude| Georgia Mackenzie Nude| Jan MacKenzie Nude| Patch Mackenzie Nude| Suzie MacKenzie Nude| Carole Mackereth Nude| Allison Mackie Nude| Simmone Mackinnon Nude| Teressa Macky Nude| Fiona MacLaine Nude| Shirley MacLaine Nude| Deborah MacLaren Nude| Fawna MacLaren Nude| Mary MacLeod Nude| Ellie Maclure Nude| Elle Macpherson Nude| Elizabeth MacRae Nude| Colleen Madden Nude| Paddy Madden Nude| Tara Madden Nude| Kim Maddox Nude| Ashley Madekwe Nude| Babet Mader Nude| Érika Mader Nude| Malu Mader Nude| Amy Madigan Nude| Elina Madison Nude| Holly Madison Nude| Jordan Madley Nude| Mirka Madnadraszky Nude| Ruth Madoc Nude| Madonna Nude| Nika Madrid Nude| Virginia Madsen Nude| Elizabeth Mae Nude| Mía Maestro Nude| Kyrie Maezumi Nude| Rita Magdalena Nude| Maddalena Maggi Nude| Sara Maglaughlin Nude| Olivia Magnani Nude| Cécile Magnet Nude| Cláudia Magno Nude| Barbara Magnolfi Nude| Ann Magnuson Nude| Nicole Magnusson Nude| Kate Magowan Nude| Mayara Magri Nude| Terrill Maguire Nude| Lauren Maher Nude| Fumi Mahha Nude| Margot Mahler Nude| Jule Mahlke Nude| Koike Mahoco Nude| Victoria Mahoney Nude| Wendy Mahoney Nude| Ching Mai Nude| Franca Mai Nude| Dana Maiello Nude| Brigitte Maier Nude| Aïssa Maïga Nude| Claudette Maillé Nude| Maïté Maillé Nude| Krystal Main Nude| Marion Mainka Nude| Laura Maire Nude| Valérie Mairesse Nude| Lorna Maitland Nude| Sandra Majani Nude| Anna Majcher Nude| Phyllis Major Nude| Natasha Majors Nude| Bonnie Mak Nude| Teresa Mak Nude| Nani Maka Nude| Heike Makatsch Nude| Kisako Makishi Nude| Summer Makovkin Nude| Danica Maksimovic Nude| Monika Malacova Nude| Karme Màlaga Nude| Marla Malcolm Nude| Paula Malcomson Nude| Irina Maleeva Nude| Kalina Malehounova Nude| Kristyna Malérová Nude| Gloria Maley Nude| Marina Malfatti Nude| Atalia Malichi Nude| Mercy Malick Nude| Wendie Malick Nude| Faridah Malik Nude| Julia Malik Nude| Kym Malin Nude| Veronica Malinowski Nude| Jessica Malka Nude| Cylia Malki Nude| Lucie Malkrabova Nude| Carole Mallory Nude| Sabine Mallory Nude| KellyDawn Malloy Nude| Mona Malm Nude| Laura Malmivaara Nude| María Fernanda Malo Nude| Alycen Malone Nude| Jena Malone Nude| Manie Malone Nude| Shannon Malone Nude| Desiree Malonga Nude| Edita Malovcic Nude| Minia Malove Nude| Katrina Maltby Nude| Isabelle Maltese Nude| Natassia Malthe Nude| Malù Nude| Patricia Malvoisin Nude| Cinzia Mambretti Nude| Hayley Man Nude| Yue Hei Man Nude| Laura Mañá Nude| Sabeena Manalis Nude| Carla Mancini Nude| Mandakini Nude| Joyce Mandel Nude| Suzy Mandel Nude| Nicole Mandich Nude| Irma Mandler Nude| Luisa Maneri Nude| Meagan Mangum Nude| Camryn Manheim Nude| Marilyn Manhoe Nude| Karin Mani Nude| Myra Manibog Nude| Cindy Manion Nude| Emma Manion Nude| Sonia Mankaï Nude| Jamie Elle Mann Nude| Leslie Mann Nude| Michaela Mann Nude| Nancy Mann Nude| Traci Mann Nude| Tracey Mannen Nude| Sarah Manners Nude| Sarah Manninen Nude| Taryn Manning Nude| Eva Mannschott Nude| Kirina Mano Nude| Beatrice Manowski Nude| Jayne Mansfield Nude| Amy Manson Nude| Jeane Manson Nude| Shirley Manson Nude| Nadia Mansouri Nude| J.J. Mantia Nude| Audrey Manuel Nude| Kiti Manver Nude| Marcela Mar Nude| Mary Mara Nude| Rooney Mara Nude| Jessica Marais Nude| Imelde Marani Nude| Maja Maranow Nude| Julia Maraval Nude| Xochitl Marbach Nude| Holiday Marble Nude| Julie Marboeuf Nude| Jewel Marceau Nude| Sophie Marceau Nude| Tammy Marcel Nude| Jane March Nude| Isabelle Marchall Nude| Mason Marconi Nude| Cristina Marcos Nude| Ornella Marcucci Nude| Sabine Marcus Nude| Melanie Marden Nude| Sarah Marecek Nude| Alicia Rachel Marek Nude| Ingrid Mareski Nude| Leticia Marfil Nude| Darlene Margolis Nude| Elisabeth Margoni Nude| Sandra Margot Nude| Julianna Margulies Nude| Annu Mari Nude| Suzanne Mari Nude| Maria Nude| Mariah Nude| Michèle Marian Nude| Alyssa Mariano Nude| Angel Marie Nude| Bobbie Marie Nude| Colleen Marie Nude| Connie Lisa Marie Nude| Daisy Marie Nude| Erin Marie Nude| Jeanne Marie Nude| Kaila Marie Nude| Kelle Marie Nude| Lisa Marie Nude| Lisa Marie Nude| Lisa Marie Nude| Rakella Marie Nude| Marie-France Nude| Madalina Mariescu Nude| Marietta Nude| Emily Marilyn Nude| Kei Marimura Nude| Alejandra Marin Nude| Rikki Marin Nude| Anamaria Marinca Nude| Valeria Marini Nude| Yana Marinova Nude| Diana Mariscal Nude| Silvia Mariscal Nude| Anne Marivin Nude| Tomoko Mariya Nude| Zana Marjanovic Nude| Heidi Mark Nude| Jessica Mark Nude| Tamara Mark Nude| Kika Markham Nude| Zoli Marki Nude| Peggy Markoff Nude| Margaret Markov Nude| Bridget Marks Nude| Marianne Marks Nude| Roswitha Marks Nude| Shae Marks Nude| Shelly Marks Nude| Brit Marling Nude| Bérénice Marlohe Nude| Marlene Marlow Nude| Johanna Marlowe Nude| Linda Marlowe Nude| Tania Maro Nude| Kelli Maroney Nude| Elsa Maroussia Nude| Erika Marozsán Nude| Bridget Marquardt Nude| Juliette Marquis Nude| Hyla Marrow Nude| Betty Mars Nude| Rainbeau Mars Nude| Laure Marsac Nude| Marita Marschall Nude| Melanie Marschke Nude| Lindsay Marsh Nude| Lyndsey Marshal Nude| Katrina Marshall Nude| Paula Marshall Nude| Rebecca Marshall Nude| Ruth Marshall Nude| Sarah Marshall Nude| Blanca Marsillach Nude| Cristina Marsillach Nude| Silvia Marsó Nude| Aldina Martano Nude| Christiane Martel Nude| Manuela Martelli Nude| Finja Martens Nude| Laya Marti Nude| Ana Martín Nude| Barbara Martin Nude| Bonni Martin Nude| Janet Martin Nude| Kayla Martin Nude| Lauren B. Martin Nude| Maribel Martín Nude| Mitch Martin Nude| Mitzi Martin Nude| Myla Martin Nude| Pamela Sue Martin Nude| Sharlene Martin Nude| Sonja Martin Nude| Tanjareen Martin Nude| Tracy Martin Nude| Lisa Martinek Nude| Elsa Martinelli Nude| Alessandra Martines Nude| Anaís Martínez Nude| Flora Martinez Nude| Ilsa Martinez Nude| Lexi Martinez Nude| Rosalía Martínez Nude| Susanna Martini Nude| Susanna Martinková Nude| Lisa Martino Nude| Sara Martins Nude| Ingrid Martz Nude| Laia Marull Nude| Brigitte Marvine Nude| Demi Marx Nude| Maria Marx Nude| Carolyn Marz Nude| Jessica Mas Nude| Melissa Mascara Nude| Iolanda Mascitti Nude| Corinne Masiero Nude| Laurence Masliah Nude| Chenoa Mason Nude| Cleo Mason Nude| Dana Lis Mason Nude| Marsha Mason Nude| Tiffany Mason Nude| Valerie Mason Nude| Lea Massari Nude| Fiorella Masselli Nude| Anna Massey Nude| Athena Massey Nude| Chase Masterson Nude| Fay Masterson Nude| Mary Stuart Masterson Nude| Matilde Mastrangi Nude| Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Nude| Gina Mastrogiacomo Nude| Chiara Mastroianni Nude| Virginia Mataix Nude| Heather Matarazzo Nude| Toian Matchinga Nude| Anna Mateeva Nude| Marie Matheron Nude| Amy Mathesiuf Nude| Judy Matheson Nude| Phillipa Mathews Nude| Maria Mathiesen Nude| Any Mathieu Nude| Samantha Mathis Nude| Elisa Matilla Nude| Anna Matisse Nude| Marlee Matlin Nude| Sarah Matravers Nude| Leda Matsaggou Nude| Eiko Matsuda Nude| Ichiho Matsuda Nude| Yûki Matsuda Nude| Marina Matsumoto Nude| Kayo Matsuo Nude| Reo Matsuo Nude| Keiko Matsuzaka Nude| Justine Mattera Nude| Eva Mattes Nude| Brenda Matthews Nude| Dawn Matthews Nude| Katrina Matthews Nude| Maya Matthews Nude| McKenzie Matthews Nude| Terumi Matthews Nude| Zoe Matthews Nude| Silke Matthias Nude| Sylvie Matton Nude| Robin Mattson Nude| Helena Mattsson Nude| Kim Matulova Nude| Amandine Maudet Nude| Julie Mauduech Nude| Carmen Maura Nude| Victoria Maurette Nude| Gail Maurice Nude| Claire Maurier Nude| Eve Mauro Nude| Masuimi Max Nude| Irena Maximova Nude| Jacqui Maxwell Nude| Lindsay Maxwell Nude| Anna Maxwell Martin Nude| April May Nude| Jodhi May Nude| Mathilda May Nude| Michaela May Nude| Olivia Alaina May Nude| Tasha May Nude| Miko Mayama Nude| Yuliya Mayarchuk Nude| Christiane Maybach Nude| Maria Mayenzet Nude| Michelle Mayer Nude| Miriam Mayet Nude| Monica Mayhem Nude| Michelle Maylene Nude| Antoinette Maynard Nude| Alberta Mayne Nude| Belinda Mayne Nude| Zilda Mayo Nude| Karen Mayo-Chandler Nude| Marvy Mayor Nude| Melanie Mayron Nude| Tomoko Mayumi Nude| Debi Mazar Nude| Lara Mazur Nude| Monet Mazur Nude| Angelique Mbumb Nude| Rachel McAdams Nude| Orlaith McAllister Nude| Kimberly McArthur Nude| Annie McAuley Nude| Nichole McAuley Nude| Dana McBoobs Nude| Harlee McBride Nude| Lilyan McBride Nude| Marcia McBroom Nude| Debra McCabe Nude| Zia McCabe Nude| Sinead McCafferty Nude| Crystal McCahill Nude| Elske McCain Nude| Rebecca Rose McCain Nude| Joan McCall Nude| Kelsey McCann Nude| Maria McCann Nude| Danté McCarthy Nude| Jenny McCarthy Nude| Kelli McCarty Nude| Meg McCarville Nude| Nancy McCauley Nude| Rue McClanahan Nude| Michelle McClatchy Nude| Adrienne McCleave Nude| Catherine McClements Nude| Yvette McClendon Nude| Belinda McClory Nude| Tane McClure Nude| Natalie McCollough Nude| Lorissa McComas Nude| Heather McComb Nude| Jennifer McComb Nude| Michelle McCool Nude| AnnaLynne McCord Nude| Yvonne McCord Nude| Catherine McCormack Nude| Mary McCormack Nude| Ellina McCormick Nude| Maureen McCormick Nude| Michelle McCormick Nude| Emer McCourt Nude| Maimie McCoy Nude| Sandra McCoy Nude| Ona McCracken Nude| Daisy McCrackin Nude| Linda McCrae Nude| Lezlie Z. McCraw Nude| Mindy McCready Nude| Brittany McCrena Nude| Jenny McCrindle Nude| Helen McCrory Nude| Charlene McCulloch Nude| Leanne McCulloch Nude| Julie McCullough Nude| Shanna McCullough Nude| Lisa McCune Nude| Natalie McCurry Nude| Donna McDaniel Nude| Anne McDaniels Nude| Colleen McDermott Nude| Kathleen McDermott Nude| Elizabeth Mcdonald Nude| Miriam McDonald Nude| Suzannah McDonald Nude| Clare McDonnell Nude| Emily McDonnell Nude| Mary McDonnell Nude| Dolores McDonough Nude| Meghan Maureen McDonough Nude| Frances McDormand Nude| Karen McDougal Nude| Cara McDowell Nude| Natascha McElhone Nude| Barbara McEly Nude| Annie McEnroe Nude| Nydia McFadden Nude| Anita McFarlane Nude| Natalie McFetridge Nude| Anna Mcgahan Nude| Graem McGavin Nude| Meredith McGeachie Nude| Amy McGee Nude| Vonetta McGee Nude| Kelly McGillis Nude| Elizabeth McGovern Nude| Rose McGowan Nude| Shana McGran Nude| Breann McGregor Nude| Melisa McGregor Nude| Deborah McGuire Nude| Patti McGuire Nude| Linda McInerney Nude| Lizzy McInnerny Nude| Jo McInnes Nude| Peggy McIntaggart Nude| Neve McIntosh Nude| Pollyanna McIntosh Nude| Tammy McIntosh Nude| Valerie McIntosh Nude| Yanna Mcintosh Nude| Marianne McIsaac Nude| Susan McIver Nude| McKayla Nude| Gina McKee Nude| Lonette McKee Nude| Roxanne McKee Nude| Melinda McKelvey Nude| Charlene McKenna Nude| Candace McKenzie Nude| Jacqueline McKenzie Nude| Lindsey McKeon Nude| Kate McKeown Nude| Karen McKevic Nude| Madison Mckinley Nude| Mary McKinley Nude| Alta Mckinney Nude| Shamara Mckoy Nude| Lydia McLane Nude| Michelle McLaren Nude| Ellen McLaughlin Nude| Michelle McLaughlin Nude| Sheila McLaughlin Nude| Susan McLellan Nude| Zoe McLellan Nude| Natalie McLennan Nude| Samantha McLeod Nude| Shannon McLeod Nude| Shannon McMahon Nude| Tristen McMahon Nude| Kristen McMenamy Nude| Cadence McMichael Nude| Mercedes McNab Nude| Barbara McNair Nude| Megan McNally Nude| Jessica Mcnamee Nude| Penny McNamee Nude| Kate McNeil Nude| Kristy McNichol Nude| Julie McNiven Nude| Maggie McOmie Nude| Coco McPherson Nude| Kris McQuade Nude| Mary McRea Nude| Jenny McShane Nude| Heather McTague Nude| Janet McTeer Nude| Rose McVeigh Nude| Jillian McWhirter Nude| Melissa Mead Nude| Emily Meade Nude| Julie Meadows Nude| Barbara Meale Nude| Natasha Mealey Nude| Karen Medak Nude| Elli Medeiros Nude| Jennifer Medeiros Nude| Aya Medel Nude| Azucena Medina Nude| Stephanie Christine Medina Nude| Victoria Medlin Nude| Tatiana Medvedeva Nude| Heather Medway Nude| Misty Meeler Nude| Shantell Meghan Nude| Roya Megnot Nude| Claudia Mehnert Nude| Eva Meier Nude| Nova Meierhenrich Nude| Maike Meijer Nude| Katharina Meinecke Nude| Elena Meißner Nude| Brenda Lyn Mejia Nude| Isabelle Mejias Nude| Mei Melançon Nude| Mariangela Melato Nude| Wendel Meldrum Nude| Careena Melia Nude| Marina Melin Nude| Melisande Nude| Marisa Mell Nude| Tamara Mello Nude| Natasha Melnick Nude| Sara Melson Nude| Pauline Melville Nude| Eleonore Melzer Nude| Marisol Membrillo Nude| Tanya Memme Nude| Alejandra Mena Nude| Isabelle Menard Nude| Bete Mendes Nude| Crisaide Mendes Nude| Eva Mendes Nude| Gizele Mendez Nude| Monica Mendez Nude| Yancy Mendia Nude| Marcela Mendívil Nude| Maria Luísa Mendonça Nude| Aris Mendoza Nude| Jaclyn Mendoza Nude| Rossy Mendoza Nude| Wanda Mendres Nude| Xuxa Meneghel Nude| Alex Meneses Nude| Jessey Meng Nude| Isabelle Menke Nude| Tinka Menkes Nude| Stephanie Menuez Nude| Idina Menzel Nude| Heather Menzies Nude| Angela Menzies-Wills Nude| Ana López Mercado Nude| Clarissa Mercado Nude| Mercedes Nude| Mae Mercer Nude| Tamzin Merchant Nude| Verónica Merchant Nude| Michèle Mercier Nude| Michèle Mercure Nude| Monique Mercure Nude| Jo Anne Meredith Nude| Penny Meredith Nude| Isabelle Mergault Nude| Aurélie Meriel Nude| Macha Méril Nude| Francisca Merino Nude| Lorena Meritano Nude| Maja Martina Merljak Nude| Bethany Merola Nude| Raquel Meroño Nude| Julie Merrill Nude| Shelli Merrill Nude| Catherine Merritt Nude| Kim Merritt Nude| Deanna Merryman Nude| Kres Mersky Nude| Zienia Merton Nude| Alessia Merz Nude| Roxane Mesquida Nude| Debra Messing Nude| Claudia Messner Nude| LoriDawn Messuri Nude| Jeannine Mestre Nude| Isabel Mestres Nude| Svetlana Metkina Nude| Blythe Metz Nude| Susanna Metzner Nude| Belinda Meuldijk Nude| Nina Meurisse Nude| Dina Meyer Nude| Marie Meyer Nude| Ofelia Meyer Nude| Michelle Meyrink Nude| Myriam Mézières Nude| Giovanna Mezzogiorno Nude| Ryu Mi-o Nude| Andrew Mia Nude| Angela Mia Nude| Justine Miceli Nude| Joy Michael Nude| Marion Michael Nude| Amber Michaels Nude| Ellen Michaels Nude| Erika Michaels Nude| Faith Michaels Nude| Gianna Michaels Nude| Julie Michaels Nude| Kiki Michaels Nude| Lorraine Michaels Nude| Merle Michaels Nude| Michelle Michaels Nude| Roxanna Michaels Nude| Roxanne Michaels Nude| Cherie Michan Nude| Sophie Michard Nude| Françoise Michaud Nude| Nancy-Ann Michaud Nude| Cristina Michaus Nude| Nicki Micheaux Nude| Kim G. Michel Nude| Odile Michel Nude| Cristin Michele Nude| Emmanuelle Michelet Nude| Giulia Michelini Nude| Ann Michelle Nude| Candice Michelle Nude| Shelley Michelle Nude| Vicki Michelle Nude| Charis Michelsen Nude| Claudia Michelsen Nude| Trine Michelsen Nude| Michi Nude| Zdenka Micka Nude| Tracy Middendorf Nude| Francine Middleton Nude| Ramona Midgett Nude| Midori Nude| Midori Nude| Mako Midori Nude| Jun Midorikawa Nude| Magdalena Mielcarz Nude| Susanne Mierisch Nude| Louise Mieritz Nude| Karen Miers Nude| Julia Migenes Nude| Yôko Mihara Nude| Jun Miho Nude| Mikela J. Mikael Nude| Syoko Mikami Nude| Izabella Miko Nude| Milan Nude| Margarita Milan Nude| Alyssa Milano Nude| Barbara Milano Nude| Aubrey Miles Nude| Rosalind Miles Nude| Sarah Miles Nude| Sherry Miles Nude| Sylvia Miles Nude| Penelope Milford Nude| Ann Milhench Nude| Ivana Milicevic Nude| Cristin Milioti Nude| Natasa Miljus Nude| Natalia Millán Nude| Helen Millar Nude| Jeannie Millar Nude| Ruth Millar Nude| Patricia Millardet Nude| Amy Miller Nude| Brandy Miller Nude| Elizabeth Lee Miller Nude| Elizabeth Lee Miller Nude| Geri Miller Nude| Heidi Miller Nude| Jackie Miller Nude| Jennifer Miller Nude| Katherine E. Miller Nude| Kathleen Miller Nude| Kristen Miller Nude| Marisa Miller Nude| Melanie Leanne Miller Nude| Michelle Miller Nude| Mirta Miller Nude| Penelope Ann Miller Nude| Rebecca Miller Nude| Sienna Miller Nude| Stephanie Miller Nude| Tana Miller Nude| Toby Miller Nude| Céline Milliat-Baumgartner Nude| Angie Milliken Nude| Mary Millington Nude| Barbara Mills Nude| Brooke Mills Nude| Claire Mills Nude| Donna Mills Nude| Grace Mills Nude| Hayley Mills Nude| Juliet Mills Nude| Juliette Mills Nude| Kay Mills Nude| Doris Milmore Nude| Ruth Milne Nude| Nina Milner Nude| Cody Milo Nude| Sofia Milos Nude| Lavinia Milosovici Nude| Yvette Mimieux Nude| Ara Mina Nude| Nicki Minaj Nude| Maiko Minami Nude| Yôko Minamino Nude| Christiane Minazzoli Nude| Rachel Miner Nude| Deanna Minerva Nude| Elvira Mínguez Nude| Liza Minnelli Nude| Dani Minnick Nude| Kylie Minogue Nude| Gregoriane Minot Payeur Nude| Carrie Minter Nude| Kristin Minter Nude| Judy Minx Nude| Miou Nude| Miou-Miou Nude| Irene Miracle Nude| Dianna Miranda Nude| Itziar Miranda Nude| Margarida Miranda Nude| Pia Miranda Nude| Soledad Miranda Nude| Verónica Miriel Nude| Jennifer Miro Nude| Kira Miró Nude| Odette Miro Nude| Silvia Miró Nude| Karolina Mirosova Nude| Helen Mirren Nude| Chieko Misaka Nude| Mao Misaki Nude| Reira Misaki Nude| Maya Mishalska Nude| Emilie Miskdjian Nude| Tyra Misoux Nude| Mistress Erzsebet Nude| Delaina Mitchell Nude| Elizabeth Mitchell Nude| Ella Mitchell Nude| Jane Mitchell Nude| Jaye Mitchell Nude| Katie Mitchell Nude| Kit Mitchell Nude| Lois Mitchell Nude| Paula Mitchell Nude| Radha Mitchell Nude| Sharon Mitchell Nude| Labina Mitevska Nude| Michela Miti Nude| Rhona Mitra Nude| Yasmin Mitri Nude| Natsumi Mitsu Nude| Marion Mitterhammer Nude| Atsuko Miura Nude| Katy Mixon Nude| Mimi Miyagi Nude| Mariko Miyamitsu Nude| Nobuko Miyamoto Nude| Junko Miyashita Nude| Tomomi Miyashita Nude| Masumi Miyazaki Nude| Junko Miyazono Nude| Miyoko Nude| Kanae Mizuhara Nude| Ai Mizuki Nude| Kaoru Mizuki Nude| Mari Mizuki Nude| Mayu Mizushima Nude| Kei Mizutani Nude| Paulina Mlynarska Nude| Shanna Moakler Nude| Renata Moar Nude| Malin Moberg Nude| Miho Mochizuki Nude| Mara Modair Nude| Enrica Maria Modugno Nude| Rikke Juhl Moegelhoej Nude| Anette Moeller Nude| Alexandra Moen Nude| Katherine Moennig Nude| Véronique Moest Nude| Carin Moffat Nude| Geraldine Moffat Nude| Katherine Moffat Nude| Michelle Moffett Nude| Anna Moffo Nude| Tatiana Mogilansky Nude| Alison Moir Nude| Sasha Moisewitsch Nude| Gretchen Mol Nude| Sandrine Molaro Nude| Robyn Moler Nude| Ángela Molina Nude| Ava Molina Nude| Kena Molina Nude| Olivia Molina Nude| Marta Molins Nude| Jenny Mollen Nude| Linda Molnar Nude| Piroska Molnár Nude| Xénia Molnár Nude| Janel Moloney Nude| Grynet Molvig Nude| Jill Scott Momaday Nude| Dawn Monacco Nude| Di Ann Monaco Nude| Kelly Monaco Nude| Michelle Monaghan Nude| Mary Monahan Nude| Karen Moncrieff Nude| Lisa Moncure Nude| Anouska Mond Nude| Carol Monda Nude| Romina Mondello Nude| Fawnia Mondey Nude| Nathalie Monduit Nude| Monica Monet Nude| Paulina Monet Nude| Constance Money Nude| Heidi Moneymaker Nude| Sophie Monk Nude| Yvonne Monlaur Nude| Lili Monori Nude| Louise Monot Nude| Cinzia Monreale Nude| Angela Monroe Nude| Betsy Monroe Nude| Carolyn Monroe Nude| Marilyn Monroe Nude| Meredith Monroe Nude| Mircea Monroe Nude| Chloé Mons Nude| Rachel Montague Nude| Séana Montague Nude| Irene Montalà Nude| Karlie Montana Nude| Heather Montanez Nude| Shana Montanez Nude| Maria Montaño Nude| Brenda Monte Nude| Brandy Montegro Nude| Merci Montello Nude| Lia Montelongo Nude| Andrea Montenegro Nude| Sasha Montenegro Nude| Paola Montenero Nude| Ivonne Montero Nude| Rosenda Monteros Nude| Carmen Montes Nude| Elsa Montes Nude| Camille Montgomery Nude| Elizabeth Montgomery Nude| Flora Montgomery Nude| Janet Montgomery Nude| Jill Montgomery Nude| Julia Montgomery Nude| Lauren Montgomery Nude| Ivana Monti Nude| Mary Elaine Monti Nude| Maura Monti Nude| Anna Maria Monticelli Nude| Rita Montone Nude| Muriel Montossé Nude| Pascale Montpetit Nude| Lynne Moody Nude| Brandy Moon Nude| So-Ri Moon Nude| Sydney Moon Nude| Tanya Moon Nude| Maureen Mooney Nude| Cherry Moonshine Nude| Zoe Moonshine Nude| Lova Moor Nude| Alexia Moore Nude| Audrey Moore Nude| Austyn Moore Nude| Barbara Anne Moore Nude| Bobby Jo Moore Nude| Christine Moore Nude| Demi Moore Nude| Dorothy Moore Nude| Jennifer L. Moore Nude| Jessica Moore Nude| Jodie Moore Nude| Julianne Moore Nude| Kenya Moore Nude| Larissa Moore Nude| Lisa Bronwyn Moore Nude| Lisa Rae Moore Nude| Mandy Moore Nude| Mary Moore Nude| Melissa Anne Moore Nude| Micki Moore Nude| Natallie Moore Nude| Nicole Moore Nude| Paula Moore Nude| Shamron Moore Nude| Stephanie Moore Nude| Sara Mora Nude| Hattie Morahan Nude| Brooke Morales Nude| Crissy Moran Nude| Kate Moran Nude| Sofia Moran Nude| Laura Morante Nude| Cristina Moranzoni Nude| Kestie Morassi Nude| Nina Morato Nude| Bedy Moratti Nude| Amaliya Mordvinova Nude| Camilla More Nude| Carey More Nude| Jeanne Moreau Nude| Marguerite Moreau Nude| Sylvie Moreau Nude| Yolande Moreau Nude| Elizabeth Morehead Nude| Marie-France Morel Nude| Linda Morell Nude| Grazia Morelli Nude| Lara Morena Nude| Catalina Sandino Moreno Nude| Maristela Moreno Nude| Nelly Moreno Nude| Rita Moreno Nude| Ruby Moreno Nude| Gina Morett Nude| Michelle Moretti Nude| Kristin Moreu Nude| Alexandra Morgan Nude| Ann Morgan Nude| Britt Morgan Nude| Chesty Morgan Nude| Chloe Morgan Nude| Cindy Morgan Nude| Dawn Morgan Nude| Debbi Morgan Nude| Heather Morgan Nude| Holly Morgan Nude| Jaye P. 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Myers Nude| Anna Maria Mühe Nude| Stefanie Mühlhan Nude| Sophia Myles Nude| Gisela Müller Nude| Henriette Müller Nude| Lillian Müller Nude| Katharina Müller-Elmau Nude| Karen-Lise Mynster Nude| Linda Myrberg Nude| Arden Myrin Nude| Simone Müterthies Nude| Vicenta N'Dongo Nude| Debra Naclerio Nude| Lymari Nadal Nude| Nadiuska Nude| Shihori Nagasaka Nude| Eiko Nagashima Nude| Eliza Pryor Nagel Nude| Parminder Nagra Nude| Anne Nahabedian Nude| Joanne Nail Nude| Kathy Najimy Nude| Mao Nakagawa Nude| Mihoko Nakagawa Nude| Rie Nakagawa Nude| Shôko Nakahara Nude| Aoi Nakajima Nude| Shoko Nakajima Nude| Kyôko Nakamura Nude| Saemi Nakamura Nude| Bif Naked Nude| Napakpapha Nakprasitte Nude| Aleah Nalewick Nude| Yan Nam Nude| Nana Nude| Saori Nanami Nude| Daniela Nane Nude| Reiko Nanjo Nude| Debbie Nankervis Nude| Mihaela Nankova Nude| Erika Nann Nude| Isabelle Nanty Nude| Denise Naples Nude| Toni Naples Nude| Susan Napoli Nude| Daniela Nardini Nude| Donna Nardo Nude| Darling Narita Nude| Jennifer Nash Nude| Kylee Nash Nude| Niecy Nash Nude| Debbie Nassar Nude| Olia Natasha Nude| Zoe Nathenson Nude| Miranda Nation Nude| Kitten Natividad Nude| Laura Nativo Nude| Yûko Natori Nude| Mari Natsuki Nude| Yoko Natsuki Nude| Masako Natsume Nude| Rei Natsume Nude| Naturi Naughton Nude| Renate Naujoks Nude| Cass Naumann Nude| Lilian Naumann Nude| Kate Nauta Nude| Alicia Navajas Nude| Elodie Navarre Nude| Nieves Navarro Nude| Silvia Navarro Nude| Albane Navizet Nude| Nisha K. Nayar Nude| Zoe Naylor Nude| Lola Naymark Nude| Danni Ne'Cole Nude| Billie Neal Nude| Cindy Neal Nude| Siri Neal Nude| Jackie Nealon Nude| Holly Near Nude| Claire Nebout Nude| Barbara Nedeljakova Nude| Myriam Nedellec Nude| Mirjam Neebe Nude| Carol Needham Nude| Julie Neesam Nude| Baelyn Neff Nude| Natalya Negoda Nude| Alessandra Negrini Nude| Olivia Negron Nude| Kirsten Nehberg Nude| Elke Neidhart Nude| Claudia Neidig Nude| Bonnie Neilson Nude| Anja Nejarri Nude| Kristina Nel Nude| Alexandra Neldel Nude| Stacey Nelkin Nude| Krista Nell Nude| Nathalie Nell Nude| Barbara Nelli Nude| Kate Nelligan Nude| Lara Nelms Nude| Connie Nelson Nude| Deirdre Nelson Nude| Tamara Nelson Nude| Valerie Nelson Nude| Petra Nemcova Nude| Eva Dawn Nemeth Nude| Regina Nemni Nude| Antiniska Nemour Nude| Nena Nude| Francesca Neri Nude| Nadia Neri Nude| Rosalba Neri Nude| Toni Nero Nude| Caroline Neron Nude| Nikol Nesbitt Nude| Victoria Nesbitt Nude| Katja Nesytowa Nude| Anita Neszmenyi Nude| Elene Netesina Nude| Sandra Nettelbeck Nude| Sonsee Neu Nude| Jenny Neumann Nude| Nadine Neumann Nude| Beate Neumeyer Nude| Maaike Neuville Nude| Donna Neuwirth Nude| Nevaeh Nude| Micaela Nevárez Nude| Hélène Neveu Nude| Ann Neville Nude| Sarah Neville Nude| Brooke Nevin Nude| Anzhelika Nevolina Nude| Lorielle New Nude| Tina New Nude| Tricia Newby Nude| Amber Newman Nude| Jo Newman Nude| Montana Newman Nude| Julie Newmar Nude| Lisa Marie Newmyer Nude| Margrit Evelyn Newton Nude| Sally Anne Newton Nude| Thandie Newton Nude| Gianella Neyra Nude| Carrie Ng Nude| Jacqueline Ng Nude| Lisa Ng Nude| Sophie Ngan Nude| Christine Nguyen Nude| Mayko Nguyen Nude| Navia Nguyen Nude| Solange Nguyen Nude| Sommer Nguyen Nude| Thao Nguyen Nude| Georgia Nica Nude| Alexandra Nice Nude| Angela Nicholas Nude| Helen Nicholas Nude| Phoebe Nicholls Nude| Melanie Nicholls-King Nude| Britt Nichols Nude| Jessica Nichols Nude| Kelly Nichols Nude| Marisol Nichols Nude| Nita Nichols Nude| Rachel Nichols Nude| Julianne Nicholson Nude| Kathrin Nicholson Nude| Rebecca Nicholson Nude| Sarah Nicholson Nude| Sarah Nicklin Nude| Jessie Nickson Nude| Julia Nickson Nude| Nico Nude| Brittania Nicol Nude| France Nicolas Nude| Candice Nicole Nude| Natalie Nicole Nude| Sara Nicole Nude| Daria Nicolodi Nude| Valerie Nicorre Nude| Elisabeth Niederer Nude| Rena Niehaus Nude| Valerie Niehaus Nude| Domenica Niehoff Nude| Barbara Nielsen Nude| Brigitte Nielsen Nude| Charlotte Nielsen Nude| Christa Møller Nielsen Nude| Connie Nielsen Nude| Karen Nielsen Nude| Natasha Nielsen Nude| Pascale Nielsen Nude| Layla Nielson Nude| Juliane Niemann Nude| Lisa Niemi Nude| Riikka Niemi Nude| Nicole Nieth Nude| Mari Carmen Nieto Nude| María José Nieto Nude| Marta Nieto Nude| Roxana Nieto Nude| Madelyn Night Nude| Rebecca Night Nude| Amy Nigra Nude| Miho Nikaido Nude| Nikko Nude| Laura Niles Nude| Polly Niles Nude| Radha Nilia Nude| Tove Nilsson Nude| Helen Nima Nude| Najwa Nimri Nude| Miho Ninagawa Nude| Saki Ninomiya Nude| Yana Nirvana Nude| Tomomi Nishizaki Nude| Anne Grete Nissen Nude| Jennifer Nitsch Nude| Barbara Niven Nude| Cynthia Nixon Nude| Kimberley Nixon Nude| Irina Nizina Nude| Stephanie Niznik Nude| Saplak Njoman Nude| Sandra Nkake Nude| Angela Noack Nude| Chantal Nobel Nude| Ines Nobili Nude| Kathryn Noble Nude| Samantha Noble Nude| Savage Noble Nude| Nicole Nocintino Nude| Loloni Nocolo Nude| Kettly Noel Nude| Magali Noël Nude| Natacha Noël Nude| Norelia Noel Nude| Héléna Noguerra Nude| Lisa Nohea Nude| Yuki Nohira Nude| Margaret Nolan Nude| Tania Nolan Nude| Ann Noland Nude| Aline Nolasco Nude| Michelle Nolden Nude| Sophie Nollet Nude| Miho Nomoto Nude| Zoé Nonn Nude| Christine Noonan Nude| Michela Noonan Nude| Ruth Noonan Nude| Nora-Jane Noone Nude| Kate Norby Nude| Cecile Nordegg Nude| Sylvie Nordheim Nude| Michele Nordin Nude| Normaline Nude| Hayley Marie Norman Nude| Carli Norris Nude| Michele Norris Nude| Cecilia North Nude| J.J. 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Katherine Novy Nude| Jolanta Nowak Nude| Joanna Noyes Nude| Esther Nubiola Nude| Francesca Nunzi Nude| Anna Nygh Nude| Mia Nygren Nude| Lena Nyman Nude| Rungano Nyoni Nude| Nyra Nude| Kallista Nytly Nude| Tracy O'Brian Nude| Becky O'Brien Nude| Coleen O'Brien Nude| Frankie O'Brien Nude| Ky O'Brien Nude| Maria O'Brien Nude| Mariah O'Brien Nude| Maureen O'Brien Nude| Meredith O'Brien Nude| Miki O'Brien Nude| Nancy O'Brien Nude| Olga O'Brien Nude| Shauna O'Brien Nude| Kelly O'Byrne Nude| Ciara O'Callaghan Nude| Alice O'Connell Nude| Helen O'Connell Nude| Natalie O'Connell Nude| Taaffe O'Connell Nude| Frances O'Connor Nude| Glynnis O'Connor Nude| Renée O'Connor Nude| Jennifer O'Dell Nude| Natalie O'Donnell Nude| Lani O'Grady Nude| Quinn O'Hara Nude| Caitlin O'Heaney Nude| Natasha O'Keeffe Nude| Olivia O'Lovely Nude| Cathleen O'Malley Nude| Kate O'Mara Nude| Kim O'Mara Nude| Elaine O'Meara Nude| Rikki O'Neal Nude| Tatum O'Neal Nude| Linda O'Neil Nude| Jennifer O'Neill Nude| Maggie O'Neill Nude| Remy O'Neill Nude| Erin O'Reilly Nude| Genevieve O'Reilly Nude| Kathryn O'Reilly Nude| Darby O'Riley Nude| Kate O'Rourke Nude| Orla O'Rourke Nude| Fiona O'Shaughnessy Nude| Adrienne O'Sullivan Nude| Aisling O'Sullivan Nude| Gunargie O'Sullivan Nude| Maureen O'Sullivan Nude| Annette O'Toole Nude| Elisabeth Oas Nude| Agnès Obadia Nude| Uschi Obermaier Nude| Claire Oberman Nude| Evelina Oboza Nude| Jacqueline Obradors Nude| Ana Obregón Nude| Celeste Octavia Nude| Devon Odessa Nude| Gabrielle Odinis Nude| Laila Odom Nude| Miriam Odorica Nude| Raffaella Offidani Nude| Asami Ogawa Nude| Mariko Ogawa Nude| Tamaki Ogawa Nude| Bulle Ogier Nude| Pascale Ogier Nude| Keiko Oginome Nude| Natalie Ogle Nude| Daniela Ognibene Nude| San-ha Oh Nude| Sandra Oh Nude| Sarah Oh Nude| Yun-hong Oh Nude| Cláudia Ohana Nude| Christiane Ohliger Nude| Mikio Ohno Nude| Carolin Ohrner Nude| Machiko Ohtani Nude| Nao Oikawa Nude|
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
So much for the big reveal! Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy cover leaked online She is no doubt one of the most high profile and controversial stars to agree to grace the magazine's front cover. But Lindsay Lohan’s Playboy cover shot big reveal has been
So much for the big reveal! Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy cover leaked online
She is no doubt one of the most high profile and controversial stars to agree to grace the magazine's front cover.
But Lindsay Lohan's Playboy cover shot big reveal has been thwarted and a picture of the upcoming issue has been leaked online.
The 25-year-old actress is seen straddling a Playboy bunny shaped chair which manages to cover her modesty, but reveals the curve of her breasts.
Leaked: Someone took a snap of the front cover of the Playboy magazine featuring Lindsay Lohan in the nude
Leaked: Someone took a snap of the front cover of the Playboy magazine featuring Lindsay Lohan in the nude
Wearing just a pair of black high heels, Lindsay has her hair in big blonde curls falling around her shoulders, and she is seen pouting into the camera with bright red lips, matching her seat and the curtains in the backdrop.
* 'He was the love of my life': Lindsay Lohan's private diary details her surprise relationship with Heath Ledger
Lindsay, who was reportedly paid $1million for the shoot, had planned to reveal her nude cover on the Ellen DeGeneres show on December 15.
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Blonde bombshell: The 25-year-old has been keeping a low profile of late and was seen leaving the Ken Paves hair salon in Los Angeles on Monday
Blonde bombshell: The 25-year-old has been keeping a low profile of late and was seen leaving the Ken Paves hair salon in Los Angeles on Monday
The actress had to pose for the magazine photographers twice, as the original attempt did not satisfy Playboy boss Hugh Hefner.
Speaking about the snaps which appear in the January/ February issue of the magazine, Hefner spoke about the inspiration behind the racy shots.
He said: 'It's a classic tribute, inspired by the original Tom Kelley nude pictorial of Marilyn Monroe. [It's] classy, very classy,' the New York Post reported.
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
'It turned out very well. I would say that I had some reservations early on, but after a couple of false steps, everybody came on board and it's going to be very exciting,' Hefner added.
At the time Lindsay posed for the photos, Dina Lohan, Lindsay's mother said the shoot was 'tastefully done'.
Speaking to The Insider's Christina McLarty she said: 'It was an opportunity for her and she's done thousands and thousands of covers, so this was just something...she's 25 now. It was just something that was her decision...we have a contractual say in how far it goes and her and Mr. Hefner will decide.'
Oh la la: The Playboy cover isn't the first time that Lindsay has stripped off for a magazine and the actress bared all for New York magazine in 2008
Oh la la: The Playboy cover isn't the first time that Lindsay has stripped off for a magazine and the actress bared all for New York magazine in 2008
Dina continued: 'She'll pick five covers, he'll pick the one, but she has a say. I don't want to get into the contract, but it will be tastefully done.'
This is not the first time that Lindsay has bared all for a magazine, in 2008 she covered herself in just a sheer pink scarf posing on the front of New York magazine.
Lindsay has been keeping a fairly low profile of late and last month she spent just four and a half hours in jail, after being released early from her 30-day sentence, due to overcrowding.
The sentence also requires Lohan to undergo 18 psychotherapy sessions and appear monthly at court hearings between December 2011 and March 2012, she also has to complete more community service.
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
She is no doubt one of the most high profile and controversial stars to agree to grace the magazine's front cover.
But Lindsay Lohan's Playboy cover shot big reveal has been thwarted and a picture of the upcoming issue has been leaked online.
The 25-year-old actress is seen straddling a Playboy bunny shaped chair which manages to cover her modesty, but reveals the curve of her breasts.
Leaked: Someone took a snap of the front cover of the Playboy magazine featuring Lindsay Lohan in the nude
Leaked: Someone took a snap of the front cover of the Playboy magazine featuring Lindsay Lohan in the nude
Wearing just a pair of black high heels, Lindsay has her hair in big blonde curls falling around her shoulders, and she is seen pouting into the camera with bright red lips, matching her seat and the curtains in the backdrop.
* 'He was the love of my life': Lindsay Lohan's private diary details her surprise relationship with Heath Ledger
Lindsay, who was reportedly paid $1million for the shoot, had planned to reveal her nude cover on the Ellen DeGeneres show on December 15.
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Back to earth: Lindsay was seen arriving and leaving her probation meeting at the Santa Monica Courthouse yesterday
Blonde bombshell: The 25-year-old has been keeping a low profile of late and was seen leaving the Ken Paves hair salon in Los Angeles on Monday
Blonde bombshell: The 25-year-old has been keeping a low profile of late and was seen leaving the Ken Paves hair salon in Los Angeles on Monday
The actress had to pose for the magazine photographers twice, as the original attempt did not satisfy Playboy boss Hugh Hefner.
Speaking about the snaps which appear in the January/ February issue of the magazine, Hefner spoke about the inspiration behind the racy shots.
He said: 'It's a classic tribute, inspired by the original Tom Kelley nude pictorial of Marilyn Monroe. [It's] classy, very classy,' the New York Post reported.
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
Glamour girl: Lindsay, seen here at two red carpet events is said to have been paid
'It turned out very well. I would say that I had some reservations early on, but after a couple of false steps, everybody came on board and it's going to be very exciting,' Hefner added.
At the time Lindsay posed for the photos, Dina Lohan, Lindsay's mother said the shoot was 'tastefully done'.
Speaking to The Insider's Christina McLarty she said: 'It was an opportunity for her and she's done thousands and thousands of covers, so this was just something...she's 25 now. It was just something that was her decision...we have a contractual say in how far it goes and her and Mr. Hefner will decide.'
Oh la la: The Playboy cover isn't the first time that Lindsay has stripped off for a magazine and the actress bared all for New York magazine in 2008
Oh la la: The Playboy cover isn't the first time that Lindsay has stripped off for a magazine and the actress bared all for New York magazine in 2008
Dina continued: 'She'll pick five covers, he'll pick the one, but she has a say. I don't want to get into the contract, but it will be tastefully done.'
This is not the first time that Lindsay has bared all for a magazine, in 2008 she covered herself in just a sheer pink scarf posing on the front of New York magazine.
Lindsay has been keeping a fairly low profile of late and last month she spent just four and a half hours in jail, after being released early from her 30-day sentence, due to overcrowding.
The sentence also requires Lohan to undergo 18 psychotherapy sessions and appear monthly at court hearings between December 2011 and March 2012, she also has to complete more community service.
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
Offering their opinion: Playboy boss Hugh Hefner said the shoot was 'classy' and Dina said they were 'tastefully done'
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Nude Jennifer Aniston 'furious' at Brad Pitt! Is 'Moneyball' star 'jealous' of Justin Theroux?
Nude Jennifer Aniston 'furious' at Brad Pitt! Is 'Moneyball' star 'jealous' of Justin Theroux?
A few months back, Brad Pitt reportedly angered Jennifer Aniston when he called their marriage unfulfilling. Now he's allegedly at it again.
The Moneyball star, who has supposedly been feeling "overprotective" of his ex lately, is "jealous" of her relationship with Justin Theroux and "wants to be reassured" that Justin is good enough for her, Now Magazine is reporting.
"At first, Brad told a lot of their mutual friends that he thought Justin was too moody and serious for Jen," a "friend" dishes to the mag. "He was clearly quite jealous. Jen got wind and was furious, so she's delighted that Brad's invited her over, and she's seizing the chance to change his opinion of Justin."
Brad has allegedly invited the two to his L.A. house for drinks because he wants everyone to be on good terms, but one person may not attend the gathering: Angelina Jolie.
"Jen isn't clear on whether Angelina will be there too, but she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it," Now's source says.
If this report is accurate, then this is apparently the season of awkward meetings for Jennifer Aniston, who had an "emotional heart-to-heart" with Justin Theroux's ex, Heidi Bivens, last month. But does anyone really think that she and Brad Pitt still care about each other? They got divorced six years ago. There have been numerous reports since then that they don't speak, and "sources" connected to Jennifer are always telling the tabloids that she doesn't care about Brad anymore. Brad certainly knows about Justin, but after all these years, he probably doesn't give her new relationships more than a passing "I wish them well" kind of thought. They've both moved on, and they're obviously not in contact. But that doesn't sell magazines.
What do you think? Is Brad Pitt jealous of Justin Theroux? Does Jennifer Aniston just want everyone to get along? Sound off in the comments!
A few months back, Brad Pitt reportedly angered Jennifer Aniston when he called their marriage unfulfilling. Now he's allegedly at it again.
The Moneyball star, who has supposedly been feeling "overprotective" of his ex lately, is "jealous" of her relationship with Justin Theroux and "wants to be reassured" that Justin is good enough for her, Now Magazine is reporting.
"At first, Brad told a lot of their mutual friends that he thought Justin was too moody and serious for Jen," a "friend" dishes to the mag. "He was clearly quite jealous. Jen got wind and was furious, so she's delighted that Brad's invited her over, and she's seizing the chance to change his opinion of Justin."
Brad has allegedly invited the two to his L.A. house for drinks because he wants everyone to be on good terms, but one person may not attend the gathering: Angelina Jolie.
"Jen isn't clear on whether Angelina will be there too, but she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it," Now's source says.
If this report is accurate, then this is apparently the season of awkward meetings for Jennifer Aniston, who had an "emotional heart-to-heart" with Justin Theroux's ex, Heidi Bivens, last month. But does anyone really think that she and Brad Pitt still care about each other? They got divorced six years ago. There have been numerous reports since then that they don't speak, and "sources" connected to Jennifer are always telling the tabloids that she doesn't care about Brad anymore. Brad certainly knows about Justin, but after all these years, he probably doesn't give her new relationships more than a passing "I wish them well" kind of thought. They've both moved on, and they're obviously not in contact. But that doesn't sell magazines.
What do you think? Is Brad Pitt jealous of Justin Theroux? Does Jennifer Aniston just want everyone to get along? Sound off in the comments!
Life & Style Magazine: Kim Kardashian Naked Ass Is Already Back With Reggie Bush for Anal Sex (Photo)
Life & Style Magazine: Kim Kardashian Is Already Back With Reggie Bush? (Photo)
Life & Style Magazine: Kim Kardashian Is Already Back With Reggie Bush? (Photo)
Kim Kardashian only filed for divorce on October 31, 2011, from her husband of 72 days, Kris Humphries. Now that the divorce wounds (FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!) are no longer fresh, she has resorted to going back to her former boyfriend, Reggie Bush!
According to the latest issue of Life & Style, Reggie has been a rock for Kim, in her time of need. A friend of the Kardashian family said, "Reggie reached out to Kim via text shortly after she announced she was filing for divorce to make sure she was okay. They've stayed in touch ever since, texting and talking. Kim was Reggie's first love. He knows she's hurting right now, but when the time is right, he'll swoop in and take care of her."
The spy went on to reveal, "He's concerned about her; he's making sure she's holding it together. Reggie always knew that it wasn't going to work, so he's been waiting and watching."
He probably only knew that it wasn't going to work because Kim told him that their whole marriage was faked from the start. We all kind of figured it was this huge publicity stunt for money and ratings. We only have Ryan Seacrest and E! to blame for their popularity.
Big Ass Kim Kardashian Breaks Silence About Split with Kris Humphries kim kardashian full free sex tape
Big Ass Kim Kardashian Breaks Silence About Split with Kris Humphries
Kim Kardashian had hoped she could take the high road. She thought that the controversy would die down if she stayed silent. But then Kris Humphries went public with his accusation that their marriage was built on fraud, saying he would seek an annulment — and Kim's world came crashing down all over again. "When Kim saw that he was filing for fraud in the annulment she just shook her head," recalls a confidante. "She was just so mad and upset and frustrated."
"I believe in love and the dream of having a perfect relationship, but my idea of it has changed," Kim said in a post split interview. "I think I need not live in a fairy tale like that. I think I maybe need to just snap out of it and be a little more realistic."
Kris' accusation that their marriage was a "fraud" made Kim, 31, cry, admits a pal. But knowing it was time to finally speak out, she turned first to her friends.
"Kris has his side of what happened, and I have my side of the story," Kim said, according to a close friend. "But we both contributed to the marriage not working out. We both jumped into it too fast. And now we both have to publicly go through the breakup with the whole world judging and watching."
But their marriage was never a fake. Kim really did want to marry Kris, 26, for all the right reasons, say those around her. She wanted a partner and a family — the perfect sort of romantic dream that everyone wants. "She did not commit fraud," insists an insider. "She truly was in love with him and wanted to live happily ever after. Her heartbreak is genuine."
Kim's fairy tale ended shortly after the wedding hoopla died down. "Kim quickly realized after the honeymoon that she and Kris just weren't compatible, and she had just made the biggest mistake of her life," says a Kardashian relative, who believes that Kim knew she was going to leave Kris before this season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York was finished filming. "I think she knew for a while that she [wasn't going to spend a] lifetime with Kris."
The first insider agrees: "Kim's decision to divorce didn't come out of nowhere — things between her and Kris were horrible from the moment they walked down the aisle."
Kim, insists the relative, didn't know how to admit her mistake in marrying Kris so soon after their extravagant wedding, so she let the marriage go on for 72 days until the season finished taping. "She's really not a fake," says her relative. "She was just on this runaway train with no easy way off."
"I saw her recently and she's really shook up," adds the relative, who admits that the entire Kardashian clan is concerned about what Kris will say or do next. "The family is worried about how angry Kris is and how far he will go."
Kim's family's fears go beyond Kris damaging their "brand," too. They are all genuinely worried for Kim.
"Kim isn't superhuman. People seem to have this idea that because she's on TV, she's some sort of robot," says the insider. "She's just been through this awful breakup and she's hurting. Now what Kris is doing is making it hurt that much more. The truth is that she's extremely emotional and very sensitive and she is having a very hard time dealing with all this."
Since the divorce, Kim has mostly been using her Twitter account for business purposes — like letting fans know about the new season — but on Nov. 26, she sent out a Tweet that indicated how much she was still hurting: "Celebrating other peoples [sic] pain & misfortune will only bring bad things your way," Kim Tweeted. "Maybe don't be too quick to judge & tear others apart."
This whole experience — from her unhappy marriage to the public backlash — has tempered Kim's dreams. Now, with two failed marriages behind her, she's beginning to wonder if motherhood is one goal she'll never realize. "At first I was like, I want six kids. Then I went down to four, then I was down to three, and now I'm like, maybe I won't have any," she told Glamour. "Maybe I'll just be a good aunt. At this moment in my life, I feel like maybe I am not supposed to have kids and all that."
But others predict that Kim will eventually bounce back. "She knows she made a huge mistake by marrying Kris," says the insider, "but she's ready to accept the consequences of that and move forward with her life."
Kim Kardashian had hoped she could take the high road. She thought that the controversy would die down if she stayed silent. But then Kris Humphries went public with his accusation that their marriage was built on fraud, saying he would seek an annulment — and Kim's world came crashing down all over again. "When Kim saw that he was filing for fraud in the annulment she just shook her head," recalls a confidante. "She was just so mad and upset and frustrated."
"I believe in love and the dream of having a perfect relationship, but my idea of it has changed," Kim said in a post split interview. "I think I need not live in a fairy tale like that. I think I maybe need to just snap out of it and be a little more realistic."
Kris' accusation that their marriage was a "fraud" made Kim, 31, cry, admits a pal. But knowing it was time to finally speak out, she turned first to her friends.
"Kris has his side of what happened, and I have my side of the story," Kim said, according to a close friend. "But we both contributed to the marriage not working out. We both jumped into it too fast. And now we both have to publicly go through the breakup with the whole world judging and watching."
But their marriage was never a fake. Kim really did want to marry Kris, 26, for all the right reasons, say those around her. She wanted a partner and a family — the perfect sort of romantic dream that everyone wants. "She did not commit fraud," insists an insider. "She truly was in love with him and wanted to live happily ever after. Her heartbreak is genuine."
Kim's fairy tale ended shortly after the wedding hoopla died down. "Kim quickly realized after the honeymoon that she and Kris just weren't compatible, and she had just made the biggest mistake of her life," says a Kardashian relative, who believes that Kim knew she was going to leave Kris before this season of Kourtney & Kim Take New York was finished filming. "I think she knew for a while that she [wasn't going to spend a] lifetime with Kris."
The first insider agrees: "Kim's decision to divorce didn't come out of nowhere — things between her and Kris were horrible from the moment they walked down the aisle."
Kim, insists the relative, didn't know how to admit her mistake in marrying Kris so soon after their extravagant wedding, so she let the marriage go on for 72 days until the season finished taping. "She's really not a fake," says her relative. "She was just on this runaway train with no easy way off."
"I saw her recently and she's really shook up," adds the relative, who admits that the entire Kardashian clan is concerned about what Kris will say or do next. "The family is worried about how angry Kris is and how far he will go."
Kim's family's fears go beyond Kris damaging their "brand," too. They are all genuinely worried for Kim.
"Kim isn't superhuman. People seem to have this idea that because she's on TV, she's some sort of robot," says the insider. "She's just been through this awful breakup and she's hurting. Now what Kris is doing is making it hurt that much more. The truth is that she's extremely emotional and very sensitive and she is having a very hard time dealing with all this."
Since the divorce, Kim has mostly been using her Twitter account for business purposes — like letting fans know about the new season — but on Nov. 26, she sent out a Tweet that indicated how much she was still hurting: "Celebrating other peoples [sic] pain & misfortune will only bring bad things your way," Kim Tweeted. "Maybe don't be too quick to judge & tear others apart."
This whole experience — from her unhappy marriage to the public backlash — has tempered Kim's dreams. Now, with two failed marriages behind her, she's beginning to wonder if motherhood is one goal she'll never realize. "At first I was like, I want six kids. Then I went down to four, then I was down to three, and now I'm like, maybe I won't have any," she told Glamour. "Maybe I'll just be a good aunt. At this moment in my life, I feel like maybe I am not supposed to have kids and all that."
But others predict that Kim will eventually bounce back. "She knows she made a huge mistake by marrying Kris," says the insider, "but she's ready to accept the consequences of that and move forward with her life."
Kim Kardashian Kover Klaim: No Fraud Here! Kim Kardashian is reportedly sad over Kris Humphries' recent annulment filing, which is based on the claim that he was deceived into a marriage based solely on publicity and profits.
Kim Kardashian Kover Klaim: No Fraud Here! Kim Kardashian is reportedly sad over Kris Humphries' recent annulment filing, which is based on the claim that he was deceived into a marriage based solely on publicity and profits.
After all, a friend tells OK! Weekly, the allegation simply isn't true.
"She did not commit fraud," an insider tells the tabloid. "She truly was in love with him and wanted to live happily ever after. Her heartbreak is genuine."
Kim Kardashian on OK! Weekly
It also didn't come out of nowhere, according to this anonymous, totally real source.
"Things between her and Kris were horrible from the moment they walked down the aisle," reports the pal, something all Kourtney & Kim Take New York viewers would support, based on that show's season two episodes.
Meanwhile, a relative of the family's are fearful about how far Kris will take his beef and what the public spat will do to Kim's psyche.
"Kim isn't superhuman," the source said in the most obvious statement of all-time. "People seem to have this idea that because she's on TV, she's some sort of robot. She's just been through this awful breakup and she's hurting. Now what Kris is doing is making it hurt that much more. The truth is that she's extremely emotional and very sensitive and she is having a very hard time dealing with all this."
Note to random mole: It's not Kim's television presence that makes us believe she's a robot. It's her lack of any kind of personality. Also, her fake body parts.
After all, a friend tells OK! Weekly, the allegation simply isn't true.
"She did not commit fraud," an insider tells the tabloid. "She truly was in love with him and wanted to live happily ever after. Her heartbreak is genuine."
Kim Kardashian on OK! Weekly
It also didn't come out of nowhere, according to this anonymous, totally real source.
"Things between her and Kris were horrible from the moment they walked down the aisle," reports the pal, something all Kourtney & Kim Take New York viewers would support, based on that show's season two episodes.
Meanwhile, a relative of the family's are fearful about how far Kris will take his beef and what the public spat will do to Kim's psyche.
"Kim isn't superhuman," the source said in the most obvious statement of all-time. "People seem to have this idea that because she's on TV, she's some sort of robot. She's just been through this awful breakup and she's hurting. Now what Kris is doing is making it hurt that much more. The truth is that she's extremely emotional and very sensitive and she is having a very hard time dealing with all this."
Note to random mole: It's not Kim's television presence that makes us believe she's a robot. It's her lack of any kind of personality. Also, her fake body parts.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Kim Kardashian's Failed Marriage Continues to Play Out on TV The second episode of "Kourtney and Kim Take New York" shows the reality star fighting with Kris Humphries over living in separate cities
Kim Kardashian's Failed Marriage Continues to Play Out on TV The second episode of "Kourtney and Kim Take New York" shows the reality star fighting with Kris Humphries over living in separate cities.
Any questions that remain surrounding the reasons for Kim Kardashian's failed 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries seem to be getting answered on the E! reality star's Kourtney & Kim Take New York.
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Kris Humphries Seeking Annulment From Kim Kardashian (Report)
Hot Naked Yoga Teacher Ralph Craig: Kris Humphries 'laughed and joked' on 'Kourtney and Kim Take New York'
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The first episode saw Humphries relocating to his home in Minnesota after living with Kim and her sister Kourtney, boyfriend Scott Disick and son Mason wasn't working out.
PHOTOS: Inside Kardashian Inc.
In the second episode, viewers saw Kim go to Minnesota to try and talk Kris back into living together in New York.
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But, the discussion didn't go well.
"It was ridiculous," Kris said of living in the shared hotel room. "My training is important and if I can't get it done and there are too many distractions – of Mason and Scott and Kourtney fighting and all living in the same place – it's easier to stay here."
COVER STORY: How the Kardashians Made $65 Million Last Year
Kris then walked into a different room, but Kim followed behind, telling him, "I came all the way out here to like talk to you and to hang out here but all you're really caring about is basketball. If you're married there has to be another priority."
Throughout Kim's arguments, Kris continued to repeat, "You don't want me to resent you, do you?" until Kim got fed up and stormed out, saying, "I'll go pack and we'll go live in separate cities," she said. "I'll Skype you to say bye."
The episode ended with the duo making up and returning to New York together...though as viewers know, that resolution didn't last long.
Watch part of the episode below.
Any questions that remain surrounding the reasons for Kim Kardashian's failed 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries seem to be getting answered on the E! reality star's Kourtney & Kim Take New York.
our editor recommends
Kourtney Kardashian Spars With 'Teen Mom''s Farrah Abraham Over Pregnancy
Kris Jenner Dashes Reports of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick's Wedding
Daniel Craig Slams the Kardashians
Kris Humphries Seeking Annulment From Kim Kardashian (Report)
Hot Naked Yoga Teacher Ralph Craig: Kris Humphries 'laughed and joked' on 'Kourtney and Kim Take New York'
PHOTOS: 19 of Hollywood's All-Time Shortest Marriages
The first episode saw Humphries relocating to his home in Minnesota after living with Kim and her sister Kourtney, boyfriend Scott Disick and son Mason wasn't working out.
PHOTOS: Inside Kardashian Inc.
In the second episode, viewers saw Kim go to Minnesota to try and talk Kris back into living together in New York.
STORY: E! Locks David Burtka Into Talent Deal
But, the discussion didn't go well.
"It was ridiculous," Kris said of living in the shared hotel room. "My training is important and if I can't get it done and there are too many distractions – of Mason and Scott and Kourtney fighting and all living in the same place – it's easier to stay here."
COVER STORY: How the Kardashians Made $65 Million Last Year
Kris then walked into a different room, but Kim followed behind, telling him, "I came all the way out here to like talk to you and to hang out here but all you're really caring about is basketball. If you're married there has to be another priority."
Throughout Kim's arguments, Kris continued to repeat, "You don't want me to resent you, do you?" until Kim got fed up and stormed out, saying, "I'll go pack and we'll go live in separate cities," she said. "I'll Skype you to say bye."
The episode ended with the duo making up and returning to New York together...though as viewers know, that resolution didn't last long.
Watch part of the episode below.
Kim Kardashian turns on Khloe for bad-mouthing her marriage to Kris Humphries Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
Kim Kardashian turns on Khloe for bad-mouthing her marriage to Kris Humphries Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
With her two sisters' relationships unravelling right in front of her eyes, it falls to Khloe Kardashian to try and save the day - not that she gets any thanks from an angry, ranting Kim.
The episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York opens with both Kris and Scott awol, and Kim and Kourtney surveying the damage from their Manhattan duplex.
Even Scott's parents are livid with him, while Kim's best friend Jonathan Cheban expresses his concern that Kris has fled to Minnesota.
Tension: Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
Tension: Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
Tensions: Kim Kardashian brands her sister Kourtney an 'evil troll' in tonight's episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York after she bad-mouths her husband Kris Humphries
Intervention: Khloe pays her sister a visit after things are not well in their respective relationships with Kris and Scott Disick
Intervention: Khloe pays her sister a visit after things are not well in their respective relationships with Kris and Scott Disick
Jonathan also calms Scott's father, who calls his son a 'mental case' as Kourtney sticks to plans to visit them in the Hamptons, even without their son.
Then Khloe arrives to stage a double intervention.
'I miss my sisters so much, and it is the last big weekend of the summer and we are going to the Hamptons.'
Feet up: Kim cancels a visit to The Hamptons to go and visit Kris in Minnesota
Feet up: Kim cancels a visit to The Hamptons to go and visit Kris in Minnesota
First up, Khloe tries to play peacemaker between Kourtney and Scott, after receiving unprecedented calls from the angrty Disick.
The crux of the problem for Kourtney is soon pinpointed as Scott's drinking, and the destruction that habit wrought in Miami.
Khloe tells Kourtney that Scott wants to sleep in the same bed as her, and wants to feel like 'he's the man.'
She then turns to Kim, and tells her that she should go to Minnesota, and say: 'I find it a little odd as it's been a few months and usually the first year is when you're most obsessed with that person.'
Making up: Kris and Kim try to mend their problems after he quit for his home state in last week's show
Making up: Kris and Kim try to mend their problems after he quit for his home state in last week's show
Hug it out: The couple's reunion was initially sweet
Hug it out: The couple's reunion was initially sweet
Khloe also talks about how she scaled down work to focus on her relationship with Lamar Odom.
Kim then cancels her Hampstons plans with her sisters and plans to head to Minnesota to spend time with Kris, vowing: 'I will do whatever it takes to make it work.
After a tanning session, a grumpy Kim swears at her sisters for disrupting her lie in as they head to Long Beach for their weekend away.
Kim rails at Khloe for not being supportive and says: 'She doesn't like Kris so she's purposefully trying to mess with me.'
Problems brewing: But things don't stay well for long after Kris admits he is not missing the hectic New York lifestyle
Problems brewing: But things don't stay well for long after Kris admits he is not missing the hectic New York lifestyle
Making her feelings known: Kim is upset Kris is apparently so comfortable sleeping separately
Making her feelings known: Kim is upset Kris is apparently so comfortable sleeping separately
Yet more legal trouble...
According to TMZ, the family are suing the person behind a product behind KardashianLash (a kind of eyelash-growing ungent) and the person behind the company -- named Sarah Ehrlich -- just filed a petition to trademark the name.
They spoke ro Ms. Ehrlich -- who explained that she wanted KardashianLash to help raise money to send Honduran orphans to cosmetology school so didn't think the Kardashians would mind.
But despite the worthy cause, they do and the website reports that the girls are planning to fight her petition, claiming it's a blatant rip-off of their trademark.
She then calls the girls in the car, and continues to vent on speaker-phone... prompting her sisters to say she is acting out of character.
'Think she's just p***ed as she's married to a barking dog,' Khloe quips to Kourtney's guffaws.
Kim then sends Khloe messages over Blackberry messenger calling her sister an 'evil troll' and 'spiteful.'
Jonathan persuades Scott to go to his parents' home to see Kourtney and their son, Mason.
Meanwhile Kim arrives in Minnesota and initially the reunion is sweet.
But Kris said he missed his wife but not the chaos of their New York living arrangement and Kim admits she is hurt that he is so comfortable with sleeping separately.
And the romantic tone is somewhat sullied when Kris tells Kim he can tell she had been travelling because her armpits smelled of: 'Uncooked fish and hot garbage.'
Back in the Hamptons, and Scott and Kourtney are offered some alone time by Aunty Khloe but Kourtney remains frosty to Scott.
'All she cares about is her role as a mom, but she has to remember that she has another boy, and that's me,' Scott complains.
Not all rosy: Meanwhile, Kourtney is also having issues with boyfriend Scott
Not all rosy: Meanwhile, Kourtney is also having issues with boyfriend Scott
Khloe stages an intervention and negotiates 'alone time' for Scott with Kourtney.
Meanwhile Kris is being told by his trainer that marriage 'adds 50 pounds to you,' and Kris 6ft9 quips 'and takes off inches,' before asking his trainer if he will come to New York.
Kim attempts to be domestic, and cooks a homecooked meal after Kris 'manfully' brings home the groceries.
'Is this what it feels like to be actually married,' Kris says happily.
Quality time: Khloe, pictured with Mason, tells Kourtney she needs some alone time with Scott
Quality time: Khloe, pictured with Mason, tells Kourtney she needs some alone time with Scott
He attempts to sell Minnesota and says he misses the lake, Kim begs him to compromise but he says he can't afford to fly back and forth.'
But there is a hint of suspicion as Kris asks Kim who 'put her up to' the trip and domesticity.
Kim cuts her finger and Kris says: 'You really haven't been in the kitchen for a while.'
He also mentions that Khloe left Miami for Lamar and says: 'It's great you have a role model like that.'
Khloe opens up about Kim in the Hamptons: 'I don't want the things she wants in life, I don't compete with her, she's in her own lane.'
Busy parent: Scott feels Kourtney only has time for their son and not for him
Busy parent: Scott feels Kourtney only has time for their son and not for him
Kim finally gets the sleep she's been craving and decides to confront Kris, she tells him it's his 'off season' and he should be living with her, but Kris blames distractions.
Kim yells: 'You have to meet me halfway,' as Kris lolls on the sofa chanting: 'You don't want me to resent you baby, do you?'
She then storms off saying she'll skype him to 'say goodbye.'
Later they share a tender moment, and Kim tells Kris: 'We're not going to have a successful marriage if we live in separate states,' which combined with tears prompts Kris to act.
Dinner date: Scott confronts Kourtney about his problems over dinner
Dinner date: Scott confronts Kourtney about his problems over dinner
Scott and Kourtney enjoy a double date but Scott confronts Kourtney about de-cluttering his parents' home and throwing out a beloved chess set.
But then it's back to New York for all key players, and the showdown, 'the Hump is back!' Kourtney yells as Kris insists he will make it work.
But Kim ignores Khloe as she gushes to Kourtney about Kris, Khloe calls her insincere and the sisters part on bad terms as Khloe leaves to fly back to LA.
Read more:
With her two sisters' relationships unravelling right in front of her eyes, it falls to Khloe Kardashian to try and save the day - not that she gets any thanks from an angry, ranting Kim.
The episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York opens with both Kris and Scott awol, and Kim and Kourtney surveying the damage from their Manhattan duplex.
Even Scott's parents are livid with him, while Kim's best friend Jonathan Cheban expresses his concern that Kris has fled to Minnesota.
Tension: Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
Tension: Kim's ill fated 72 day marriage is now playing out on Kourtney & Kim Take New York
Tensions: Kim Kardashian brands her sister Kourtney an 'evil troll' in tonight's episode of Kourtney & Kim Take New York after she bad-mouths her husband Kris Humphries
Intervention: Khloe pays her sister a visit after things are not well in their respective relationships with Kris and Scott Disick
Intervention: Khloe pays her sister a visit after things are not well in their respective relationships with Kris and Scott Disick
Jonathan also calms Scott's father, who calls his son a 'mental case' as Kourtney sticks to plans to visit them in the Hamptons, even without their son.
Then Khloe arrives to stage a double intervention.
'I miss my sisters so much, and it is the last big weekend of the summer and we are going to the Hamptons.'
Feet up: Kim cancels a visit to The Hamptons to go and visit Kris in Minnesota
Feet up: Kim cancels a visit to The Hamptons to go and visit Kris in Minnesota
First up, Khloe tries to play peacemaker between Kourtney and Scott, after receiving unprecedented calls from the angrty Disick.
The crux of the problem for Kourtney is soon pinpointed as Scott's drinking, and the destruction that habit wrought in Miami.
Khloe tells Kourtney that Scott wants to sleep in the same bed as her, and wants to feel like 'he's the man.'
She then turns to Kim, and tells her that she should go to Minnesota, and say: 'I find it a little odd as it's been a few months and usually the first year is when you're most obsessed with that person.'
Making up: Kris and Kim try to mend their problems after he quit for his home state in last week's show
Making up: Kris and Kim try to mend their problems after he quit for his home state in last week's show
Hug it out: The couple's reunion was initially sweet
Hug it out: The couple's reunion was initially sweet
Khloe also talks about how she scaled down work to focus on her relationship with Lamar Odom.
Kim then cancels her Hampstons plans with her sisters and plans to head to Minnesota to spend time with Kris, vowing: 'I will do whatever it takes to make it work.
After a tanning session, a grumpy Kim swears at her sisters for disrupting her lie in as they head to Long Beach for their weekend away.
Kim rails at Khloe for not being supportive and says: 'She doesn't like Kris so she's purposefully trying to mess with me.'
Problems brewing: But things don't stay well for long after Kris admits he is not missing the hectic New York lifestyle
Problems brewing: But things don't stay well for long after Kris admits he is not missing the hectic New York lifestyle
Making her feelings known: Kim is upset Kris is apparently so comfortable sleeping separately
Making her feelings known: Kim is upset Kris is apparently so comfortable sleeping separately
Yet more legal trouble...
According to TMZ, the family are suing the person behind a product behind KardashianLash (a kind of eyelash-growing ungent) and the person behind the company -- named Sarah Ehrlich -- just filed a petition to trademark the name.
They spoke ro Ms. Ehrlich -- who explained that she wanted KardashianLash to help raise money to send Honduran orphans to cosmetology school so didn't think the Kardashians would mind.
But despite the worthy cause, they do and the website reports that the girls are planning to fight her petition, claiming it's a blatant rip-off of their trademark.
She then calls the girls in the car, and continues to vent on speaker-phone... prompting her sisters to say she is acting out of character.
'Think she's just p***ed as she's married to a barking dog,' Khloe quips to Kourtney's guffaws.
Kim then sends Khloe messages over Blackberry messenger calling her sister an 'evil troll' and 'spiteful.'
Jonathan persuades Scott to go to his parents' home to see Kourtney and their son, Mason.
Meanwhile Kim arrives in Minnesota and initially the reunion is sweet.
But Kris said he missed his wife but not the chaos of their New York living arrangement and Kim admits she is hurt that he is so comfortable with sleeping separately.
And the romantic tone is somewhat sullied when Kris tells Kim he can tell she had been travelling because her armpits smelled of: 'Uncooked fish and hot garbage.'
Back in the Hamptons, and Scott and Kourtney are offered some alone time by Aunty Khloe but Kourtney remains frosty to Scott.
'All she cares about is her role as a mom, but she has to remember that she has another boy, and that's me,' Scott complains.
Not all rosy: Meanwhile, Kourtney is also having issues with boyfriend Scott
Not all rosy: Meanwhile, Kourtney is also having issues with boyfriend Scott
Khloe stages an intervention and negotiates 'alone time' for Scott with Kourtney.
Meanwhile Kris is being told by his trainer that marriage 'adds 50 pounds to you,' and Kris 6ft9 quips 'and takes off inches,' before asking his trainer if he will come to New York.
Kim attempts to be domestic, and cooks a homecooked meal after Kris 'manfully' brings home the groceries.
'Is this what it feels like to be actually married,' Kris says happily.
Quality time: Khloe, pictured with Mason, tells Kourtney she needs some alone time with Scott
Quality time: Khloe, pictured with Mason, tells Kourtney she needs some alone time with Scott
He attempts to sell Minnesota and says he misses the lake, Kim begs him to compromise but he says he can't afford to fly back and forth.'
But there is a hint of suspicion as Kris asks Kim who 'put her up to' the trip and domesticity.
Kim cuts her finger and Kris says: 'You really haven't been in the kitchen for a while.'
He also mentions that Khloe left Miami for Lamar and says: 'It's great you have a role model like that.'
Khloe opens up about Kim in the Hamptons: 'I don't want the things she wants in life, I don't compete with her, she's in her own lane.'
Busy parent: Scott feels Kourtney only has time for their son and not for him
Busy parent: Scott feels Kourtney only has time for their son and not for him
Kim finally gets the sleep she's been craving and decides to confront Kris, she tells him it's his 'off season' and he should be living with her, but Kris blames distractions.
Kim yells: 'You have to meet me halfway,' as Kris lolls on the sofa chanting: 'You don't want me to resent you baby, do you?'
She then storms off saying she'll skype him to 'say goodbye.'
Later they share a tender moment, and Kim tells Kris: 'We're not going to have a successful marriage if we live in separate states,' which combined with tears prompts Kris to act.
Dinner date: Scott confronts Kourtney about his problems over dinner
Dinner date: Scott confronts Kourtney about his problems over dinner
Scott and Kourtney enjoy a double date but Scott confronts Kourtney about de-cluttering his parents' home and throwing out a beloved chess set.
But then it's back to New York for all key players, and the showdown, 'the Hump is back!' Kourtney yells as Kris insists he will make it work.
But Kim ignores Khloe as she gushes to Kourtney about Kris, Khloe calls her insincere and the sisters part on bad terms as Khloe leaves to fly back to LA.
Read more:
Kim K to OPI Nail Polish My Sisters Deserve Equal Pay
Kim K to OPI Nail Polish My Sisters Deserve Equal Pay
Kardashian Nail Polish
All Kardashian women may not be created equal ... but one of the biggest nail polish companies on the planet is sure paying them like they are ... and get this -- even the half-sisters are raking in BIG MONEY.
TMZ has learned ... all 6 K-ladies (Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kendall) inked a deal with OPI back in March to become spokeswomen for a Kardashian line of nail polish ... featuring colors like:
Sealed with a Kris -- an intense dark red tone
Kim-pletely In Love – a soft, delicate pale pink hue
Khloe Had a Little Lam-Lam – an eye-catching dark emerald hue
Listen to Your Momager! – a striking deep blue tone
According to the contract, obtained by TMZ, the family was guaranteed $600,000 up front -- plus a cut of the nail polish profits.
Here's the thing ... the documents show the money is being divided EQUALLY between all of the women -- that's $100k-per-gal for all you math wizards out there.
Shocking considering Kim is in her own stratosphere when it comes to star-power ... then again, they say charity starts in the home.
Fun Fact -- each lady has requested to be paid through their very own corporations ... which have names like Kimsaprincess Inc., 2Die4Kourt Inc. and KhloMoney Inc.
Kardashian Nail Polish
All Kardashian women may not be created equal ... but one of the biggest nail polish companies on the planet is sure paying them like they are ... and get this -- even the half-sisters are raking in BIG MONEY.
TMZ has learned ... all 6 K-ladies (Kris, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kylie and Kendall) inked a deal with OPI back in March to become spokeswomen for a Kardashian line of nail polish ... featuring colors like:
Sealed with a Kris -- an intense dark red tone
Kim-pletely In Love – a soft, delicate pale pink hue
Khloe Had a Little Lam-Lam – an eye-catching dark emerald hue
Listen to Your Momager! – a striking deep blue tone
According to the contract, obtained by TMZ, the family was guaranteed $600,000 up front -- plus a cut of the nail polish profits.
Here's the thing ... the documents show the money is being divided EQUALLY between all of the women -- that's $100k-per-gal for all you math wizards out there.
Shocking considering Kim is in her own stratosphere when it comes to star-power ... then again, they say charity starts in the home.
Fun Fact -- each lady has requested to be paid through their very own corporations ... which have names like Kimsaprincess Inc., 2Die4Kourt Inc. and KhloMoney Inc.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Justin Bieber Tweets Happy Birthday to Britney Spears on her 30th - It's Britney Spears's birthday, and Justin Bieber made sure he got in on showering her with birthday wishes on Twitter
Justin Bieber Tweets Happy Birthday to Britney Spears on her 30th
It's Britney Spears's birthday, and Justin Bieber made sure he got in on showering her with birthday wishes on Twitter. Did you know the two were close friends? The Baby singer's tweet makes it seem like they are. What would it feel like to get a happy birthday tweet from Biebs? Pretty awesome no doubt.
Justin Bieber Tweets Happy Birthday to Britney Spears on her 30thEarlier today, Justin Bieber tweeted, "happy birthday shoutout to my friend @britneyspears." OMG! What a great tweet to wake up to no doubt even if you are Britney Spears.
Speaking of Brit Brit, she actually hit the big 3-0 today. It is hard to imagine the one time Disney star being 30, but she is. Hopefully she has had a great day, and it seems as if her life is pretty much on track after her struggles these past several years.
Can you imagine the day that Justin Bieber turns 30? It seems like it wasn't all that long ago when Britney Spears was 17 like the Biebs, and here she is a bona fide adult turning 30. "It's Britney bitch." Happy birthday!
It's Britney Spears's birthday, and Justin Bieber made sure he got in on showering her with birthday wishes on Twitter. Did you know the two were close friends? The Baby singer's tweet makes it seem like they are. What would it feel like to get a happy birthday tweet from Biebs? Pretty awesome no doubt.
Justin Bieber Tweets Happy Birthday to Britney Spears on her 30thEarlier today, Justin Bieber tweeted, "happy birthday shoutout to my friend @britneyspears." OMG! What a great tweet to wake up to no doubt even if you are Britney Spears.
Speaking of Brit Brit, she actually hit the big 3-0 today. It is hard to imagine the one time Disney star being 30, but she is. Hopefully she has had a great day, and it seems as if her life is pretty much on track after her struggles these past several years.
Can you imagine the day that Justin Bieber turns 30? It seems like it wasn't all that long ago when Britney Spears was 17 like the Biebs, and here she is a bona fide adult turning 30. "It's Britney bitch." Happy birthday!
Justin Bieber's Christmas Video with Mariah Carey: Creepy?
Justin Bieber's Christmas Video with Mariah Carey: Creepy?
On Wednesday, Justin Bieber released the video for his duet with Mariah Carey, a remake of Carey's suddenly-classic "All I Want For Christmas Is You." The song, released in November 1994 — just eight months after Bieber was born — didn't really need an update, especially one with laughably blatant Nintendo 3DS product placement. But, somebody, somewhere thought it would make money (and that Michael Buble's version wasn't enough), and it was unleashed on the world.
On Wednesday, Justin Bieber released the video for his duet with Mariah Carey, a remake of Carey's suddenly-classic "All I Want For Christmas Is You." The song, released in November 1994 — just eight months after Bieber was born — didn't really need an update, especially one with laughably blatant Nintendo 3DS product placement. But, somebody, somewhere thought it would make money (and that Michael Buble's version wasn't enough), and it was unleashed on the world.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Jessica Simpson: 'My belly is bigger than my boobs' Jessica Simpson tweeted that her belly is now officially bigger than her boobs, but an accompanying photo teasing her boobs leaves you unconvinced.
Jessica Simpson: 'My belly is bigger than my boobs'
Jessica Simpson tweeted that her belly is now officially bigger than her boobs, but an accompanying photo teasing her boobs leaves you unconvinced.
Jessica Simpson on November 8, 2011.
Jessica Simpson on November 8, 2011. Photo Credit: Jessica Simpson / Lockerz
November 09, 2011, (Sawf News) - Jessica Simpson tweeted Tuesday, November 8 that her belly is now officially bigger than her boobs, but an accompanying photo teasing her boobs leaves you unconvinced.
Actually, Jessica herself doesn't appear fully convinced, going by how she worded the tweet, "I LOVE my new Cavalli dress! My belly is officially bigger than my boobs..well kinda...ha"
The 'well kinda' seems to support our doubt.
However, we will concede that her belly is indeed bigger; after all, it's only she who can take measurements to clinch the issue!
Jessica Simpson tweeted that her belly is now officially bigger than her boobs, but an accompanying photo teasing her boobs leaves you unconvinced.
Jessica Simpson on November 8, 2011.
Jessica Simpson on November 8, 2011. Photo Credit: Jessica Simpson / Lockerz
November 09, 2011, (Sawf News) - Jessica Simpson tweeted Tuesday, November 8 that her belly is now officially bigger than her boobs, but an accompanying photo teasing her boobs leaves you unconvinced.
Actually, Jessica herself doesn't appear fully convinced, going by how she worded the tweet, "I LOVE my new Cavalli dress! My belly is officially bigger than my boobs..well kinda...ha"
The 'well kinda' seems to support our doubt.
However, we will concede that her belly is indeed bigger; after all, it's only she who can take measurements to clinch the issue!
Leann Rimes Breast Implants: Before and After Photos! a significant increase in the size of her breasts has everyone wondering if the country cutie went under the knife to bump up her bust
Leann Rimes Breast Implants: Before and After Photos!
Leann Rimes has one of the most controversial bodies in the entertainment business. Her weight is constantly scrutinized and, now, a significant increase in the size of her breasts has everyone wondering if the country cutie went under the knife to bump up her bust.
Leann Rimes Breast Implant Controversy:
The only person who will ever know for sure if Leann invested in breast implants is Leann (and probably her husband Eddie Cibrian). Unless she decides to tell the world that she did, in fact, increase the size of her tatas, the media can only speculate that the rumors are true.
Either way, it's very clear that Leann's boobs have increased in size from the photo on the left, which was taken in August of 2009 and the photo on the right, which was taken on November 26, 2011.
Do her breasts look larger? Yes.
Does that mean she has breast implants? No.
Have you seen the transformation a woman's chest can undergo with a good push up bra?
Plastic Surgery Speculation: Do you think Leann has breast implants?
Leann Rimes has one of the most controversial bodies in the entertainment business. Her weight is constantly scrutinized and, now, a significant increase in the size of her breasts has everyone wondering if the country cutie went under the knife to bump up her bust.
Leann Rimes Breast Implant Controversy:
The only person who will ever know for sure if Leann invested in breast implants is Leann (and probably her husband Eddie Cibrian). Unless she decides to tell the world that she did, in fact, increase the size of her tatas, the media can only speculate that the rumors are true.
Either way, it's very clear that Leann's boobs have increased in size from the photo on the left, which was taken in August of 2009 and the photo on the right, which was taken on November 26, 2011.
Do her breasts look larger? Yes.
Does that mean she has breast implants? No.
Have you seen the transformation a woman's chest can undergo with a good push up bra?
Plastic Surgery Speculation: Do you think Leann has breast implants?
Flat Chested & Foxy! 10 Bikini Babes With Small BoobsFlat Chested & Foxy! 10 Bikini Babes With Small Boobs
Flat Chested & Foxy! 10 Bikini Babes With Small BoobsFlat Chested & Foxy! 10 Bikini Babes With Small Boobs
Bigger isn't always better and these smokin' hot bikini babes are living proof!
Though there are lots of boobiful bombshells on the shoreline who love showing off their ample assets in the tiniest of bikinis, there's also a handful of bikini babes who look just as sexy with their barely-there bikini boobs. has photos of the 10 hottest small-chested celebs on the shoreline.
Cameron Diaz has successfully maintained one of the most buzzed-about beach bodies on the beach for years, despite the fact that she barely fills out her bikini top.
PHOTOS: Bikini Babes With Small Boobs
Claire Danes and Keira Knightley are both critically acclaimed actresses, who may not bring a lot of booby to the beach, but manage to make the most out of their natural assets by wearing miniscule beach a la mode.
And Kate Hudson is a SoCal babe who made waves with her rock hard body and small chest for years – but recently the hot mama appears to have gotten a little boost!
What other small-chested bikini babes made our hot list? Find out by clicking here.
Bigger isn't always better and these smokin' hot bikini babes are living proof!
Though there are lots of boobiful bombshells on the shoreline who love showing off their ample assets in the tiniest of bikinis, there's also a handful of bikini babes who look just as sexy with their barely-there bikini boobs. has photos of the 10 hottest small-chested celebs on the shoreline.
Cameron Diaz has successfully maintained one of the most buzzed-about beach bodies on the beach for years, despite the fact that she barely fills out her bikini top.
PHOTOS: Bikini Babes With Small Boobs
Claire Danes and Keira Knightley are both critically acclaimed actresses, who may not bring a lot of booby to the beach, but manage to make the most out of their natural assets by wearing miniscule beach a la mode.
And Kate Hudson is a SoCal babe who made waves with her rock hard body and small chest for years – but recently the hot mama appears to have gotten a little boost!
What other small-chested bikini babes made our hot list? Find out by clicking here.
Amy Childs launches TV show but insists she’s no Katie Price Amy Childs may have fake boobs, her own 2012 calendar and reality TV show 'It's All About Amy' just like Katie Price, but the Essex girl says that's where the similarities end.
Amy Childs launches TV show but insists she's no Katie Price Amy Childs may have fake boobs, her own 2012 calendar and reality TV show 'It's All About Amy' just like Katie Price, but the Essex girl says that's where the similarities end.
Amy Childs may have fake boobs, her own 2012 calendar and reality TV show (in the form of 'It's All About Amy') just like Katie Price, but the Essex girl says that's where the similarities end.
amy childs and katie price
Despite posing as the star in a magazine last year and employing the mum-of-three's former manager Claire Powell to carve out her career, Amy told omg! today that she won't be following in Katie's pink-heeled footsteps.
[See also: Amy Childs opens salon]
[See also: Amy Childs' fashion line]
"People say Kate and I are quite alike but we're going in totally different directions. She's into horse riding I'm into table tennis. D'ya know what I mean?" Erm, we're not quite sure we do.
In her new Channel 5 show that airs on Thursday at 10pm the red-head reveals she used to play table tennis for Essex before she discovered 'make-up and boys'.
"When I said I was going to be managed by Claire [Powell who is credited with making Katie Price the celebrity she is today] people said you're going to be the next Katie Price, but I'm not going be."
amy childs katie price
Different directions: Amy Childs says she won't be the next Katie Price
We're thankful the former TOWIE star is determined to be different and stand out from the showbiz crowd, but it looks like this has come at a cost to her private life.
"Obviously before TOWIE I had quite a few friends who worked at the salon with me, and I lost about three of them because they were jealous.
"They told me, you can't do a show about Essex it's embarrassing and then after that they turned on me. They didn't talk to me and they never do now."
For someone who was ditched by people she called friends the bubbly model sure does exercise some integrity refusing to say too much:
Amy childs
BFF: Amy's cousin, Harry features heavily in her new reality show /WENN
"They just didn't support me, some girls can get a bit jel and them girls never talked to me again."
Thankfully her former TOWIE costars didn't follow suit when she left the show to pursue her own project…
"TOWIE made me, it was a big thing for me to leave. A few of the cast had their opinions [about Amy leaving], which you would do d'ya know what I mean?
"I've heard a few people saying things but at the end of the day that is the press, and you either believe it or don't believe it. I speak to all of them."
amy childs
Exciting times: Amy's show starts on Thursday /WENN
One member of the ITV show who has a prominent place in Amy's affections and her new show is her cousin Harry.
"I got my Harry on the show and that's the main person I wanted with me. He's my best friend. We're so good together, we bounce off each other."
To see the cousin chemistry you'll have to tune to Channel 5 this Thursday at 10pm
Amy Childs may have fake boobs, her own 2012 calendar and reality TV show (in the form of 'It's All About Amy') just like Katie Price, but the Essex girl says that's where the similarities end.
amy childs and katie price
Despite posing as the star in a magazine last year and employing the mum-of-three's former manager Claire Powell to carve out her career, Amy told omg! today that she won't be following in Katie's pink-heeled footsteps.
[See also: Amy Childs opens salon]
[See also: Amy Childs' fashion line]
"People say Kate and I are quite alike but we're going in totally different directions. She's into horse riding I'm into table tennis. D'ya know what I mean?" Erm, we're not quite sure we do.
In her new Channel 5 show that airs on Thursday at 10pm the red-head reveals she used to play table tennis for Essex before she discovered 'make-up and boys'.
"When I said I was going to be managed by Claire [Powell who is credited with making Katie Price the celebrity she is today] people said you're going to be the next Katie Price, but I'm not going be."
amy childs katie price
Different directions: Amy Childs says she won't be the next Katie Price
We're thankful the former TOWIE star is determined to be different and stand out from the showbiz crowd, but it looks like this has come at a cost to her private life.
"Obviously before TOWIE I had quite a few friends who worked at the salon with me, and I lost about three of them because they were jealous.
"They told me, you can't do a show about Essex it's embarrassing and then after that they turned on me. They didn't talk to me and they never do now."
For someone who was ditched by people she called friends the bubbly model sure does exercise some integrity refusing to say too much:
Amy childs
BFF: Amy's cousin, Harry features heavily in her new reality show /WENN
"They just didn't support me, some girls can get a bit jel and them girls never talked to me again."
Thankfully her former TOWIE costars didn't follow suit when she left the show to pursue her own project…
"TOWIE made me, it was a big thing for me to leave. A few of the cast had their opinions [about Amy leaving], which you would do d'ya know what I mean?
"I've heard a few people saying things but at the end of the day that is the press, and you either believe it or don't believe it. I speak to all of them."
amy childs
Exciting times: Amy's show starts on Thursday /WENN
One member of the ITV show who has a prominent place in Amy's affections and her new show is her cousin Harry.
"I got my Harry on the show and that's the main person I wanted with me. He's my best friend. We're so good together, we bounce off each other."
To see the cousin chemistry you'll have to tune to Channel 5 this Thursday at 10pm
Sofia Vergara: I’m glad I didn’t get a breast reduction
Sofia Vergara: I'm glad I didn't get a breast reduction
Sofia Vergara says she is relieved she did not have the size of her breasts reduced on advice from a former publicist.
The Modern Family star told the December issue of Health Magazine that her voluptuous figure was cause for concern for her ex public relations adviser.
But it was her mother that told her to stay as nature intended and she is happy she took heed to her family's words.
"One time, years ago, I remember my publicist [at the time] told me, 'I think you should just reduce your boobs because nobody's going to take you seriously here,'" Sofia revealed.
"My mother almost had a heart attack. She was like, 'God is going to punish you! You can't cut your boobs!' I don't regret not doing it, because now it's become a big part of Gloria."
However, the 39-year-old beauty admits that she is not against cosmetic surgery but that it should be used for the right reasons.
"I don't really think that plastic surgery can make you look young," Sofia said. "It can make you look prettier, but if you go with the mentality of being young, I think that's where accidents can happen."
As amazing and envied as Sofia's figure is, she admits that she has to work out to keep in shape but that she moans about it every step of the way.
"It's paaaaainful! Ohhh, the whoooole time! I cry, I get on the floor, I'm like, 'I'm gonna throw up, enough!' I mean, [my trainer] doesn't care."
Sofia Vergara says she is relieved she did not have the size of her breasts reduced on advice from a former publicist.
The Modern Family star told the December issue of Health Magazine that her voluptuous figure was cause for concern for her ex public relations adviser.
But it was her mother that told her to stay as nature intended and she is happy she took heed to her family's words.
"One time, years ago, I remember my publicist [at the time] told me, 'I think you should just reduce your boobs because nobody's going to take you seriously here,'" Sofia revealed.
"My mother almost had a heart attack. She was like, 'God is going to punish you! You can't cut your boobs!' I don't regret not doing it, because now it's become a big part of Gloria."
However, the 39-year-old beauty admits that she is not against cosmetic surgery but that it should be used for the right reasons.
"I don't really think that plastic surgery can make you look young," Sofia said. "It can make you look prettier, but if you go with the mentality of being young, I think that's where accidents can happen."
As amazing and envied as Sofia's figure is, she admits that she has to work out to keep in shape but that she moans about it every step of the way.
"It's paaaaainful! Ohhh, the whoooole time! I cry, I get on the floor, I'm like, 'I'm gonna throw up, enough!' I mean, [my trainer] doesn't care."
Brooklyn Decker the pin-up girl flaunts her sensational curves in new lingerie ad Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Brooklyn Decker the pin-up girl flaunts her sensational curves in new lingerie ad Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but now Brooklyn Decker is making a splash in the lingerie world.
The 24-year-old Sports Illustrated model and wife of tennis champion Andy Roddick flaunts her curves in a range of sexy two-piece sets for Italian lingerie brand La Senza.
Stripping down for the company's Valentine's collection, the beautiful blonde playfully and provocatively poses for the camera.
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a Fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Stylish and bright, the collection includes a variety of flirty styles, including a playful blue and red ruffled two-piece, in which Brooklyn channels the Fifties pin-up girl.
In other images, the model effortlessly complements the wares with her knock out figure.
And with barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines.
But while she clearly looks the seasoned pro in these stunning shots, Brooklyn says she struggled to break into the modelling world.
Sexy: Flaunting her stunning curves for the company's Valentine¿s collection, the beautiful blonde provocatively poses for the camera
Sexy: Flaunting her stunning curves for the company's Valentine's collection, the beautiful blonde provocatively poses for the camera
Flawless: She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but Brooklyn looks just as good in lingerie too
Flawless: She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but Brooklyn looks just as good in lingerie too
"The fashion world completely rejected me when I first came out... I have boobs and I have a body and I talk too much and I smile too much!' she said.
The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year.
The bubbly blonde revealed earlier this year that she battled an eating disorder early in her career.
She said that it was her father that help her overcome it after he staged an intervention.
Dangerous curves: The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year
Dangerous curves: The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year
"I was always with other aspiring models. There were bingers and purgers, and everyone watched each other eat,' she told Shape magazine back in January.
'It freaked me out. I did juice fasts and crazy diets and ended up gaining weight. My father did an intervention and got me to stop obsessing about everyone else and wrecking my body.'
As well as he busy career as a model and budding actress, Brooklyn is also a devoted wife to her sports star husband.
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
During the tennis season, the Texan native was regularly seen cheering her hubby on from the sidelines.
Brooklyn met Andy after he caught sight of her while skimming through a copy of US magazine Sports Illustrated's swimwear edition in 2006.
He asked his agent to contact Brooklyn and ask her for a date and the couple have been inseparable since, tying the knot in April last year at their home in Austin, Texas.
Ravishing in red: The 5'9 model lounges in a red floral lace two-piece
Ravishing in red: The 5'9 model lounges in a red floral lace two-piece
Brooklyn was first discovered in a North Carolina shopping mall when she was a teenager.
She went on to become a household name when she appeared in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition in 2006, and then graced the cover last year.
She almost outshone Jennifer Aniston in the this year's hit romantic comedy Just Go With it, playing Palmer Dodge, the much younger love interest of the film's main character played by Adam Sandler.
Next up for Brooklyn is a role in What to Expect When You're Expecting alongside Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez.
Smokin': With barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines
Smokin': With barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines
Her character Skyler is pregnant with twins and married to older man Ramsay, who is played by Dennis Quaid.
The film is based on the best selling book, which is has sold 16 million copies and is referred to as 'America's pregnancy bible.'
Other top names making up the star-studded cast include Jennifer Lopez, Chace Crawford, Cameron Diaz and Chris Rock.
Although she may play a pregnant woman in the film, she and Andy are in no rush to start their own family.
In love: Brookyln married tennis pro Andy Roddick in her native Texas last year
In love: Brookyln married tennis pro Andy Roddick in her native Texas last year
'Not to namedrop because that's really lame, but I ran into Fergie one time and she said to me, 'Once you get married, people are going to ask, when are you having babies?
So just get ready for it. It's going to be so annoying.' she said in an interview with E! news.
'And she's so right. So my answer is, we're obviously waiting. We're young and we're focused on our careers and being together right now.'
She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but now Brooklyn Decker is making a splash in the lingerie world.
The 24-year-old Sports Illustrated model and wife of tennis champion Andy Roddick flaunts her curves in a range of sexy two-piece sets for Italian lingerie brand La Senza.
Stripping down for the company's Valentine's collection, the beautiful blonde playfully and provocatively poses for the camera.
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Playful pin-up: Brooklyn Decker channels a Fifties pin-up girl as she strips down for Italian lingerie company La Senza
Stylish and bright, the collection includes a variety of flirty styles, including a playful blue and red ruffled two-piece, in which Brooklyn channels the Fifties pin-up girl.
In other images, the model effortlessly complements the wares with her knock out figure.
And with barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines.
But while she clearly looks the seasoned pro in these stunning shots, Brooklyn says she struggled to break into the modelling world.
Sexy: Flaunting her stunning curves for the company's Valentine¿s collection, the beautiful blonde provocatively poses for the camera
Sexy: Flaunting her stunning curves for the company's Valentine's collection, the beautiful blonde provocatively poses for the camera
Flawless: She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but Brooklyn looks just as good in lingerie too
Flawless: She may be best known as a swimsuit model, but Brooklyn looks just as good in lingerie too
"The fashion world completely rejected me when I first came out... I have boobs and I have a body and I talk too much and I smile too much!' she said.
The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year.
The bubbly blonde revealed earlier this year that she battled an eating disorder early in her career.
She said that it was her father that help her overcome it after he staged an intervention.
Dangerous curves: The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year
Dangerous curves: The Texan native is known for her more curvaceous figure, which lead to her coveted Sports Illustrated cover last year
"I was always with other aspiring models. There were bingers and purgers, and everyone watched each other eat,' she told Shape magazine back in January.
'It freaked me out. I did juice fasts and crazy diets and ended up gaining weight. My father did an intervention and got me to stop obsessing about everyone else and wrecking my body.'
As well as he busy career as a model and budding actress, Brooklyn is also a devoted wife to her sports star husband.
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
Racy lace: Stylish and bright, Brooklyn shows off the collection's variety of sexy styles
During the tennis season, the Texan native was regularly seen cheering her hubby on from the sidelines.
Brooklyn met Andy after he caught sight of her while skimming through a copy of US magazine Sports Illustrated's swimwear edition in 2006.
He asked his agent to contact Brooklyn and ask her for a date and the couple have been inseparable since, tying the knot in April last year at their home in Austin, Texas.
Ravishing in red: The 5'9 model lounges in a red floral lace two-piece
Ravishing in red: The 5'9 model lounges in a red floral lace two-piece
Brooklyn was first discovered in a North Carolina shopping mall when she was a teenager.
She went on to become a household name when she appeared in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition in 2006, and then graced the cover last year.
She almost outshone Jennifer Aniston in the this year's hit romantic comedy Just Go With it, playing Palmer Dodge, the much younger love interest of the film's main character played by Adam Sandler.
Next up for Brooklyn is a role in What to Expect When You're Expecting alongside Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez.
Smokin': With barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines
Smokin': With barely any make-up on her complexion, Brooklyn's smouldering natural beauty shines
Her character Skyler is pregnant with twins and married to older man Ramsay, who is played by Dennis Quaid.
The film is based on the best selling book, which is has sold 16 million copies and is referred to as 'America's pregnancy bible.'
Other top names making up the star-studded cast include Jennifer Lopez, Chace Crawford, Cameron Diaz and Chris Rock.
Although she may play a pregnant woman in the film, she and Andy are in no rush to start their own family.
In love: Brookyln married tennis pro Andy Roddick in her native Texas last year
In love: Brookyln married tennis pro Andy Roddick in her native Texas last year
'Not to namedrop because that's really lame, but I ran into Fergie one time and she said to me, 'Once you get married, people are going to ask, when are you having babies?
So just get ready for it. It's going to be so annoying.' she said in an interview with E! news.
'And she's so right. So my answer is, we're obviously waiting. We're young and we're focused on our careers and being together right now.'
Miley Cyrus defends herself against online critics calling her fat MILEY Cyrus has taken to Twitter to defend her curvy shape after online critics criticised her for piling on the pounds.
Miley Cyrus defends herself against online critics calling her fat MILEY Cyrus has taken to Twitter to defend her curvy shape after online critics criticised her for piling on the pounds.
miley cyrus
Miley Cyrus performs in Manila as part of "The Gypsy Heart Tour" earlier this year. Picture: AP Source: Supplied
MILEY Cyrus has taken to Twitter to defend her curvy shape after online critics criticised her for piling on the pounds.
Several tabloids posted commentaries last week on Cyrus' apparent weight gain - observing how the 18-year-old was sporting a seemingly rounder face and wearing loose fitting clothing.
Fans of the teen star took to Twitter today, with one admirer calling her "a role model & an inspiration" and another writing to Cyrus "you're beautiful and don't you forget it."
"By calling girls like me fat this is what you're doing to other people. I love MYSELF," Cyrus tweeted in response, posting a graphic picture of an emaciated woman suffering from an eating disorder to her 3.5 million Twitter followers.
"I LOVE being shaped like a WOMAN & trust me ladies your man won't mind either," Cyrus added, alluding to her Aussie boyfriend Liam Hemsworth who recently told an Australian magazine he finds it's sexy when Cyrus has "steak sauce dripping down her chin".
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
Related Coverage
* Miley answers fat slur The Daily Telegraph, 16 Nov 2011
* Miley Cyrus - eco warrior Courier Mail, 23 Sep 2011
* Outrageous outfits at the MTV Awards Herald Sun, 30 Aug 2011
* Miley Cyrus points the finger, 2 Aug 2011
* Teen spirit Courier Mail, 14 Apr 2011
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Fellow Disney star Demi Lovato, 19, who has struggled with body image issues, chimed in to offer her support to Cyrus.
"I love you," Lovato told the former Hannah Montana star in a tweet. "Whoever called you that has it coming."
miley cyrus
Miley Cyrus performs in Manila as part of "The Gypsy Heart Tour" earlier this year. Picture: AP Source: Supplied
MILEY Cyrus has taken to Twitter to defend her curvy shape after online critics criticised her for piling on the pounds.
Several tabloids posted commentaries last week on Cyrus' apparent weight gain - observing how the 18-year-old was sporting a seemingly rounder face and wearing loose fitting clothing.
Fans of the teen star took to Twitter today, with one admirer calling her "a role model & an inspiration" and another writing to Cyrus "you're beautiful and don't you forget it."
"By calling girls like me fat this is what you're doing to other people. I love MYSELF," Cyrus tweeted in response, posting a graphic picture of an emaciated woman suffering from an eating disorder to her 3.5 million Twitter followers.
"I LOVE being shaped like a WOMAN & trust me ladies your man won't mind either," Cyrus added, alluding to her Aussie boyfriend Liam Hemsworth who recently told an Australian magazine he finds it's sexy when Cyrus has "steak sauce dripping down her chin".
Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar.
Related Coverage
* Miley answers fat slur The Daily Telegraph, 16 Nov 2011
* Miley Cyrus - eco warrior Courier Mail, 23 Sep 2011
* Outrageous outfits at the MTV Awards Herald Sun, 30 Aug 2011
* Miley Cyrus points the finger, 2 Aug 2011
* Teen spirit Courier Mail, 14 Apr 2011
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Fellow Disney star Demi Lovato, 19, who has struggled with body image issues, chimed in to offer her support to Cyrus.
"I love you," Lovato told the former Hannah Montana star in a tweet. "Whoever called you that has it coming."
I'm A Celeb Get Me Out Boobs,Ticks & All
I'm A Celeb Get Me Out Boobs,Ticks & All
Mark & Emily – Long Distance Relationship gets ticked off
Sinitta suggested that Mark/Emily could be a show romance but Crissy chipped in, "That's a long distance relationship, it wouldn't work".
Mark said, 'She can move back", "But what if you take Emily back and after a while say….byyeeeee?" asked Crissy.
"She's coming back anyway" said Mark, Crissy turned to Emily and said, "Are you?". Emily smiled and said "I'm going to go over anyway". Crissy
looks at them both and said, "Well she needs something to go back with…a ring and a key to a house", Emily looked at Crissy and said "I don't think so".
Mark looked at Emily and said "I'd love a long distance relationship, one thing I can't do at moment is a full on relationship so long distance works", Emily looked at him.
Is that your boob or belly
Then she moves in closer and gives Mark a head massage and finds A tick!
Emily and Mark were sat on the sofa together when Mark asked her if she was good at giving head massages, "I might be, are you?" asked Emily.
"No, I'm not" said Mark…Emily didn't respond so Mark said he's swap her a head massage for a shoulder massage. "Can you do them?" asked Emily. "I'm phenomenal at massages" declared Mark.
Mark rested his head on Emily's lap, "Is that your boob or belly" he asked Emily, "My boob" smiled Emily.
Mark then closed his eyes for 5 mins whilst he enjoyed the head massage from Emily.
"Is that a lump on your head, you've got a tick" said Emily. "NO way" shouted Mark. "Why me, leeches, a snake under my bum eating something,
I've had them all, anything and I will get it"
He then dashed off to the Bush Telegraph.
Mark & Emily – Long Distance Relationship gets ticked off
Sinitta suggested that Mark/Emily could be a show romance but Crissy chipped in, "That's a long distance relationship, it wouldn't work".
Mark said, 'She can move back", "But what if you take Emily back and after a while say….byyeeeee?" asked Crissy.
"She's coming back anyway" said Mark, Crissy turned to Emily and said, "Are you?". Emily smiled and said "I'm going to go over anyway". Crissy
looks at them both and said, "Well she needs something to go back with…a ring and a key to a house", Emily looked at Crissy and said "I don't think so".
Mark looked at Emily and said "I'd love a long distance relationship, one thing I can't do at moment is a full on relationship so long distance works", Emily looked at him.
Is that your boob or belly
Then she moves in closer and gives Mark a head massage and finds A tick!
Emily and Mark were sat on the sofa together when Mark asked her if she was good at giving head massages, "I might be, are you?" asked Emily.
"No, I'm not" said Mark…Emily didn't respond so Mark said he's swap her a head massage for a shoulder massage. "Can you do them?" asked Emily. "I'm phenomenal at massages" declared Mark.
Mark rested his head on Emily's lap, "Is that your boob or belly" he asked Emily, "My boob" smiled Emily.
Mark then closed his eyes for 5 mins whilst he enjoyed the head massage from Emily.
"Is that a lump on your head, you've got a tick" said Emily. "NO way" shouted Mark. "Why me, leeches, a snake under my bum eating something,
I've had them all, anything and I will get it"
He then dashed off to the Bush Telegraph.
'Miss Butt Brazil' Pageant Is Something I Can Really Get Behind
'Miss Butt Brazil' Pageant Is Something I Can Really Get Behind
Ok, admittedly, the photos look bad. The name, Miss Bum Bum Brazil, is worse. And the promo photo of all the contestants posed together as if they are the apostles in Da Vinci's "Last Supper" is really on the wrong side of the line. The concept is completely gratuitous and degrading. While scrolling through the photos, I was wondering, why on earth am I not completely offended? And then it hit me. I'm Latina and, generally speaking, we are a little obsessed with our butts. Jennifer Lopez anyone? Shakira? These are women who are proud to be round.
Get past the boobs and the high heels in these photos and what you will see is a culture of people celebrating some big ol' butt!
In contrast to all the photos coming out of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, these women are, well, fuller. See through the stupid, I'm-so-sexy poses and see healthy skin color and soft flesh, with no bones in sight! And while you are at it, stop being offended that these girls are in high heels and tiny bathing suits because the Victoria Secrets Fashion Show is no better just because Adam Levine performed.
We are so obsessed with body image in this country that it made big news this week that everyone's favorite Bridesmaid (although she will always be Suki to me) Melissa McCarthy isn't making her weight a priority. Shocking! And here is Brazil showing us once again why we should lighten up about our bodies. It's only a butt, people. We all have them.
I am the first one to start screaming about the Latina stereotypes out there and how things like this just perpetuate the idea that we are all sexy hot tamales. We are not. And I much prefer the Sara Ramirez role model to the Sofia Vergara modern day Charo, and even I am telling you, it is ok that Brazil has a pageant that celebrate butts. Today, take five minutes to celebrate your own butt. And admit you are as obsessed with it. We all are.
Are you offended by the Miss Bum Bum Brazil Pageant?
Ok, admittedly, the photos look bad. The name, Miss Bum Bum Brazil, is worse. And the promo photo of all the contestants posed together as if they are the apostles in Da Vinci's "Last Supper" is really on the wrong side of the line. The concept is completely gratuitous and degrading. While scrolling through the photos, I was wondering, why on earth am I not completely offended? And then it hit me. I'm Latina and, generally speaking, we are a little obsessed with our butts. Jennifer Lopez anyone? Shakira? These are women who are proud to be round.
Get past the boobs and the high heels in these photos and what you will see is a culture of people celebrating some big ol' butt!
In contrast to all the photos coming out of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, these women are, well, fuller. See through the stupid, I'm-so-sexy poses and see healthy skin color and soft flesh, with no bones in sight! And while you are at it, stop being offended that these girls are in high heels and tiny bathing suits because the Victoria Secrets Fashion Show is no better just because Adam Levine performed.
We are so obsessed with body image in this country that it made big news this week that everyone's favorite Bridesmaid (although she will always be Suki to me) Melissa McCarthy isn't making her weight a priority. Shocking! And here is Brazil showing us once again why we should lighten up about our bodies. It's only a butt, people. We all have them.
I am the first one to start screaming about the Latina stereotypes out there and how things like this just perpetuate the idea that we are all sexy hot tamales. We are not. And I much prefer the Sara Ramirez role model to the Sofia Vergara modern day Charo, and even I am telling you, it is ok that Brazil has a pageant that celebrate butts. Today, take five minutes to celebrate your own butt. And admit you are as obsessed with it. We all are.
Are you offended by the Miss Bum Bum Brazil Pageant?
Demi Lovato Flaunts Major Cleavage at Latin Grammy Awards
Demi Lovato Flaunts Major Cleavage at Latin Grammy Awards
Demi Lovato Flaunts Major Cleavage at Latin Grammy Awards Credit: Rodrigo Varela/WireImage
She's no Disney darling anymore.
PHOTOS: Demi through the years
At Thursday's 12th Annual Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas, pop star Demi Lovato, 19, stunned onlookers when she debuted a dramatically more mature look. Wearing a cleavage-baring magenta Roland Mouret gown, the "Skyscraper" singer oozed confidence on the red carpet.
VIDEO: Watch Demi's triumphant return to the stage
Her only woe? "I'm bummed that my red hair didn't stay very well," she tweeted.
Lovato -- who performed with singer Pablo Alboran during the show -- recently told Latina magazine that it's been her goal to attend the Grammys.
PHOTOS: Famous Disney stars
"I don't want to go unless I'm nominated, presenting or performing. It's my lifetime goal to be able to say I'm nominated," she said. "So I really want to make that happen."
Demi Lovato Flaunts Major Cleavage at Latin Grammy Awards Credit: Rodrigo Varela/WireImage
She's no Disney darling anymore.
PHOTOS: Demi through the years
At Thursday's 12th Annual Latin Grammy Awards in Las Vegas, pop star Demi Lovato, 19, stunned onlookers when she debuted a dramatically more mature look. Wearing a cleavage-baring magenta Roland Mouret gown, the "Skyscraper" singer oozed confidence on the red carpet.
VIDEO: Watch Demi's triumphant return to the stage
Her only woe? "I'm bummed that my red hair didn't stay very well," she tweeted.
Lovato -- who performed with singer Pablo Alboran during the show -- recently told Latina magazine that it's been her goal to attend the Grammys.
PHOTOS: Famous Disney stars
"I don't want to go unless I'm nominated, presenting or performing. It's my lifetime goal to be able to say I'm nominated," she said. "So I really want to make that happen."
Christina Aguilera's breasts tried to escape their cage last night at the AMAs Singer's boobs almost pop out of her VERY tight dress at the American Music Awards 2011 There was an awful lot of boob on display from Christina Aguilera at the AMAs 2011
Christina Aguilera's breasts tried to escape their cage last night at the AMAs
Singer's boobs almost pop out of her VERY tight dress at the American Music Awards 2011
There was an awful lot of boob on display from Christina Aguilera at the AMAs 2011
Above: There was an awful lot of boob on display from Christina Aguilera at the AMAs 2011
ABOVE: Christina was wearing a VERY tight bandage dress during her performance
THERE seems to be always one breasty wardrobe malfunction at the American Music Awards.
And last night was Christina Aguilera's turn to showcase more than she bargained for.
The singer took to the AMAs stage in a VERY tight silver bandage dress to perform Moves Like Jagger, showcasing her curves and pushing her ample bust into a very confined neckline.
Christina's boobs clearly weren't pleased with being squeezed into such a small prison sell of a frock and attempted to break free while she was on stage.
Thankfully, the only 'bit' of her that was successful in escaping was the front of her bra.
Singer's boobs almost pop out of her VERY tight dress at the American Music Awards 2011
There was an awful lot of boob on display from Christina Aguilera at the AMAs 2011
Above: There was an awful lot of boob on display from Christina Aguilera at the AMAs 2011
ABOVE: Christina was wearing a VERY tight bandage dress during her performance
THERE seems to be always one breasty wardrobe malfunction at the American Music Awards.
And last night was Christina Aguilera's turn to showcase more than she bargained for.
The singer took to the AMAs stage in a VERY tight silver bandage dress to perform Moves Like Jagger, showcasing her curves and pushing her ample bust into a very confined neckline.
Christina's boobs clearly weren't pleased with being squeezed into such a small prison sell of a frock and attempted to break free while she was on stage.
Thankfully, the only 'bit' of her that was successful in escaping was the front of her bra.
Heidi Kaeslin, teacher accused of running porn website from school computer, put on paid leave
Heidi Kaeslin, teacher accused of running porn website from school computer, put on paid leave
STOCKTON, Calif. - A Calif. high school teacher is now under investigation after school officials said she was running a pornographic website from her school-issued laptop computer along with a Stockton police officer.
Heidi Kaeslin, a 35-year-old special education teacher at Lincoln High School, is now on paid leave while the district investigates whether she violated its code of ethics, The Stockton Record reported.
Kaeslin and Richard Fields, a Stockton police officer assigned to the school, allegedly used the school computer to support several for-profit websites, many of which had adult content.
Fields told the Record he had acquired domain names including to develop them into websites. Fields said Kaeslin's involvement was limited, and he eventually abandoned the venture. Fields reportedly retired from the police force in May.
The newspaper reports that one of the websites was active for only one day in February, which could indicate a test run.
According to CBS Sacramento, most of the sites have been stripped of their content, some in just the past few days, but the About Us section of one of the sites read:
"This company was created by a young teacher who was inspired, after her male students spent most of the period staring at her boobs, to create the "I Heart Teachers" shirt. Knowing this idea would probably not land her an early retirement, she thought, "Why the hell not" and moved forward with her idea by finding a partner, a computer whiz, and a t-shirt designer. The rest is history..."
Meanwhile, Fields said the allegations are overblown.
Kaeslin, a special education teacher and former girls soccer coach, has been with the district since 2002. Fields retired from the police department in May. The two are romantically linked, according to the paper.
Lincoln Unified School District has hired a computer expert to study the content on the laptop.
Chet Quaide, an attorney representing the district, said the school adopted an ethics code in 2003.
The code calls for teachers to "adhere to the highest ethical standards" and "to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct," he told the newspaper. "The code says that for breaches to constitute "unprofessional conduct," they must "involve jeopardy to student welfare; evidence malice, serious incompetency or bad judgment; or show a consistent pattern of misconduct."
STOCKTON, Calif. - A Calif. high school teacher is now under investigation after school officials said she was running a pornographic website from her school-issued laptop computer along with a Stockton police officer.
Heidi Kaeslin, a 35-year-old special education teacher at Lincoln High School, is now on paid leave while the district investigates whether she violated its code of ethics, The Stockton Record reported.
Kaeslin and Richard Fields, a Stockton police officer assigned to the school, allegedly used the school computer to support several for-profit websites, many of which had adult content.
Fields told the Record he had acquired domain names including to develop them into websites. Fields said Kaeslin's involvement was limited, and he eventually abandoned the venture. Fields reportedly retired from the police force in May.
The newspaper reports that one of the websites was active for only one day in February, which could indicate a test run.
According to CBS Sacramento, most of the sites have been stripped of their content, some in just the past few days, but the About Us section of one of the sites read:
"This company was created by a young teacher who was inspired, after her male students spent most of the period staring at her boobs, to create the "I Heart Teachers" shirt. Knowing this idea would probably not land her an early retirement, she thought, "Why the hell not" and moved forward with her idea by finding a partner, a computer whiz, and a t-shirt designer. The rest is history..."
Meanwhile, Fields said the allegations are overblown.
Kaeslin, a special education teacher and former girls soccer coach, has been with the district since 2002. Fields retired from the police department in May. The two are romantically linked, according to the paper.
Lincoln Unified School District has hired a computer expert to study the content on the laptop.
Chet Quaide, an attorney representing the district, said the school adopted an ethics code in 2003.
The code calls for teachers to "adhere to the highest ethical standards" and "to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct," he told the newspaper. "The code says that for breaches to constitute "unprofessional conduct," they must "involve jeopardy to student welfare; evidence malice, serious incompetency or bad judgment; or show a consistent pattern of misconduct."
Paulina Porizkova former Sports Illustrated cover girl is not a fan of Nicole Richie’s breast implants When Kate Hudson got breast implants last year, model Paulina Porizkova lashed out against the actress
Paulina Porizkova former Sports Illustrated cover girl is not a fan of Nicole Richie's breast implants When Kate Hudson got breast implants last year, model Paulina Porizkova lashed out against the actress
When Kate Hudson got breast implants last year, model Paulina Porizkova lashed out against the actress' surgery in a passionate post on the blog Modelinia, declaring: "I used to use her as an example of the perfect beauty with a small chest. Now, with her new boobs, she just looks like any California blond actress. Instead of enhancing, she has diminished herself."
Porizkova feels the same way about Nicole Richie's recent augmentation.
"It actually personally kind of hurts me," the former Sports Illustrated cover girl-turned-author told omg! earlier this week, at a New York City reading for Lonely Planet's 'Lights, Camera...Travel!' book (for which she wrote an essay).
"I mean, small boobs are so pretty, too. Whyyyy?" asked the 46-year-old beauty, observing: "There's so many different variations that are beautiful. I really feel like with our culture and the internet and everything, we're just becoming closer and closer to becoming just, like, 'one.' And that to me is really scary. I like personality. I like funky teeth. I like small breasts. I like big breasts. ... I mean, I wouldn't want to eat the same food every day. So why would I want to look at the same person every day?"
On Tuesday, Nicole Richie -- who reportedly got a boob job last summer -- flaunted her larger chest in a black gown with a plunging neckline at the 15th Annual ACE Awards in Manhattan. We must admit she looks pretty good -- happy and glowy -- and the results of her operation appear more natural than extreme. (If you weep for the loss of Richie's A-cup, check out out list of 10 flat-chested stars who should never go under the knife.)
When Kate Hudson got breast implants last year, model Paulina Porizkova lashed out against the actress' surgery in a passionate post on the blog Modelinia, declaring: "I used to use her as an example of the perfect beauty with a small chest. Now, with her new boobs, she just looks like any California blond actress. Instead of enhancing, she has diminished herself."
Porizkova feels the same way about Nicole Richie's recent augmentation.
"It actually personally kind of hurts me," the former Sports Illustrated cover girl-turned-author told omg! earlier this week, at a New York City reading for Lonely Planet's 'Lights, Camera...Travel!' book (for which she wrote an essay).
"I mean, small boobs are so pretty, too. Whyyyy?" asked the 46-year-old beauty, observing: "There's so many different variations that are beautiful. I really feel like with our culture and the internet and everything, we're just becoming closer and closer to becoming just, like, 'one.' And that to me is really scary. I like personality. I like funky teeth. I like small breasts. I like big breasts. ... I mean, I wouldn't want to eat the same food every day. So why would I want to look at the same person every day?"
On Tuesday, Nicole Richie -- who reportedly got a boob job last summer -- flaunted her larger chest in a black gown with a plunging neckline at the 15th Annual ACE Awards in Manhattan. We must admit she looks pretty good -- happy and glowy -- and the results of her operation appear more natural than extreme. (If you weep for the loss of Richie's A-cup, check out out list of 10 flat-chested stars who should never go under the knife.)
Tennis hottie Daniela Hantuchova looks stunning at calendar release party
Tennis hottie Daniela Hantuchova looks stunning at calendar release party
Hantuchova 16 Tennis hottie Daniela Hantuchova looks stunning at calendar release party
At 28 years old, Daniela Hantuchova's best tennis years may very well be behind her. That's not a slight on her career either as she's had success both in the singles rank and more recently as a mixed doubles player winning at Wimbledon this year.
But her days as a top-level competitor may be dwindling as injuries pile up after a full decade on tour. Thankfully, for Hantuchova, she has something else to fall back on…her good looks. In 2009, she was featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition with Maria Kirilenko and Tatiana Golovin and since then has done several cover shoots for magazines and even modeled for her own charity calendar.
Speaking of which, here are some photos/video of Daniela at her 2012 calendar release party last week.
Hantuchova 16 Tennis hottie Daniela Hantuchova looks stunning at calendar release party
At 28 years old, Daniela Hantuchova's best tennis years may very well be behind her. That's not a slight on her career either as she's had success both in the singles rank and more recently as a mixed doubles player winning at Wimbledon this year.
But her days as a top-level competitor may be dwindling as injuries pile up after a full decade on tour. Thankfully, for Hantuchova, she has something else to fall back on…her good looks. In 2009, she was featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition with Maria Kirilenko and Tatiana Golovin and since then has done several cover shoots for magazines and even modeled for her own charity calendar.
Speaking of which, here are some photos/video of Daniela at her 2012 calendar release party last week.
Courtney Love’s R-Rated Nip Slip At A Children’s Movie Premiere Courtney Love wasn’t wearing a bra The Hole singer had a nip slip Courtney obviously is very proud of her breasts she exposed one of her boobs while performing on stage in Brazil
Courtney Love's R-Rated Nip Slip At A Children's Movie Premiere Courtney Love wasn't wearing a bra The Hole singer had a nip slip Courtney obviously is very proud of her breasts she exposed one of her boobs while performing on stage in Brazil
Courtney Love wasn't wearing a bra on Monday night. That wouldn't ordinarily be news, but it is this time because The Hole singer had a nip slip — and she was at the premiere of the children's movie, Hugo.
Courtney obviously is very proud of her breasts — just a few weeks ago she exposed one of her boobs while performing on stage in Brazil.
No word yet from Courtney's rep.
Courtney Love wasn't wearing a bra on Monday night. That wouldn't ordinarily be news, but it is this time because The Hole singer had a nip slip — and she was at the premiere of the children's movie, Hugo.
Courtney obviously is very proud of her breasts — just a few weeks ago she exposed one of her boobs while performing on stage in Brazil.
No word yet from Courtney's rep.
Topless, Bush, Full frontal Justene Jaro Bra/cup size: E (same as DD cup) is an American adult model and was Penthouse Pet of the Month for October 2008 justene jaro facebook justene jaro twitter justene jaro makeup justene jaro flickr justene jaro d
Topless, Bush, Full frontal Justene Jaro Bra/cup size: E (same as DD cup) is an American adult model and was Penthouse Pet of the Month for October 2008 justene jaro facebook justene jaro twitter justene jaro makeup justene jaro flickr justene jaro dailymotion justene jaro car wash video justene jaro bra justene jaro bikinibikini | Asian | Mixed race | Latina | Filipina | Puerto Rican | DD cup | Average | Black hair | Penthouse Pets | Lesbian | Twitter | Adult models | Penthouse models
Justene Jaro
Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs
Justene Jaro
Justene Jaro
Born: November 17, 1983 (1983-11-17) (age 28)[1]
Tacloban City, Philippins
Ethnicity: Asian, Latina
Nationality: Filipina, Puerto Rican
Measurements: 36D-25-36[1]
Bra/cup size: E (same as DD cup)[1]
Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)
Weight: 125 lb (57 kg)
Body type: Average
Eye color: Black
Hair: Black
Long, Straight
Underarm hair: Shaved
Pubic hair: Shaved
Performances Show Penthouse Pets
Penthouse Pet: October 2008
Shown: Topless, Bush, Full frontal
Lesbian: Softcore
Personal pages
Official website
Blogs: Twitter
Justene Jaro is an American adult model and was Penthouse Pet of the Month for October 2008. She has had breast augmentation since the beginning of her career but her first set looked better prior her shoot with Penthouse magazine.
[edit] External links
*'s Girlwatcher Questionnaire
* Justene Jaro at - Sexy Asian Babes
[edit] References
Penthouse Pets of 2008
Taya Parker Cali Taylor Bree Olson Alektra Blue Alexis Love Daisy Marie
Shawna Lenee Jessica Jaymes Kayden Kross Justene Jaro Audrey Bitoni Tori Black
2005 · 2006 · 2007 · 2008 · 2009 · 2010 · 2011
Categories: 1983 births | November 17 birthdays | Asian | Mixed race | Latina | Filipina | Puerto Rican | DD cup | Average | Black hair | Penthouse Pets | Lesbian | Twitter | Adult models | Penthouse models
Justene Jaro
Boobpedia - Encyclopedia of big boobs
Justene Jaro
Justene Jaro
Born: November 17, 1983 (1983-11-17) (age 28)[1]
Tacloban City, Philippins
Ethnicity: Asian, Latina
Nationality: Filipina, Puerto Rican
Measurements: 36D-25-36[1]
Bra/cup size: E (same as DD cup)[1]
Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65 m)
Weight: 125 lb (57 kg)
Body type: Average
Eye color: Black
Hair: Black
Long, Straight
Underarm hair: Shaved
Pubic hair: Shaved
Performances Show Penthouse Pets
Penthouse Pet: October 2008
Shown: Topless, Bush, Full frontal
Lesbian: Softcore
Personal pages
Official website
Blogs: Twitter
Justene Jaro is an American adult model and was Penthouse Pet of the Month for October 2008. She has had breast augmentation since the beginning of her career but her first set looked better prior her shoot with Penthouse magazine.
[edit] External links
*'s Girlwatcher Questionnaire
* Justene Jaro at - Sexy Asian Babes
[edit] References
Penthouse Pets of 2008
Taya Parker Cali Taylor Bree Olson Alektra Blue Alexis Love Daisy Marie
Shawna Lenee Jessica Jaymes Kayden Kross Justene Jaro Audrey Bitoni Tori Black
2005 · 2006 · 2007 · 2008 · 2009 · 2010 · 2011
Categories: 1983 births | November 17 birthdays | Asian | Mixed race | Latina | Filipina | Puerto Rican | DD cup | Average | Black hair | Penthouse Pets | Lesbian | Twitter | Adult models | Penthouse models
Topless Claire Richards recreates Jayne Mansfield's 1950 image what better way to show off her gorgeous curves than posing scantily clad as Fifties pin-up Jayne Mansfield
Topless Claire Richards recreates Jayne Mansfield's 1950 image
She's endured a very public battle with her weight over the years.
But as her star soars again thanks to her band's hugely successful reunion, Steps singer Claire Richards has finally embraced her body.
And what better way to show off her gorgeous curves than posing scantily clad as Fifties pin-up Jayne Mansfield?
Siren: Steps star Claire Richards emulates Jayne Mansfield in a sizzling new photoshoot
The 34-year-old poses provocatively as the iconic screen siren in a sizzling new photoshoot for Closer magazine and admits she'll 'never be a skinny Kate Moss.'
Claire, who is now a size 14 to 16 and weighs 12 stone, says proudly: 'It's much easier to look like a '50s siren when you've got boobs, a bum and a few curves.
'In the past, celebrities were "real women" with real bodies, not skinny waifs. There's nothing more attractive than looking feminine.'
Icon: Richards emulates this 1950 image of the actress and says 'I think this kind of sexy-but-sophisticated look really suits me'
She adds: 'I think this kind of sexy-but-sophisticated look really suits me.'
Pin-up Mansfield is probably best known for her roles in 1957 film Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? and 1960's Too Hot To Handle.
Claire tells Heat that she prefers being a role model for 'real woman,' than make herself miserable yo-yo dieting and over-exercising.
'I've spent so long trying to be something I'm not – I never found that balance,' she says. 'I was either tiny or really fat. I never gave my body a chance to find its way.'
Richards has been thrust back into the spotlight following the TV hit Steps Reunion, with the band enjoying their Greatest Hits album going to number one and an upcoming sold-out tour.
But she admits she was wary of the reunion, fearing it would bring up old issues regarding the pressure she felt to be thin during Steps' heyday in the Nineties.
So far, the singer is staying strong and maintaining her healthy attitude.
Steps will embark on a tour in April, and added extra dates after their initial 14-night run sold out in a day.
It will kick off at Belfasts' Odyssey Arena on April 2 and will conclude at the O2 in London on April 19.
Reignited: Claire's star is soaring again thanks to the recent steps reunion
She's endured a very public battle with her weight over the years.
But as her star soars again thanks to her band's hugely successful reunion, Steps singer Claire Richards has finally embraced her body.
And what better way to show off her gorgeous curves than posing scantily clad as Fifties pin-up Jayne Mansfield?
Siren: Steps star Claire Richards emulates Jayne Mansfield in a sizzling new photoshoot
The 34-year-old poses provocatively as the iconic screen siren in a sizzling new photoshoot for Closer magazine and admits she'll 'never be a skinny Kate Moss.'
Claire, who is now a size 14 to 16 and weighs 12 stone, says proudly: 'It's much easier to look like a '50s siren when you've got boobs, a bum and a few curves.
'In the past, celebrities were "real women" with real bodies, not skinny waifs. There's nothing more attractive than looking feminine.'
Icon: Richards emulates this 1950 image of the actress and says 'I think this kind of sexy-but-sophisticated look really suits me'
She adds: 'I think this kind of sexy-but-sophisticated look really suits me.'
Pin-up Mansfield is probably best known for her roles in 1957 film Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? and 1960's Too Hot To Handle.
Claire tells Heat that she prefers being a role model for 'real woman,' than make herself miserable yo-yo dieting and over-exercising.
'I've spent so long trying to be something I'm not – I never found that balance,' she says. 'I was either tiny or really fat. I never gave my body a chance to find its way.'
Richards has been thrust back into the spotlight following the TV hit Steps Reunion, with the band enjoying their Greatest Hits album going to number one and an upcoming sold-out tour.
But she admits she was wary of the reunion, fearing it would bring up old issues regarding the pressure she felt to be thin during Steps' heyday in the Nineties.
So far, the singer is staying strong and maintaining her healthy attitude.
Steps will embark on a tour in April, and added extra dates after their initial 14-night run sold out in a day.
It will kick off at Belfasts' Odyssey Arena on April 2 and will conclude at the O2 in London on April 19.
Reignited: Claire's star is soaring again thanks to the recent steps reunion
The 9 Hottest Topless Models in the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar Nude Irina Shayk Nude Hilary Rhoda Nude Jessica Gomes Nude Esti Ginzburg Nude Julie Henderson Nude Kate Upton Nude Chrissy Teigen
The 9 Hottest Topless Models in the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Calendar Nude Irina Shayk Nude Hilary Rhoda Nude Jessica Gomes Nude Esti Ginzburg Nude Julie Henderson Nude Kate Upton Nude Chrissy Teigen
Dear God, that's a wordy title. Whatever. It's done.
Remember calendars? Those paper things that had naked girls or Far Side cartoons on them back before everyone had computers? Well, they still exist. So with January coming up, rendering all 2011 calendars completely and utterly obsolete, it's time to roll out another edition. The 2012 edition, to be more precise. And since we're a sports site that never wavers in their focus from all things sports-related, we've chosen to highlight the arrival of the sports-iest calendar out there, the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Calendar. We had to whittle down to our 9 favorite models from a field of 12. It was honestly the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.
Please pour out some malt liquor for the three girls who didn't get to make it to the party.
9. Irina Shayk
She's Russian, 25 and hot as blazes. I'll give you some more information, anyway.
She's on the cover of this year's issue after having appeared in the magazine since 2007. She often gets confused for Brazilian due to her dark complexion, but says that feature is common of people with Tatar lineage. I'm guessing she doesn't settle the issue by showing everyone her pubic hair, but in my mind she sort of does. She's so hot, even her dog is sort of famous, as her pup Caesar is the offspring of one of the dogs that played Marley in Marley and Me.
What a talented family.
8. Hilary Rhoda
Ms. Rhoda is 24 and from Maryland. She played field hockey and lacrosse in high school, then forewent college to walk around places and be really hot. I would have done the same thing. She's a lofty 5' 11", which means that she's taller than 65% of the men out there. So if you're over six feet, take solace in knowing that you have a really good shot with her. She's appeared in the Swimsuit Issue since 2009.
7. Jessica Gomes
She's Australian of Singaporean-Chinese descent, just like the author of this article. Well, close. I'm Irish-American. She's been gracing the pages of the SI Swimsuit Issue from 2008 onward, so they must like the quality of her work. She also was on the cover of Maxim this month, November 2011. In case you just cavalierly assumed she doesn't have her own line of lip gloss, you take that back right now, because she does. It's called Gomes Pink, and I bet it's awesome.
6. Esti Ginzburg
This Israeli actress/model is the junior one of the group at only 21 years old. She also served in the Israeli military, as required by law, which fires her hotness factor up by like 10,000 percent. She actually criticized fellow Israeli model Bar Rafaeli for avoiding military service. I think Esti would win in this fight. You know why? CAUSE SHE HAS MILITARY EXPERINCE. In case you have been staring at her breasts this entire time, I'll thank you to know that her eyes are hazel. That's right. Hazel.
5. Brooklyn Decker
She's 24 and from rural Ohio, but Brooklyn has made quite a career for herself, having married tennis star Andy Roddick (that's the obligatory sports reference here. Nothing else will be sports-related.), graced the cover of last year's issue, and appeared opposite Adam Sandler in Just Go With It. And Esquire said that last year, she was the sexiest woman alive.
No argument here.
4. Julie Henderson
This 25 year-old from Houston has been appearing in the SI Swimsuit Issue since 2007, which pretty much makes her a senior citizen among her peer group. She wears a size 4 dress, in case you were thinking of sending her a totally-not-creepy gift. She's appeared in pretty much every fashion mag there is, including Elle Girl, Teen Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, and Vogue.
Also, she's above average in the looks department. That warrants mentioning.
3. Jessica White
Born in Buffalo, NY, this 27 year old isn't only a model, but also a DJ. Honestly, who ISN'T a DJ these days? I know I am. I'm working the 1's and 2's as I write this. It's hard to tell if an appearance in this calendar is the apex of her career, as she's appeared in Big Momma's House 2 and a Big and Rich music video. I'm kidding. Of course this is her high point. Both those other things suck.
2. Kate Upton
UPTON! Kate Upton was bequeathed this year's "Rookie of the Year," which I guess means she wore a bikini and/or held her own boobs better than any other newbie did this year. Good for her.
Upton graces the calendar in July, so every mark your calendars (YOUR SI SWIMSUIT CALENDARS!) for July of 2012. It should be a grand month. Easily in the top 10 best month next year. Easily.
1. Chrissy Teigen
This 25 year-old Utah beauty stands 5'8" and deputed in last year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She seems to really have come into her own over the past year. If this progress continues, just imagine how she'll look in 30 or 40 years. That's right. Amazing.
Chrissy was also a Deal or No Deal model in 2006, which launched her on the cover of Maxim. That's a nice little progression.
Dear God, that's a wordy title. Whatever. It's done.
Remember calendars? Those paper things that had naked girls or Far Side cartoons on them back before everyone had computers? Well, they still exist. So with January coming up, rendering all 2011 calendars completely and utterly obsolete, it's time to roll out another edition. The 2012 edition, to be more precise. And since we're a sports site that never wavers in their focus from all things sports-related, we've chosen to highlight the arrival of the sports-iest calendar out there, the 2012 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Calendar. We had to whittle down to our 9 favorite models from a field of 12. It was honestly the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life.
Please pour out some malt liquor for the three girls who didn't get to make it to the party.
9. Irina Shayk
She's Russian, 25 and hot as blazes. I'll give you some more information, anyway.
She's on the cover of this year's issue after having appeared in the magazine since 2007. She often gets confused for Brazilian due to her dark complexion, but says that feature is common of people with Tatar lineage. I'm guessing she doesn't settle the issue by showing everyone her pubic hair, but in my mind she sort of does. She's so hot, even her dog is sort of famous, as her pup Caesar is the offspring of one of the dogs that played Marley in Marley and Me.
What a talented family.
8. Hilary Rhoda
Ms. Rhoda is 24 and from Maryland. She played field hockey and lacrosse in high school, then forewent college to walk around places and be really hot. I would have done the same thing. She's a lofty 5' 11", which means that she's taller than 65% of the men out there. So if you're over six feet, take solace in knowing that you have a really good shot with her. She's appeared in the Swimsuit Issue since 2009.
7. Jessica Gomes
She's Australian of Singaporean-Chinese descent, just like the author of this article. Well, close. I'm Irish-American. She's been gracing the pages of the SI Swimsuit Issue from 2008 onward, so they must like the quality of her work. She also was on the cover of Maxim this month, November 2011. In case you just cavalierly assumed she doesn't have her own line of lip gloss, you take that back right now, because she does. It's called Gomes Pink, and I bet it's awesome.
6. Esti Ginzburg
This Israeli actress/model is the junior one of the group at only 21 years old. She also served in the Israeli military, as required by law, which fires her hotness factor up by like 10,000 percent. She actually criticized fellow Israeli model Bar Rafaeli for avoiding military service. I think Esti would win in this fight. You know why? CAUSE SHE HAS MILITARY EXPERINCE. In case you have been staring at her breasts this entire time, I'll thank you to know that her eyes are hazel. That's right. Hazel.
5. Brooklyn Decker
She's 24 and from rural Ohio, but Brooklyn has made quite a career for herself, having married tennis star Andy Roddick (that's the obligatory sports reference here. Nothing else will be sports-related.), graced the cover of last year's issue, and appeared opposite Adam Sandler in Just Go With It. And Esquire said that last year, she was the sexiest woman alive.
No argument here.
4. Julie Henderson
This 25 year-old from Houston has been appearing in the SI Swimsuit Issue since 2007, which pretty much makes her a senior citizen among her peer group. She wears a size 4 dress, in case you were thinking of sending her a totally-not-creepy gift. She's appeared in pretty much every fashion mag there is, including Elle Girl, Teen Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, and Vogue.
Also, she's above average in the looks department. That warrants mentioning.
3. Jessica White
Born in Buffalo, NY, this 27 year old isn't only a model, but also a DJ. Honestly, who ISN'T a DJ these days? I know I am. I'm working the 1's and 2's as I write this. It's hard to tell if an appearance in this calendar is the apex of her career, as she's appeared in Big Momma's House 2 and a Big and Rich music video. I'm kidding. Of course this is her high point. Both those other things suck.
2. Kate Upton
UPTON! Kate Upton was bequeathed this year's "Rookie of the Year," which I guess means she wore a bikini and/or held her own boobs better than any other newbie did this year. Good for her.
Upton graces the calendar in July, so every mark your calendars (YOUR SI SWIMSUIT CALENDARS!) for July of 2012. It should be a grand month. Easily in the top 10 best month next year. Easily.
1. Chrissy Teigen
This 25 year-old Utah beauty stands 5'8" and deputed in last year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. She seems to really have come into her own over the past year. If this progress continues, just imagine how she'll look in 30 or 40 years. That's right. Amazing.
Chrissy was also a Deal or No Deal model in 2006, which launched her on the cover of Maxim. That's a nice little progression.
Brooklyn Decker, Irina Shayk score in Sports Illustrated 2012 calendar
Brooklyn Decker, Irina Shayk score in Sports Illustrated 2012 calendar
Brooklyn Decker and saucy Irina Shayk have never scored a goal or won an olympic medal, but they know how to run up the score in Sports Illustrated's 2012 Swimsuit Calendar.
The trio of hotness, all regulars in the hughly popular Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, are joined by Anne. V., Jessica Gomes, Julie Henderson, Jessica White and Cintia Dicker, for the special calendar release.
"For SI we did a shoot in the Philippines in Kalibo. When we got there you had to climb a mountain to get a beautiful shot, or you had to jump into really cold water to get a shot," said Shayk, who is dating Portuguese soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Decker, who is married to tennis star Andy Roddick and has been building an impressive acting resume, landed the cover of this year's calendar.
She recalls the difficult time she had it making it as a fashion model, because of some obvious problems.
"The fashion world completely rejected me when I first came out – I have boobs and I have a body and I talk too much and I smile too much!" she said.
The calendar actually includes 16 months, so extra photos. It also comes with Bonus DVD.
It's also designed to compliment the 44th Anniversary Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
The now iconic issue, which was dreamed up in 1964 by editor Andre Laguerre to fill the winter months, a dead time for sports.
The first issue featured model Babette March and a five-page layout.
Despite the popularity of the issue, it took the magazine 33 years to figure out that it should exclusively feature models photographed in skimpy swimsuits in exotic locals.
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2012 Deluxe Wall Calendar sells for $16.99 but you can buy it through for $11.55, a 32 percent savings, by clicking the link.
Brooklyn Decker and saucy Irina Shayk have never scored a goal or won an olympic medal, but they know how to run up the score in Sports Illustrated's 2012 Swimsuit Calendar.
The trio of hotness, all regulars in the hughly popular Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, are joined by Anne. V., Jessica Gomes, Julie Henderson, Jessica White and Cintia Dicker, for the special calendar release.
"For SI we did a shoot in the Philippines in Kalibo. When we got there you had to climb a mountain to get a beautiful shot, or you had to jump into really cold water to get a shot," said Shayk, who is dating Portuguese soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo.
Decker, who is married to tennis star Andy Roddick and has been building an impressive acting resume, landed the cover of this year's calendar.
She recalls the difficult time she had it making it as a fashion model, because of some obvious problems.
"The fashion world completely rejected me when I first came out – I have boobs and I have a body and I talk too much and I smile too much!" she said.
The calendar actually includes 16 months, so extra photos. It also comes with Bonus DVD.
It's also designed to compliment the 44th Anniversary Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
The now iconic issue, which was dreamed up in 1964 by editor Andre Laguerre to fill the winter months, a dead time for sports.
The first issue featured model Babette March and a five-page layout.
Despite the popularity of the issue, it took the magazine 33 years to figure out that it should exclusively feature models photographed in skimpy swimsuits in exotic locals.
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2012 Deluxe Wall Calendar sells for $16.99 but you can buy it through for $11.55, a 32 percent savings, by clicking the link.
Alerte bouche ! Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, Demi Moore : les stars aux lèvres et bouches entre-ouvertes sexy Alerte bouche ! Toutes les photos
Alerte bouche ! Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, Demi Moore : les stars aux lèvres et bouches entre-ouvertes sexy
Alerte bouche !
Toutes les photos
Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
Un peu frileuse côté sourire, Kristen Stewart opte pour la bouche entre ouverte pour casser son côté un peu trop sévère sur tapis rouge.
La crinière brillante, le visage lumineux et la bouche entre-ouverte, Demi Moore opte pour une séduction tout en délicatesse.
Bar Refaeli fait coup double en jouant avec sa crinière la bouche entre-ouverte.
Adepte des baisers aux photographes, AnnaLynne McCord garde la bouche ouverte. Toujours prête.
Arrivée très haut au sommet, Blake Lively n'est pas du genre à laisser une astuce mode lui échapper.
Katy Perry atteint grâce à ça des sommets de sexy attitude pour le Harper's Bazaar.
La crinière sauvage, le corps moulé dans une robe Elie Saab, Daisy Lowe sait qu'elle fait sensation. Inutile donc d'en faire trop avec un sourire Colgate et elle a raison.
Le décolleté plongeant ne suffit pas à la Britannique, elle défie du regard les photographes les lèvres entre-ouvertes.
Emma Watson s'en sert pour être ultra-sexy en cover de Vogue.
Scarlett Johansson a une réputation sulfureuse qu'elle entretient en maîtrisant à la perfection l'air de la pose.
Lorsqu'on est un Ange de Victoria's Secret, on ne peut qu'être sexy, Adriana Lima l'a bien compris.
Une photo et Jessica Alba prend des airs de sex symbol...
Non contente de mettre sa silhouette en valeur dans une minidress bustier, Jennifer Lopez joue de ses lèvres glossées.
Eva Mendes fait partie de la tribu des actrices caliente et son mi sourire fait des ravages.
Dotée d'une bouche très pulpeuse, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley n'hésite pas à en jouer.
Même la timide Poppy Delevingne s'y met et elle attire le regard avec un rouge écarlate.
Lindsay Lohan est une habituée des Duke Face mais elle n'hésite pas à calmer le jeu.
Amber Heard a tout d'un pin up même la façon de poser.
Même Kate Moss dont ce n'est pas vraiment le registre s'y met c'est dire si la tendance est une valeur sûre côté séduction.
* Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
* Un peu frileuse côté sourire, Kristen Stewart opte pour la bouche entre ouverte pour casser son côté un peu trop sévère sur tapis rouge.
* La crinière brillante, le visage lumineux et la bouche entre-ouverte, Demi Moore opte pour une séduction tout en délicatesse.
* Bar Refaeli fait coup double en jouant avec sa crinière la bouche entre-ouverte.
* Adepte des baisers aux photographes, AnnaLynne McCord garde la bouche ouverte. Toujours prête.
* Arrivée très haut au sommet, Blake Lively n'est pas du genre à laisser une astuce mode lui échapper.
* Katy Perry atteint grâce à ça des sommets de sexy attitude pour le Harper's Bazaar.
* La crinière sauvage, le corps moulé dans une robe Elie Saab, Daisy Lowe sait qu'elle fait sensation. Inutile donc d'en faire trop avec un sourire Colgate et elle a raison.
* Le décolleté plongeant ne suffit pas à la Britannique, elle défie du regard les photographes les lèvres entre-ouvertes.
* Emma Watson s'en sert pour être ultra-sexy en cover de Vogue.
* Scarlett Johansson a une réputation sulfureuse qu'elle entretient en maîtrisant à la perfection l'air de la pose.
* Lorsqu'on est un Ange de Victoria's Secret, on ne peut qu'être sexy, Adriana Lima l'a bien compris.
* Une photo et Jessica Alba prend des airs de sex symbol...
* Non contente de mettre sa silhouette en valeur dans une minidress bustier, Jennifer Lopez joue de ses lèvres glossées.
* Eva Mendes fait partie de la tribu des actrices caliente et son mi sourire fait des ravages.
* Dotée d'une bouche très pulpeuse, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley n'hésite pas à en jouer.
* Même la timide Poppy Delevingne s'y met et elle attire le regard avec un rouge écarlate.
* Lindsay Lohan est une habituée des Duke Face mais elle n'hésite pas à calmer le jeu.
* Amber Heard a tout d'un pin up même la façon de poser.
* Même Kate Moss dont ce n'est pas vraiment le registre s'y met c'est dire si la tendance est une valeur sûre côté séduction.
Toutes les photos
Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
Publiée Le Vendredi 18 Novembre 2011 à 19:30
En matière d'armes de séduction, les femmes hollywoodiennes ne manquent certainement pas de ressources. Entre les jeux de jambes, les side boobs, la crinière au vent et les décolletés plongeants, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Jouant de leur plastique pour séduire, elles utilisent toutes les parties de leur anatomie. Et même la bouche est mise à contribution.
Non on ne parle pas de cette affreuse tendance duke face, ni même de la moue boudeuse. Non, désormais les femmes les plus sexy comme Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Megan Fox ou Scarlett Johansson prennent un malin plaisir à prendre la pose la bouche entre-ouverte.
Prête à dégainer leur sourire Colgate, à murmurer des mots doux ou envoyer quelques légers baisers aux photographes, Bar Refaeli fait tourner les têtes tandis qu'Emma Watson se sert de cette astuce pour augmenter son potentiel de séduction sur la couverture de Vogue.
Parce que oui, la tendance lèvres entre-ouvertes se propage jusqu'en une de magazine, pour preuve la spectaculaire cover du Harper's Bazaar avec Katy Perry ou bien Jessica Alba plus sexy que jamais pour GQ.
Enfin il permet même aux plus allergiques au sourire de faire preuve de séduction sur tapis rouges, Kristen Stewart en a fait une de ses petites astuces.
Quand quelques centimètres d'ouverture qui font des ravages...en images sur Puretrend.
Alerte bouche !
Toutes les photos
Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
Un peu frileuse côté sourire, Kristen Stewart opte pour la bouche entre ouverte pour casser son côté un peu trop sévère sur tapis rouge.
La crinière brillante, le visage lumineux et la bouche entre-ouverte, Demi Moore opte pour une séduction tout en délicatesse.
Bar Refaeli fait coup double en jouant avec sa crinière la bouche entre-ouverte.
Adepte des baisers aux photographes, AnnaLynne McCord garde la bouche ouverte. Toujours prête.
Arrivée très haut au sommet, Blake Lively n'est pas du genre à laisser une astuce mode lui échapper.
Katy Perry atteint grâce à ça des sommets de sexy attitude pour le Harper's Bazaar.
La crinière sauvage, le corps moulé dans une robe Elie Saab, Daisy Lowe sait qu'elle fait sensation. Inutile donc d'en faire trop avec un sourire Colgate et elle a raison.
Le décolleté plongeant ne suffit pas à la Britannique, elle défie du regard les photographes les lèvres entre-ouvertes.
Emma Watson s'en sert pour être ultra-sexy en cover de Vogue.
Scarlett Johansson a une réputation sulfureuse qu'elle entretient en maîtrisant à la perfection l'air de la pose.
Lorsqu'on est un Ange de Victoria's Secret, on ne peut qu'être sexy, Adriana Lima l'a bien compris.
Une photo et Jessica Alba prend des airs de sex symbol...
Non contente de mettre sa silhouette en valeur dans une minidress bustier, Jennifer Lopez joue de ses lèvres glossées.
Eva Mendes fait partie de la tribu des actrices caliente et son mi sourire fait des ravages.
Dotée d'une bouche très pulpeuse, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley n'hésite pas à en jouer.
Même la timide Poppy Delevingne s'y met et elle attire le regard avec un rouge écarlate.
Lindsay Lohan est une habituée des Duke Face mais elle n'hésite pas à calmer le jeu.
Amber Heard a tout d'un pin up même la façon de poser.
Même Kate Moss dont ce n'est pas vraiment le registre s'y met c'est dire si la tendance est une valeur sûre côté séduction.
* Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
* Un peu frileuse côté sourire, Kristen Stewart opte pour la bouche entre ouverte pour casser son côté un peu trop sévère sur tapis rouge.
* La crinière brillante, le visage lumineux et la bouche entre-ouverte, Demi Moore opte pour une séduction tout en délicatesse.
* Bar Refaeli fait coup double en jouant avec sa crinière la bouche entre-ouverte.
* Adepte des baisers aux photographes, AnnaLynne McCord garde la bouche ouverte. Toujours prête.
* Arrivée très haut au sommet, Blake Lively n'est pas du genre à laisser une astuce mode lui échapper.
* Katy Perry atteint grâce à ça des sommets de sexy attitude pour le Harper's Bazaar.
* La crinière sauvage, le corps moulé dans une robe Elie Saab, Daisy Lowe sait qu'elle fait sensation. Inutile donc d'en faire trop avec un sourire Colgate et elle a raison.
* Le décolleté plongeant ne suffit pas à la Britannique, elle défie du regard les photographes les lèvres entre-ouvertes.
* Emma Watson s'en sert pour être ultra-sexy en cover de Vogue.
* Scarlett Johansson a une réputation sulfureuse qu'elle entretient en maîtrisant à la perfection l'air de la pose.
* Lorsqu'on est un Ange de Victoria's Secret, on ne peut qu'être sexy, Adriana Lima l'a bien compris.
* Une photo et Jessica Alba prend des airs de sex symbol...
* Non contente de mettre sa silhouette en valeur dans une minidress bustier, Jennifer Lopez joue de ses lèvres glossées.
* Eva Mendes fait partie de la tribu des actrices caliente et son mi sourire fait des ravages.
* Dotée d'une bouche très pulpeuse, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley n'hésite pas à en jouer.
* Même la timide Poppy Delevingne s'y met et elle attire le regard avec un rouge écarlate.
* Lindsay Lohan est une habituée des Duke Face mais elle n'hésite pas à calmer le jeu.
* Amber Heard a tout d'un pin up même la façon de poser.
* Même Kate Moss dont ce n'est pas vraiment le registre s'y met c'est dire si la tendance est une valeur sûre côté séduction.
Toutes les photos
Megan Fox est un véritable sex symbol et elle sait entretenir son image en prenant la pose la bouche légèrement entre-ouverte façon "oh un photographe !".
Publiée Le Vendredi 18 Novembre 2011 à 19:30
En matière d'armes de séduction, les femmes hollywoodiennes ne manquent certainement pas de ressources. Entre les jeux de jambes, les side boobs, la crinière au vent et les décolletés plongeants, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Jouant de leur plastique pour séduire, elles utilisent toutes les parties de leur anatomie. Et même la bouche est mise à contribution.
Non on ne parle pas de cette affreuse tendance duke face, ni même de la moue boudeuse. Non, désormais les femmes les plus sexy comme Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Megan Fox ou Scarlett Johansson prennent un malin plaisir à prendre la pose la bouche entre-ouverte.
Prête à dégainer leur sourire Colgate, à murmurer des mots doux ou envoyer quelques légers baisers aux photographes, Bar Refaeli fait tourner les têtes tandis qu'Emma Watson se sert de cette astuce pour augmenter son potentiel de séduction sur la couverture de Vogue.
Parce que oui, la tendance lèvres entre-ouvertes se propage jusqu'en une de magazine, pour preuve la spectaculaire cover du Harper's Bazaar avec Katy Perry ou bien Jessica Alba plus sexy que jamais pour GQ.
Enfin il permet même aux plus allergiques au sourire de faire preuve de séduction sur tapis rouges, Kristen Stewart en a fait une de ses petites astuces.
Quand quelques centimètres d'ouverture qui font des ravages...en images sur Puretrend.
Amy Childs is bosom buddies with bra boss Grand entry Amy Childs flashes her boobs as Michelle Mone looks on in admiration
Amy Childs is bosom buddies with bra boss Grand entry Amy Childs flashes her boobs as Michelle Mone looks on in admiration
Grand entry ... Amy Childs flashes her boobs as Michelle Mone looks on in admiration
AMY Childs proves Every Little Helps when it comes to maximising her assets - as she enjoys a night out with underwear magnate Michelle Mone.
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Amy Childs's wild biker shoot
EX-TOWIE beauty Amy Childs looks a real Belles Angel – as she squeezes into jacket
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The former TOWIE babe's surgically-enhanced bust was almost toppling out of her low-cut top at the launch of Tesco's new Bra Queen range.
Amy has signed up to become the body of the lingerie line, and she didn't let her new bosses down in London last night.
Clad in tight trousers and a corset, the reality star ensured all eyes were drawn to her chest.
She posed alongside Bra Queen designer Michelle, who opted for more conservative attire at The Century Club bash.
Amy recently revealed she's upping security measures following the brutal assaults of TOWIE sisters Sam and Billie Faiers by a girl gang in the capital.
The 21-year-old told The Sun last month: "It does make me worry for my own safety.
Breast pals ... Amy Childs and Michelle Mone
Breast pals ... Amy Childs and Michelle Mone
"Everyone sees us as celebrities now, even though we don't see ourselves like that. Billie and Sam certainly don't.
"We are in the public eye and even going out now I'm careful. I went to the Sugar Hut nightclub the other night and I did actually need security.
"I was with my mum and people were pulling at me and crowding round. You also have to be careful about the possibility of people spiking your drink.
"And you get girls who are like, 'Oh my God, look at the state of her, who does she think she is?' You get such jealous girls out there."
Grand entry ... Amy Childs flashes her boobs as Michelle Mone looks on in admiration
AMY Childs proves Every Little Helps when it comes to maximising her assets - as she enjoys a night out with underwear magnate Michelle Mone.
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Amy Childs
Amy Childs's wild biker shoot
EX-TOWIE beauty Amy Childs looks a real Belles Angel – as she squeezes into jacket
* Amy Childs: I'm hiring bouncers
* Amy fears she'll be a turn off
* The Only Way Is Sexy for Jessica
* Amy makes a splash after CBB
The former TOWIE babe's surgically-enhanced bust was almost toppling out of her low-cut top at the launch of Tesco's new Bra Queen range.
Amy has signed up to become the body of the lingerie line, and she didn't let her new bosses down in London last night.
Clad in tight trousers and a corset, the reality star ensured all eyes were drawn to her chest.
She posed alongside Bra Queen designer Michelle, who opted for more conservative attire at The Century Club bash.
Amy recently revealed she's upping security measures following the brutal assaults of TOWIE sisters Sam and Billie Faiers by a girl gang in the capital.
The 21-year-old told The Sun last month: "It does make me worry for my own safety.
Breast pals ... Amy Childs and Michelle Mone
Breast pals ... Amy Childs and Michelle Mone
"Everyone sees us as celebrities now, even though we don't see ourselves like that. Billie and Sam certainly don't.
"We are in the public eye and even going out now I'm careful. I went to the Sugar Hut nightclub the other night and I did actually need security.
"I was with my mum and people were pulling at me and crowding round. You also have to be careful about the possibility of people spiking your drink.
"And you get girls who are like, 'Oh my God, look at the state of her, who does she think she is?' You get such jealous girls out there."
Coco Attempts A Sexy Pose In Her Barely-There Bikini [PHOTOS] Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach Coco showed off her enormous boobs and ample behind Bikini Clad Celebrities, Coco, Ice Loves Coco, Relationships, Sightings, Televi
Coco Attempts A Sexy Pose In Her Barely-There Bikini [PHOTOS] Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach Coco showed off her enormous boobs and ample behind Bikini Clad Celebrities, Coco, Ice Loves Coco, Relationships, Sightings, Television
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
INF Daily
View the Gallery / 26 Photos »
Nicole "Coco" Austin made a valiant attempt at looking sexy for the camera yesterday (November 5th), but fell victim to the powerful waves that splashed her ashore. With her bikini line heading awkwardly north, Coco showed off her enormous boobs and ample behind. JeepersCreepers, lady. What do you find those things?
PHOTOS: Coco And Ice-T Renew Their Vows
Comparatively speaking, this is a very modest bikini. We often find Coco in nothing more than a few pieces of dental floss. According to her tweets, Coco and husband Ice-T are filming the second season of their E! reality show, Ice Loves Coco: "Miami has nice weather.Perfect day 4 the beach!I'm down here shootin my show but 1st I need 2 frolick n the sand & catch some soon."
LISTEN: Coco Is A "Shoe Freak"
Coco then tweeted, "Went 2 the beach & was mobbed by paparazzi!Today I gave them a show & worked it in the water.Your gonna see pics all over the net soon,watch."
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Posted to Bikini Clad Celebrities, Coco, Ice Loves Coco, Relationships, Sightings, TelevisionBy Kelly Lynch
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
* Coco Leopard Print Bikini Pose Sexy Big Butt Miami Beach
INF Daily
View the Gallery / 26 Photos »
Nicole "Coco" Austin made a valiant attempt at looking sexy for the camera yesterday (November 5th), but fell victim to the powerful waves that splashed her ashore. With her bikini line heading awkwardly north, Coco showed off her enormous boobs and ample behind. JeepersCreepers, lady. What do you find those things?
PHOTOS: Coco And Ice-T Renew Their Vows
Comparatively speaking, this is a very modest bikini. We often find Coco in nothing more than a few pieces of dental floss. According to her tweets, Coco and husband Ice-T are filming the second season of their E! reality show, Ice Loves Coco: "Miami has nice weather.Perfect day 4 the beach!I'm down here shootin my show but 1st I need 2 frolick n the sand & catch some soon."
LISTEN: Coco Is A "Shoe Freak"
Coco then tweeted, "Went 2 the beach & was mobbed by paparazzi!Today I gave them a show & worked it in the water.Your gonna see pics all over the net soon,watch."
Posted to Bikini Clad Celebrities, Coco, Ice Loves Coco, Relationships, Sightings, TelevisionBy Kelly Lynch
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Justene Jaro's Boobs Sell Jeans justine_jaro_red_cleavage jpg Justene Jaro and her huge breasts convince the world to run out and buy a pair of The Hundreds jeans
Justene Jaro's Boobs Sell Jeans justine_jaro_red_cleavage jpg Justene Jaro and her huge breasts convince the world to run out and buy a pair of The Hundreds jeans
The headline about says it all really. Check out Justene Jaro and her huge breasts convince the world to run out and buy a pair of The Hundreds jeans. And, yes, we know the ad is a year old. But aren't you glad we decided to feature it to day?
The headline about says it all really. Check out Justene Jaro and her huge breasts convince the world to run out and buy a pair of The Hundreds jeans. And, yes, we know the ad is a year old. But aren't you glad we decided to feature it to day?
Will Boob Job Help Sandra Bullock Get Over Ladies' Man Ryan Reynolds? Sandra Bullock has already allegedly gotten a new face to help her get over Ryan Reynolds. Now she's allegedly getting new boobs too.
Will Boob Job Help Sandra Bullock Get Over Ladies' Man Ryan Reynolds?
Sandra Bullock has already allegedly gotten a new face to help her get over Ryan Reynolds. Now she's allegedly getting new boobs too.
According to Star Magazine (via Gossip Cop), the Oscar winner is "looking to rebound" now that Ryan has hooked up with Blake Lively and "may have settled on the perfect pick-me-up: a boob job!"
"Sandra's considering getting breast augmentation at some point over the holidays," a "source" dishes to the mag. "She wants to look more like she used to when she was younger."
Star's source claims that Sandra is looking to have the procedure done over the holidays because she spent last New Year's Eve with Ryan, so this year that day "will be especially painful to her."
"I think that really hurt her," the source says of Ryan dumping Sandra for Blake. "But she's at the age where there's nothing wrong with a little bit of 'reshaping' to give you a lift emotionally as well as physically."
There's definitely nothing wrong with that! Sandra Bullock is 47, and even though she doesn't have a large chest, it's a fact that breasts get less, uh, perky with age. So although her rep tells Gossip Cop that Star's report is "absurd," if a breast lift and a small augmentation (the source says she's not looking to get "stripper breasts") help her feel better about herself, more power to her!
But what's up with all these stories in the tabloids lately about Ryan Reynolds being some kind of irresistible babe magnet? Obviously he is -- he's ridiculously hot, and he has those abs! But seriously, there have been reports for months about how Sandra is despondent over losing him; how Blake Lively dumped Leonardo DiCaprio (and refuses to get back together with him) because she wanted to hook up with Ryan; and how his ex-wife, Scarlett Johansson, wants to reconcile with him and hates Blake. If all these A-list hotties really aren't fighting over him (and Gossip Cop has claimed all along that Ryan and Sandra never dated), his publicist is doing a great job of making it seem that way.
What do you think? Could Sandra Bullock be getting a breast augmentation to help her get over Ryan Reynolds? Is he really such a lady-killer? Sound off in the comments!
Sandra Bullock has already allegedly gotten a new face to help her get over Ryan Reynolds. Now she's allegedly getting new boobs too.
According to Star Magazine (via Gossip Cop), the Oscar winner is "looking to rebound" now that Ryan has hooked up with Blake Lively and "may have settled on the perfect pick-me-up: a boob job!"
"Sandra's considering getting breast augmentation at some point over the holidays," a "source" dishes to the mag. "She wants to look more like she used to when she was younger."
Star's source claims that Sandra is looking to have the procedure done over the holidays because she spent last New Year's Eve with Ryan, so this year that day "will be especially painful to her."
"I think that really hurt her," the source says of Ryan dumping Sandra for Blake. "But she's at the age where there's nothing wrong with a little bit of 'reshaping' to give you a lift emotionally as well as physically."
There's definitely nothing wrong with that! Sandra Bullock is 47, and even though she doesn't have a large chest, it's a fact that breasts get less, uh, perky with age. So although her rep tells Gossip Cop that Star's report is "absurd," if a breast lift and a small augmentation (the source says she's not looking to get "stripper breasts") help her feel better about herself, more power to her!
But what's up with all these stories in the tabloids lately about Ryan Reynolds being some kind of irresistible babe magnet? Obviously he is -- he's ridiculously hot, and he has those abs! But seriously, there have been reports for months about how Sandra is despondent over losing him; how Blake Lively dumped Leonardo DiCaprio (and refuses to get back together with him) because she wanted to hook up with Ryan; and how his ex-wife, Scarlett Johansson, wants to reconcile with him and hates Blake. If all these A-list hotties really aren't fighting over him (and Gossip Cop has claimed all along that Ryan and Sandra never dated), his publicist is doing a great job of making it seem that way.
What do you think? Could Sandra Bullock be getting a breast augmentation to help her get over Ryan Reynolds? Is he really such a lady-killer? Sound off in the comments!
Boobs on parade: No one cares what anyone actually wears at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Can you really call it a "fashion show" when there's no clothing involved?
Boobs on parade: No one cares what anyone actually wears at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
Can you really call it a "fashion show" when there's no clothing involved?
That's what the leggy, starving, expensively-clad models of Victoria's Secret have been proving every year since 1995. On Tuesday evening, the bling is back with the retailer's annual lingerie soiree.
Filmed on Nov. 9 and airing tonight, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show transfixes men everywhere with a solid hour of T&A, while women the world over cry silently into their wine glasses and vow not to eat for the next month.
Oh, right, and there will be a bevy of bejeweled bras and self-anointed angels with 35-pound wings on their bony backs.
But no one really watches for what the models actually wear on their bodies anyway.
Will you keep your self-esteem intact or will you be picking your jaw up off the floor?
Can you really call it a "fashion show" when there's no clothing involved?
That's what the leggy, starving, expensively-clad models of Victoria's Secret have been proving every year since 1995. On Tuesday evening, the bling is back with the retailer's annual lingerie soiree.
Filmed on Nov. 9 and airing tonight, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show transfixes men everywhere with a solid hour of T&A, while women the world over cry silently into their wine glasses and vow not to eat for the next month.
Oh, right, and there will be a bevy of bejeweled bras and self-anointed angels with 35-pound wings on their bony backs.
But no one really watches for what the models actually wear on their bodies anyway.
Will you keep your self-esteem intact or will you be picking your jaw up off the floor?
Topless Adriana Lima defends extreme Victoria's Secret liquid diet, workout regimen, says quotes were 'a misunderstanding' The svelte runway model explained that preparations for the show are not as stringent as they've been portrayed
Adriana Lima defends extreme Victoria's Secret liquid diet, workout regimen, says quotes were 'a misunderstanding' The svelte runway model explained that preparations for the show are not as stringent as they've been portrayed
NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Model Adriana Lima walks the runway during the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at the Lexington Avenue Armory on November 9, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage)
Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage
Adriana Lima says now that her 'intense' diet prior to the Victoria's Secret runway show isn't as crazy as the media made it out to be.
Rock-hard abs are a common sight on the Victoria's Secret runway, but the sacrifices that go with attaining them aren't actually as drastic as they seem, according to Adriana Lima.
Prior to the highly anticipated event, Lima told the Daily Telegraph that the days leading up to the show involved a very strict regimen of twice-daily workouts and absolutely no solid foods.
Twelve hours before the show, that intake slimmed down to "no liquids at all, sometimes you can lose up to eight pounds just from that," she'd said.
After the Internet began to buzz about Lima's "crazy" diet," the lovely lingerie model, 30, spoke with E! Canada, explaining that there was a "misunderstanding" about just how intense her diet was.
"I just have an athlete's mind and I appreciate doing this thing," she told E! Online. "It's not that I do crazy diets throughout the year. I just do it for this particular thing. After this show, I become normal again!"
The new mom even made a point to show off her backstage snack while speaking with E! Canada: Coffee, water and a piece of cake.
"I have my Starbucks coffee right there was a misunderstanding," she said.
Lima is particularly anxious to get the message out to impressionable young women that her diet is part of her job, but not a part of a normal healthy lifestyle.
"Those teenagers out there, don't go starving yourself or only drinking liquids," she said. "Don't do that please."
The Victoria's Secret angel even decided to tone down her own pre-show preparations this year.
"This year, even though my diet was intense, I took it a little bit easier on the working out so I won't be as muscular," she said.
NEW YORK, NY - NOVEMBER 09: Model Adriana Lima walks the runway during the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show at the Lexington Avenue Armory on November 9, 2011 in New York City. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage)
Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage
Adriana Lima says now that her 'intense' diet prior to the Victoria's Secret runway show isn't as crazy as the media made it out to be.
Rock-hard abs are a common sight on the Victoria's Secret runway, but the sacrifices that go with attaining them aren't actually as drastic as they seem, according to Adriana Lima.
Prior to the highly anticipated event, Lima told the Daily Telegraph that the days leading up to the show involved a very strict regimen of twice-daily workouts and absolutely no solid foods.
Twelve hours before the show, that intake slimmed down to "no liquids at all, sometimes you can lose up to eight pounds just from that," she'd said.
After the Internet began to buzz about Lima's "crazy" diet," the lovely lingerie model, 30, spoke with E! Canada, explaining that there was a "misunderstanding" about just how intense her diet was.
"I just have an athlete's mind and I appreciate doing this thing," she told E! Online. "It's not that I do crazy diets throughout the year. I just do it for this particular thing. After this show, I become normal again!"
The new mom even made a point to show off her backstage snack while speaking with E! Canada: Coffee, water and a piece of cake.
"I have my Starbucks coffee right there was a misunderstanding," she said.
Lima is particularly anxious to get the message out to impressionable young women that her diet is part of her job, but not a part of a normal healthy lifestyle.
"Those teenagers out there, don't go starving yourself or only drinking liquids," she said. "Don't do that please."
The Victoria's Secret angel even decided to tone down her own pre-show preparations this year.
"This year, even though my diet was intense, I took it a little bit easier on the working out so I won't be as muscular," she said.
Miranda Kerr slips into plunging white dress at Victoria's Secret after-show soiree (minus her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra) She spent the day in a skimpy pink dressing gown, and the evening in an array of lingerie on the catwalk.
Miranda Kerr slips into plunging white dress at Victoria's Secret after-show soiree (minus her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra) She spent the day in a skimpy pink dressing gown, and the evening in an array of lingerie on the catwalk.
But it was only at around 10pm that stunning model Miranda Kerr finally put some clothes on.
The 28-year-old Australian star donned a sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired flouncy dress as she arrived to the after-show party at Dream Hotel in Downtown New York.
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Miranda was minus the the $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra she had modelled earlier that evening on the runways at the spectacular Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
Her braless look complemented the backless criss-cross cut of her dress, which she teamed with a pair of strappy heels.
* Adam Levine serenades his model girlfriend Anne Vyalitsyna as she sashays down Victoria's Secret catwalk
* So the liquid diet worked then? All the hard work pays off for Adriana Lima as she sizzles at the Victoria's Secret show
* She looks like a million dollars! Or $2.5m to be precise as Miranda Kerr returns to the Victoria's Secret catwalk in a stunning array of outfits including a diamond-studded bra
Kerr's proud husband, British actor Orlando Bloom, was on hand earlier in the night to watch his wife strut her stuff down the catwalk.
Taking a turn: The event was held at the Dream Hotel in Downtown New York, Kerr pictured here arriving on the pink carpet
Taking a turn: The event was held at the Dream Hotel in Downtown New York, Kerr pictured here arriving on the pink carpet
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
He was not spotted at the after-party, but Kerr had plenty of company in the form of her fellow Victoria's Secret Angels and models.
South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also went for a backless design, wearing a cutaway pink frock which bared her stomach and displayed her cleavage to full effect.
Brazilian stunner Alessandra Ambrosio - who like Kerr is a mother-of-one - wore a statement black leather dress while California girl Lindsay Ellingson slunk to the event in a wrap around red sequinned dress.
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Not letting the side down, Brazilian starlet Izabel Goulart slipped into a form-fitting patterned dress which was eye-wateringly.
Meanwhile, Adriana Lima - who endured a nine-day no-solids diet ahead of the show, was a vision in a short blue number.
The after-party came after a long day of prep and preening as the model were spruced, before taking to the runway to exhibit the lingerie firm's new collection.
It was the most expensive event to stage in the show's 11-year-history at $12m.
Triple the fun: Lily Donaldson, Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton pose together outside the venue
Triple the fun: Lily Donaldson, Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton pose together outside the venue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
But it was only at around 10pm that stunning model Miranda Kerr finally put some clothes on.
The 28-year-old Australian star donned a sexy Marilyn Monroe-inspired flouncy dress as she arrived to the after-show party at Dream Hotel in Downtown New York.
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Bit of all white: Miranda Kerr wore a Marilyn Monroe-inspired dress to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show after party last night
Miranda was minus the the $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra she had modelled earlier that evening on the runways at the spectacular Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
Her braless look complemented the backless criss-cross cut of her dress, which she teamed with a pair of strappy heels.
* Adam Levine serenades his model girlfriend Anne Vyalitsyna as she sashays down Victoria's Secret catwalk
* So the liquid diet worked then? All the hard work pays off for Adriana Lima as she sizzles at the Victoria's Secret show
* She looks like a million dollars! Or $2.5m to be precise as Miranda Kerr returns to the Victoria's Secret catwalk in a stunning array of outfits including a diamond-studded bra
Kerr's proud husband, British actor Orlando Bloom, was on hand earlier in the night to watch his wife strut her stuff down the catwalk.
Taking a turn: The event was held at the Dream Hotel in Downtown New York, Kerr pictured here arriving on the pink carpet
Taking a turn: The event was held at the Dream Hotel in Downtown New York, Kerr pictured here arriving on the pink carpet
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
Long day: Seen left in a skimpy pink dressing gown after getting her hair and make-up done and, right, on the Catwalk in her $2.5m Fantasy Treasure bra
He was not spotted at the after-party, but Kerr had plenty of company in the form of her fellow Victoria's Secret Angels and models.
South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also went for a backless design, wearing a cutaway pink frock which bared her stomach and displayed her cleavage to full effect.
Brazilian stunner Alessandra Ambrosio - who like Kerr is a mother-of-one - wore a statement black leather dress while California girl Lindsay Ellingson slunk to the event in a wrap around red sequinned dress.
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Pretty in pink: South African beauty Candice Swanepoel also brought sexy back in a cutaway fuchsia dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Party frocks: California girl Lindsay Ellingson turned lady in red while Brazilian beauty Alessandra Ambrosio wore a black leather dress
Not letting the side down, Brazilian starlet Izabel Goulart slipped into a form-fitting patterned dress which was eye-wateringly.
Meanwhile, Adriana Lima - who endured a nine-day no-solids diet ahead of the show, was a vision in a short blue number.
The after-party came after a long day of prep and preening as the model were spruced, before taking to the runway to exhibit the lingerie firm's new collection.
It was the most expensive event to stage in the show's 11-year-history at $12m.
Triple the fun: Lily Donaldson, Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton pose together outside the venue
Triple the fun: Lily Donaldson, Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton pose together outside the venue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
Legs eleven: Izabel Goulart wore a skin-tight patterned dress while Adriana Lima was a vision in blue
Leggy Miranda Kerr squeezes into leather hot pants on NYC outing with baby son Flynn After strutting down the catwalk wearing a $2.5 million bra, Miranda Kerr's confidence is clearly at its peak
Leggy Miranda Kerr squeezes into leather hot pants on NYC outing with baby son Flynn
After strutting down the catwalk wearing a $2.5 million bra, Miranda Kerr's confidence is clearly at its peak.
The 28-year-old supermodel stepped out in New York City today with son Flynn wearing tiny leather shorts.
Her legs looked endless in her brief bottoms, though they were also clad in black tights.
Hot mama: Miranda Kerr stepped out in New York City today wearing tiny leather shorts
Hot mama: Miranda Kerr stepped out in New York City today wearing tiny leather shorts
Although the ensemble sounds racy, the Australian model actually looked chic and respectable.
* Ryan Reynolds has a love rival! Blake Lively is inseparable from pet pooch on Gossip Girl set
* Just like mummy: Sarah Jessica Parker and her twin daughters step out in matching coats
* Give me strength! Gaunt Demi Moore clutches an energy drink as Ashton embroils himself in yet another scandal
She wore a simple blue shirt underneath a fashionable black blazer with Wayfarer-style sunglasses and trendy suede shoes.
Her baby son, on the other hand, didn't have any footwear on at all.
We see London, we see France: Kerr cheekily shows off her shorts from behind
We see London, we see France: Kerr cheekily shows off her shorts from behind
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
The youngster wore little white socks with red trousers and a black shirt, but apparently decided to forego his baby booties.
Mother and son seem happy to be reunited, though they were apart as she walked in the 2011 Victoria's Secret runway show on Wednesday night.
Husband Orlando Bloom was on hand to cheer his wife on as she strutted down the catwalk wearing little more than lingerie.
She was the chosen model to wear the brand's iconic Treasury Bra this year.
The 142-carat diamond bra was the highlight of the show, which airs on CBS November 29, as was Miranda.
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Although she gave birth to Flynn in January, she has already shed all of her pregnancy weight.
She recently revealed exactly how she got the job done: her son was her weight loss weapon.
She told the New York Post that she's still breastfeeding her son, which has helped her shed her pregnancy weight.
'It's milking time. I'm still breast feeding. I'm pumping, and it's going well' she said.
Breast feeding is said to burn around 500 calories per day which can equate to an hour running on the treadmill.
$2.5 million baby: Miranda modelled the iconic Victoria's Secret Treasury Bra on Wednesday
$2.5 million baby: Miranda modelled the iconic Victoria's Secret Treasury Bra on Wednesday
A true Angel: Victoria's Secret Angel Kerr posed on the VS show afterparty at Dream Downtown
A true Angel: Victoria's Secret Angel Kerr posed on the VS show afterparty at Dream Downtown
Proud husband: Kerr's husband, Orlando Bloom, cheered her on from the audience
Proud husband: Kerr's husband, Orlando Bloom, cheered her on from the audience
After strutting down the catwalk wearing a $2.5 million bra, Miranda Kerr's confidence is clearly at its peak.
The 28-year-old supermodel stepped out in New York City today with son Flynn wearing tiny leather shorts.
Her legs looked endless in her brief bottoms, though they were also clad in black tights.
Hot mama: Miranda Kerr stepped out in New York City today wearing tiny leather shorts
Hot mama: Miranda Kerr stepped out in New York City today wearing tiny leather shorts
Although the ensemble sounds racy, the Australian model actually looked chic and respectable.
* Ryan Reynolds has a love rival! Blake Lively is inseparable from pet pooch on Gossip Girl set
* Just like mummy: Sarah Jessica Parker and her twin daughters step out in matching coats
* Give me strength! Gaunt Demi Moore clutches an energy drink as Ashton embroils himself in yet another scandal
She wore a simple blue shirt underneath a fashionable black blazer with Wayfarer-style sunglasses and trendy suede shoes.
Her baby son, on the other hand, didn't have any footwear on at all.
We see London, we see France: Kerr cheekily shows off her shorts from behind
We see London, we see France: Kerr cheekily shows off her shorts from behind
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
Shoeless wonder: The 28-year-old model took her shoeless son Flynn out today in Manhattan
The youngster wore little white socks with red trousers and a black shirt, but apparently decided to forego his baby booties.
Mother and son seem happy to be reunited, though they were apart as she walked in the 2011 Victoria's Secret runway show on Wednesday night.
Husband Orlando Bloom was on hand to cheer his wife on as she strutted down the catwalk wearing little more than lingerie.
She was the chosen model to wear the brand's iconic Treasury Bra this year.
The 142-carat diamond bra was the highlight of the show, which airs on CBS November 29, as was Miranda.
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Legs for days: The Australian stunner's pins look miles long in her leather shorts
Although she gave birth to Flynn in January, she has already shed all of her pregnancy weight.
She recently revealed exactly how she got the job done: her son was her weight loss weapon.
She told the New York Post that she's still breastfeeding her son, which has helped her shed her pregnancy weight.
'It's milking time. I'm still breast feeding. I'm pumping, and it's going well' she said.
Breast feeding is said to burn around 500 calories per day which can equate to an hour running on the treadmill.
$2.5 million baby: Miranda modelled the iconic Victoria's Secret Treasury Bra on Wednesday
$2.5 million baby: Miranda modelled the iconic Victoria's Secret Treasury Bra on Wednesday
A true Angel: Victoria's Secret Angel Kerr posed on the VS show afterparty at Dream Downtown
A true Angel: Victoria's Secret Angel Kerr posed on the VS show afterparty at Dream Downtown
Proud husband: Kerr's husband, Orlando Bloom, cheered her on from the audience
Proud husband: Kerr's husband, Orlando Bloom, cheered her on from the audience
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